
  • 网络true altitude;True Height;Marc Janko
  1. 他风格真高。或者我是否应该说他很懦弱?

    That was sporting of him . Or should I say cowardly

  2. 你这一招可真高。

    That was really a brilliant stroke [ move ; idea ] of yours .

  3. 这主意真高!

    What a brilliant idea !

  4. 你长得真高啊!

    How tall you 've grown !

  5. 我到了客厅,那个人看上去可真高。

    When I got there , the guy looked like he was really tall .

  6. 哇!那个高跷表演者真高!

    NO05 , Wow ! The stilt walkers are so tall !

  7. 韩佳,这里的山真高啊。

    Han Jia , the mountains here are very high .

  8. 我真高心我这次期末考试得了100分。

    I 'm so wrapped that I got100 in the final examination .

  9. 阿憨,你在窗子里面显得真高啊。

    Han , you look so tall in the window .

  10. 麦加:这些发达国家体育消费水平真高啊!

    Maiga : The consumption level of these advanced countries is real-ly high .

  11. 她去洗手间的频率真高。

    She goes to the bathroom a lot .

  12. 真高与你来这里玩!

    Glad you came out to visit !

  13. 那只蜻蜓风筝飞得真高。

    That dragonfly-shaped kite flies quite high .

  14. 啊,王涛。他真高,篮球也打得很好。

    Hmm , Wang tao . he 's so tall and plays basketball really well .

  15. 你追查子弹的效率还真高啊

    You tracked that round pretty fast .

  16. 你妈妈的要求真高!

    Your mother is so demanding !

  17. 你的工作效率真高!

    How well organised you are !

  18. 这座山真高!

    How high the mountain is !

  19. 这个人真高!

    How tall the man is !

  20. 你的品味真高啊,你应该知道怎么搭配好衣服。

    What a great taste you have ! You have to know how to dress well .

  21. 跳得真高哇!——小兔子想——真希望我也可以跳得像它一样高。

    That 's good hopping , thought Little Nutbrown Hare . I wish I could hop like that .

  22. 去年夏天,我们游览了伊利诺伊和爱荷华州,那个地区的庄稼长得真高。

    We visited Illinois and Iowa last summer ; in that neck of the woods , the corn really grows tall .

  23. 你们甚至给我指定了用户名和密码,密码保密性真高,我还得将之藏在“安全的地方”,以防他人窃取。

    You even issued me a user name and a password so secret it had to be hidden in a " safe place " lest someone purloin it .

  24. 研究表明,高倾角溶蚀裂缝在水平井中FMI资料上的表现为视倾角较低,真倾角高;

    Study indicates that high dip dissolution fracture is presented with lower apparent dip and high true dip in FMI data .

  25. 真丝绸高色牢度染料和涂料复合印花工艺研究

    Study on Dyes with High Color Fastness and Complex Pigment Printing Process of Silk Fabrics

  26. 罗斯:我得承认,二位,这可真是高姿态啊!

    Ross : I 've got to say you guys , that 's an incredible gesture !

  27. 你认为中国人的婚姻家庭和社会的生活质量真的高吗?

    Do you think Chinese people 's marriage , family and social life quality is really high ?

  28. 爱尔兰10年期国债收益率目前仍高达7.8%,考虑到该国经济活动极其疲弱,这个水平真是高得离谱。

    Irish 10-year government bond yields are still up at 7.8 per cent , a ludicrously high level given the weakness of economic activity .

  29. 他对IOL说:“学习阿拉伯语的需求真的很高”。

    " The demand on learning Arabic is really high ," he told IOL .

  30. 当然,Java并不真的具有高阶函数,但如果严格限制特定的数据结构与类型,就可以编写很好的模拟。

    Of course , Java doesn 't really have higher-order functions , but you can write a good analog if you restrict it to a particular data structure and type .