
  1. 例如,CIO想要驱动创新,包括成本和业务单元之间的沟通。

    For example , a CIO may want to drive innovation , contain costs , and improve communication with business unit counterparts .

  2. 互联网的兴起,已成为一个用户驱动创新的神话。

    The rise of the Internet has been a tale of user-driven innovation .

  3. 我们需要重新考虑应如何利用资金来刺激和驱动创新。

    We need to revisit how we use capital to stimulate and drive innovation .

  4. 具有独创才能的尖端用户,正在成为驱动创新的经济引擎,而不是普通的消费者或者只注重利润的生产商。

    Ingenious leading-edge users not everyday consumers or Profit-Focused producers are becoming the economic engines that drive innovation .

  5. 技术公司花费数以亿计的美元来购买专利&而非驱动创新,只是在防范潜在的诉讼。

    Tech companies are spending billions of dollars to buy up patents & not to drive innovation , but to defend themselves from potential lawsuits .

  6. 在逻辑上,国家创新体系的结构是长期演化的产物,它经历了技术主义的创新模式、市场驱动创新模式和技术驱动与市场拉动的创新模式等发展阶段。

    In logic , the structure of the national innovation system is a product of long-term evolvement , going through the stages of innovating patterns of technism , market driving , technology and market driving etc.

  7. 当你研究任何一个经济体的基本竞争力时,你会发现,那些以人才驱动创新,并能够就此创造出就业岗位和财富的经济体,将会获得竞争优势。

    When you look at the fundamental competitiveness of any economy , the winning edge is going to be obtained by talent-driven innovation and the ability to create the jobs and wealth that go with that .

  8. 未预见发现(Unexpecteddiscovery,UXD)是一种驱动产品创新的科学认知设计过程。

    Unexpected discovery ( UXD ) is a design method of scientific cognation which drives product innovation .

  9. 当然,欧洲各国政府和欧盟(eu)可以动用其采购力以及在设定标准方面的影响力,确保在卫生保健、数字科技、公共教育和能源网络方面,用户驱动的创新基础能够与专有厂商抗衡。

    Certainly , national governments and the European Union could use their procurement power and standards-setting influence to ensure that in healthcare , digital technologies , public education and energy networks , user-driven innovation infrastructures are granted parity with proprietary vendors .

  10. 由此,作者提出了知识驱动协同创新(KnowledgeDrivenCollaborativeCreation,KDCC)的产品开发模式,构建知识驱动协同创新的产品开发支持系统基本框架,研究以过程链为手段的方法体系;

    Therefore we propose the new pattern of product development of knowledge driven collaborative creation ( KDCC ), and construct the basic framework of the system , which supports the product development of KDCC . At the same time , we study the method system taking process chain as means ;

  11. 大多数批评者都以市场驱动的创新为对比。

    Most of these critics have market-based innovation in their sights .

  12. 在鼓励用户驱动的创新基础设施方面,欧洲领导世界潮流。

    Europe led the world in promoting user-driven innovation infrastructures .

  13. 知识驱动协同创新的产品开发模型

    Product development model for knowledge driven collaborative innovation

  14. 很明显,顶尖的个体企业家正驱动着创新向前发展。

    where the individual entrepreneur at the top was clearly driving the innovation forward .

  15. 这就是当下已经存在的由科技驱动的创新。

    This is the kind of innovation , empowered by this technology , that exists today .

  16. 政府采购驱动技术创新的机制及实证&来自欧盟9国的经验证据

    The Mechanism and Empirical Study of Government Procurement Drives Technology Innovation : The Evidence of 9 European Union Countries

  17. 为提高企业产品创新能力,提出了知识驱动协同创新的产品开发理念。

    To increase product innovative ability for enterprise , the product development idea of knowledge driven collaborative innovation was presented .

  18. 以创新能力驱动技术创新活动发展需要企业强烈的创新意识和高效的创新服务中介。

    To promote the development of Innovation activities with innovating capability requires an accurate innovation awareness of enterprises and efficient innovation service agencies .

  19. 研究了知识驱动协同创新的创成和吸纳相集成的原理、再设计建议的智能化生成方法及其过程链流程组织策略。

    The integration principles of generation with adoption , the intelligent generation methods of redesign instance and the organization strategies of process chain flow were studied .

  20. 例如,在社区主导的“全面卫生设施”方法中,当地驱动的创新(主要是改变行为)可以取代把重点放在标准公共厕所的补贴供应。

    For example , in community-led approaches to'total sanitation ' , locally-driven innovations ( primarily changes in behaviour ) can replace a focus on the subsidised provision of standard latrines .

  21. 复合型教练团队的运行特征具有科研先导性,体现了总局提出的竞技体育发展从要素驱动向创新驱动转变的要求。

    The operating characteristics of the dominant sports composite coach team have a research pilot , reflecting the Administration proposed changing requirements from factor-driven to innovation-driven development of competitive sports .

  22. 只有技术创新才能实现经济增长方式由要素驱动向创新驱动转变,由粗放型向集约型转变,由外延型向内涵型转变。

    Strengthening the technical innovation can realize the economy to transform from the essential factor actuation to the innovation actuation , from the extensive type to the intensive , from the extension to connotation .

  23. 是时候重新思考IT[并且建议]所需要的是业务与IT的融合&“将IT和业务相融合以专注于技术驱动的创新”。

    ] that it is time to rethink IT [ and suggests ] what is needed is a fusion of business and IT-a " blending of IT with the business to focus on technology-enabled innovation " .

  24. 浙江产业集群发展正面临着由投资驱动向创新驱动转变、由规模扩张向内涵提升转变,技术创新是实现这一转变的关键。

    The development of industrial cluster in Zhejiang province is at a period with a shift from investment drive to innovation drive and from scale expansion to connotation enhancement . Technological innovation plays an essential role in realizing the shift .

  25. 第四,通过深入分析宁波的现实情况,最终将探讨宁波如何选择由投资驱动向创新驱动转变的合理道路,逐步实现全面转变经济增长方式的目标。

    Fourth , through in-depth analysis of the realities of Ningbo City , the thesis gradually explores how to select the paths to change from investment-driven to innovation-driven in a reasonable way , and ultimately to achieve the transformation of economic growth targets .

  26. 三是要加快自主研发与创新能力:培养高素质人才,实现人力驱动的创新;营造创新的政策环境,加大对知识产权的保护;加快品牌建设,营造企业创新环境和文化理念。

    Third is to accelerate independent research and development and innovation capacity : high-quality talents , realize human-driven innovation ; create a policy environment , step up protection of intellectual property rights , speeding up the brand building , building a creative environment , and cultural philosophy .

  27. 我们相信Janova蕴含了成功企业所需要的眼光、驱动力以及创新精神。

    We believe Janova embodies the vision , drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture .

  28. 新型液压起重器驱动机构的创新设计

    Innovation Design in the Driving Mechanism of New Hydraulic Hoisting Jack

  29. 混合驱动机构的创新设计及其应用

    Creative Design of Hybrid-driven Mechanisms and Their Applications in Engineering

  30. 基于本体驱动的产品创新方法研究与实现

    Research on the Methods of Product Development Based on Ontological Knowledge Driven Innovation