  • Fault;a surname
  • 张目仰视的样子:~盱。

  • 欢乐的样子:扬袂~舞

  • 水名。在河南,流入汩水,早已湮塞,仅有上游一支流流入惠济河。

  • 睢县,在河南。

  • 见“恣睢”。

  • 姓。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 睢世雄

    Sui Shixiong

  1. 他是个自私自利、假仁假义的女人,我睢不起她。

    She is a selfish , hypocritical woman , and I have no opinion of her .

  2. 这是骄傲,或许我也巴望邻居会从篱笆边探过头来,说:「睢!

    Or , it may be that my neighbours may look over the wall and say , 'How finely your garden flourishes ! 'This is vanity .

  3. 两军相持四个多月,秦军仍拿不下长平。秦王采纳了范睢的建议,用离间法让赵王怀疑廉颇,赵王中计,调回廉颇,派赵括为将到长平与秦军作战。

    This made Zhao Kuo very haughty so much so he sent a letter to the Qin army and proposed a final battle where winner takes all .
