
  • 网络matrix;Contradiction Matrix
  1. 结合实例,运用矛盾矩阵查找创新原理,完成新产品的概念设计。

    According to the actual example and by means of conflict matrix search principle , the concept design of the new product has been completed .

  2. 本文介绍了TRIZ理论的基本原理和方法,运用矛盾冲突矩阵对液晶显示器LED背光源散热问题进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the basic theory and method of TRIZ , and analyzed heat dissipation problem of LED back light units with conflict matrix .

  3. 最后,根据具体的需求对静态潜在矛盾设计结构矩阵进行动态变化,对客户需求定制进行全方位的过程导航和反馈,帮助客户完成需求定制。

    Finally , the DSM is dynamically transformed according to specific demand , providing overall process feedback and navigation for customers and helping them complete customization demand .

  4. 利用切比雪夫多项式使矛盾方程组系数矩阵正交化,利用Householder变换直接解矛盾方程组,尽可能降低病态条件数,提高了计算精度。

    The coefficient matrix is orthogonalized by using polynomial and the overdetermined equations are solved by Householder transformation . The numerical ill-condition is decreased as low as possible , hence the operational accuracy is increased .

  5. 针对在遥感图像处理中,在进行图像像素坐标与地理坐标相互转换时,转换速度和转换精度不能同时满足的矛盾,引入索引矩阵的概念,提出并实现了一种新的快速转换算法。

    Coordinating transformation between image of GIS data and geodetic coordinates is problem frequently met in processing of remote sensing images , which involves a contradiction between processing speed and conversion accuracy .

  6. 采用上述所编写的软件对现有条件下数控车削加工中心所存在的冲突矛盾进行分析,并且运用矛盾冲突矩阵中的发明创新原理。

    With the program mentioned above , the programming analyzed improvement conflicts of the numerical control turning center , and used the principle of invention and innovation to the matrix of contradiction conflict .