
  1. 盖尔的父亲戴维-我还未见过他的面-以知女莫若父的态度来对付我们的决定。

    Gail 's father , David , whom I had not yet met personally , approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude .

  2. 我认为她应该受到表扬,因为她努力收录了一些鲜为人知的女科学家的轶事。

    I think she is to be commended for making an effort to include anecdotes about little-known female scientists .

  3. 不要带酒类饮料,除非你确知主人或女主人偏爱什么酒。

    Do not bring alcoholic beverages unless you are sure of your host 's or hostess 's preferences in drinks .

  4. 这一天陆高止因受不了青蝇苦扰,发射金针,钉死了数十只,哪知却给女弟子在窗外偷看到了。

    On this day only because of the high land and can not stand bluebottle suffering interference , launch lilies , nail the dozens , did not realize that gave female students saw in the window to steal .