
zhī mínɡ shānɡ pǐn
  • brand commodity;commodity of famous brands
  1. 商标权与知名商品的特有名称冲突问题研究

    Study on Conflict between Right of Trademark and Specific Names of Famous Goods

  2. 知名商品特有名称的司法认定

    On the Judicial Judgement of the Special Name Belonging to A Well-known Commodity

  3. 在先知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢的认定与保护&费列罗案引发的思考

    Reflections on the Authentication and Protection of Specific Packaging and Decorating of the First Well-known Commodities

  4. 因而,探讨知名商品特有名称的认定对司法实践具有现实意义。

    Therefore , to discuss how to cognize it has some realistic meanings for judicatory practice .

  5. 可以说知名商品的知名度是介于普通商品和驰名商品之间的一种状态。

    We can say that well-known commodities ' visibility is between ordinary goods and well-known goods .

  6. 虽然引用了这样的知名商品作名字,不过游戏和那只绚烂的足球没有多大关联。

    Cited for such a well-known name , but the football games and would only gorgeous little correlation .

  7. 知名商品是指在市场上具有相当知名度,并为相关公众所知悉的商品。

    Famous Commodities is with a good name recognition and well known by the relevant public in the market .

  8. 针对我国知名商品特有包装、装潢的保护现状,提出完善建议。

    Depend on conservation status of packaging and decoration of the well-know commodity , I put forward some proposals .

  9. 本案的特殊性在于知名商品的特有包装装潢的归属并不明确。

    The particularity of this case lies in the unique product packaging and decoration of famous attribution is not clear .

  10. 但受其保护限定在知名商品的包装装潢上,并且须具备独特性和可混淆性。

    But protected by limited product packaging and decoration on the well-known , and must have unique and can be confusing .

  11. 知名商品特有名称是适用《反不正当竞争法》保护的一种新型知识产权。

    The special name belonging to a well-known commodity is a new type of intellectual property which is protected by Law Against Unfair Competition .

  12. 本文首先解决的是什么是知名商品,它的认定方式和标准有哪些。

    First of all , we resolve the problem of what is famous commodities , and what are the standard of its identification way .

  13. 商业外观的反不正当竞争法保护,我国反不正当竞争法也将知名商品的包装和装潢作为商业外观的一种进行保护。

    Trade dress protection against unfair competition , anti-unfair competition law in China will be well-known product packaging and decorating as a business to protect the appearance .

  14. 为了有效遏制这种仿冒知名商品的行为,我国在《反不正当竞争法》中对此种不正当竞争行为进行了规定。

    In order to effectively curb the behavior of such well-known counterfeit goods ,," Anti-Unfair Competition Law " provide such acts of unfair competition in our country .

  15. 擅自使用知名商品的包装、装潢的行为就是一种在市场上普遍出现的、危害巨大的不正当竞争行为。

    The imitation of the particular package and decoration of the famous merchandise without authorization is more than often the observable unfair competition which poses the fiercest damage .

  16. 在该类案件中,抢注人常常会出于不同的目的抢注知名商品的商标,能否一概认定为恶意注册值得我们探讨。

    In such cases , people often rush to register the well-known trademark with different aims . So it is worthy of our consideration on confirmation of malicious registration .

  17. 本文从三个案例引入,探讨了知名商品特有名称的定义及其司法认定标准,并提出了对现有相关法律制度进行改进的意见。

    Through introduction of three cases , this article probes into the definition and identification standards of specific names of famous commodities and proposes improvement for relevant laws and regulations .

  18. 在我国立法上并没有明确的所谓商业标记权之说,但对商标、企业名称、知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢等商业标记的保护是确确实实地存在着。

    There is no the concept of so called business identifier rights in Chinese laws , but business identifiers such as trademarks , trade names are actually protected in practice .

  19. 知名商品特有的名称、包装及装潢是一种非常重要的商业标记。

    The particular trade names , packages and decorations of the well-known commodity , which can be treated as the business identifiers , play an significant role in reorganization and decoration .

  20. 第三,笔者解析了知名商品之上蕴含的应受法律保护的要素以及进行法律保护时造成权利冲突的解决办法和原则。

    Third , the author analyzes the famous goods on which contains the elements shall be protected by law , and the solution and principle when legal protecting rights conflict was caused .

  21. 商业标记包括商标、商号(字号、厂商名称)、地理标志、域名、产地标记、知名商品特有名称、包装、装璜及商业广告短语、企业徽标等。

    Commercial mark contains trademark , enterprise name , geographical indication , domain name in network , symbol of product region , specific mark for famous goods , package , advertising phrase and enterprise symbol etc.

  22. 由于外观设计本身的特殊性,因此一个外观设计权的客体可能同时存在专利权、著作权、商标权和知名商品特有包装装潢权等两种或两种以上的权利。

    Due to the its special nature , the subject of design may be protected under two or more kinds of right , including patent , copyright , trademark , well-known commodity packaging and decoration right etc. .

  23. 其次,笔者从知名商品特有名称的认定、相同或相近似使用的认定和是否造成公众混淆等问题展开论述,论证北京泥人张的行为是否构成不正当竞争。

    Secondly , the author launches elaboration from famous product-specific cognizing , same or approximate using , and causing the public confusion , and demonstrates whether Beijing " Clay Figurine Zhang " constitutes an act of unfair competition .

  24. 工业品外观设计不同于发明和实用新型因其兼有一定程度的艺术性;又不同于作品,其艺术性远没有纯艺术品之高;在本质上更不同于商标或知名商品特有的包装、装潢。

    Industrial design is different from invention and utility model because it contains the art skills to some degree ; and it differed from work of art that contains more art skills ; while in nature it also differed from unique package and decoration of commodities and trademark .

  25. 知名形象商品化权研究

    Study on Merchandising Right

  26. 对知名形象商品化权的保护不仅保护了主体的利益、消费者的利益,也有利于市场竞争秩序的维护。

    The protection to the merchandising right of the well-known image can not only protect the subjects ' and consumers ' interest , but also make for the maintenance of the market competition order .

  27. 论知名形象的商品化权保护

    A Study on Protection of Well-Know Image by the by the Merchandising Right

  28. 许多知名品牌的商品在广告宣传过程中,都使用礼品广告作为桥梁来沟通。

    Many well-known brands of goods in the process of advertising , use your gift as a bridge to communicate .

  29. 可是,进一步分析,我们就可以发现我国出口的商品绝大部分是无品牌,或者贴国外知名品牌的商品,自主品牌的商品极少,世界知名品牌更是基本没有。

    Through further analysis , however , we can find out that few of the exported products boast of famous brands , let alone world-class names .

  30. 与纽约和伦敦不同,亚洲没有一家知名的大宗商品交易所或结算所,从而增大了对手风险。

    The region , in contrast to New York and London , does not have a prominent commodities exchange or clearing house , exacerbating counterparty risk .