
  • 网络perceptual constancy;Perception constancy
  1. 大小恒常性是最重要的知觉恒常性之一。

    Size constancy is one of the most important perceptual constancy .

  2. 知觉恒常性作为人类视觉系统最基本和最重要的功能之一,对人类正确稳定地感知世界起着极其重要的作用。

    As one of the most basic and important visual functions , perceptual constancy plays a key role for the human beings stably perceiving the real world .

  3. 观察距离、刺激物运行空距与运动知觉恒常性的关系

    Observation distance and length traversed by stimulus as variables in constancy of visual movement

  4. 辐合在大小知觉恒常性中的作用

    The role of convergence in size constancy

  5. 立体深度知觉恒常性的研究

    Experimental study on stereoscopic depth constancy

  6. 幻嗅过程中知识和经验的调整作用与时间知觉恒常性

    The Knowledge and Experience Regulation in the Process of Olfactory Hallucination and the Constancy of Time Perception

  7. 为了使计算机视觉系统具有类似的感知功能,知觉恒常性计算成为了计算机视觉领域中一个重要的研究课题。

    In order to make computer vision system have the similar visual perception function , perceptual constancy computation has become one of the most important research topic in the computer vision field .

  8. 在国际冲突中,镜像的形成、移情的缺失、知觉的恒常性、投射、因镜像而导致的错误性归因以及自我证实的预言的实现都会加剧国际冲突。

    The mirror image of the parties to the conflict , the absence of empathy , the permanence of perception , projection , the attribution caused by mirror image and self-fulfilling prophecy can intensify the international conflict .