
  1. 在华南地区广东省佛山市举行的一年一度的世界消费者权益保护日咨询活动中,消费者们学习如何分辨真酒和假酒。

    Consumers learn to distinguish genuine liquor from the fake version during a consultation activity held for the annual World Consumer Rights Day in Foshan , South China 's Guangdong province .

  2. 加拿大人回答,我这两个月来只是喝了一些真尼酒,实在用不着责备我!

    the Canadian shot back . Considering the amount of gin I 've had these past two months , you 've got nothing to complain about !

  3. 没有酒、面包和肉,对一个真正的萨克逊人来说,是不舒服的,因为牛排是他的家常便饭,喝适量的白兰地或真尼酒并不使他害怕!

    This shortage of wine , bread , and meat isn 't suitable for an upstanding Anglo-Saxon , a man accustomed to beefsteak and unfazed by regular doses of brandy or gin !

  4. 我真希望那些酒把你溺死!

    And I hope you drown in it !

  5. 仍不满足的这只猪又捡起之前喝完的瓶子,确认里面真的一点儿酒也不剩了。

    Not content with its alcohol fix the pig then picks up one of the bottles it had finished moments earlier , ensuring it had consumed all the beer it could have .