
  • 网络intellectual property
  1. SCO的另一个工具是混乱术语“知识财产”。

    Another SCO tool of obfuscation is the term " intellectual property " .

  2. 马云在中国杭州阿里巴巴总部说:“我们必须保护(知识财产),我们必须想方设法阻止假货,但是OEMs(代工厂)制造出来的货物更好,价格更合理。”

    Speaking from his Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou China Mr Ma said : ' We have to protect ( intellectual property ) we have to do everything to stop the fake products but OEMs ( Original Equipment Manufacturers ) are making better products at a better price .

  3. 11年前,我们成立了大使知识财产圆桌会议。

    We established the Ambassadors Intellectual Property Roundtable 11 years ago .

  4. 日本知识财产立国战略研究

    Study on State IPR Strategy of Japan

  5. 第三,企业必须最大程度地保护其物质财产和知识财产。

    Third , that businesses must have maximum protection for their physical and intellectual property .

  6. 这一章也介绍了有助于知识财产法定化的官方渠道。

    This chapter also identifies authoritative sources to assist in the formalization process of intellectual property .

  7. 组织资本包括企业整体流程、组织结构设计、运用信息技术的能力、知识财产管理与信息系统架构;市场资本包括合作伙伴关系、顾客导向经营、顾客关系管理与供应商关系。

    Organization capital involves four dimensions : organizational structure design , the ability to use information technology , intellectual property and information systems management framework .

  8. 新线电影公司在一份声明中称,该公司很高兴能有机会来探索使用这一永恒的知识财产。

    A statement from New Line Cinema said the firm was thrilled to have the opportunity to explore use of the " timeless " intellectual property .

  9. 最后,本文研究了实现反不正当竞争法保护知识财产功能的主要机制,一般条款和列举条款。

    Finally , this article studies the main mechanics for unfair competition law to fulfill its functions of protecting intellectual property : general clause and enumerating clause .

  10. 倘若可以无限制地用私权形式保护任何知识财产,反不正当竞争法在知识财产保护领域就没有多少发挥作用的余地。

    If we can protect intellectual property by private right unlimitedly , there will be no space for unfair competition law to play an important role in .

  11. 伴随着知识财产逐渐取代有形财产成为社会财产的重心,知识产权权利冲突现象日渐彰显。

    Following the knowledge property to substitute for the tangible property to become the social center property gradually , the conflicts between intellectual rights are becoming strong day by day .

  12. 驰名商标作为一种宝贵的知识财产,是商标所有人长期苦心经营培育起来的,凝聚着经营者的心血与信誉。

    Well-known trademark as one kind of invisible property , is long-term managed painstakingly by the owner of trademark , it embody the painstaking effort and credit standing of the operators .

  13. 知识财产、智力成果从根本上说,应当属于全人类,社会进步就是在智力成果的创造主体们不断互相学习、摹仿的过程中发展的。

    The society develops in the process of learning and imitating by creators of the intellectual achievements . Protection of intellectual property rights is in this sense the pursuit of general public interest .

  14. 这也正是惠普实验室所创造的知识财产的核心,它基于纠偏编码,一种出现了许多年的编码技术。

    And that is a key bit of IP that was created at HP Labs . It 's based on erasure coding , which is a coding technique that 's been around for many years .

  15. 然后对虚拟财产的定义和特性进行了分析,指出虚拟财产不同于传统的有形财产和知识财产,而是一种全新的财产类型;

    Then this article makes a definition and characteristics analysis of virtual property , pointing out that virtual property differs from the traditional tangible property and intellectual property , but a kind of bran-new property type .

  16. 51岁的亿万富翁随后对他的言论辩解:“这只是我在面对品牌和代工厂的问题上作出的个人观察”,仿冒品不是一个质量问题,仿冒品是一个知识财产问题。

    The 51-year-old billionaire later defended his remarks saying : ' This is simply my observation of the issues facing brands and OEMs . Counterfeiting is not a quality problem ; counterfeiting is an intellectual property problem . "

  17. 技术许可办公室负责管理斯坦福大学的知识产权财产。

    OTL is responsible for managing the intellectual property assets of Stanford University .

  18. 知识产权与财产法一体化构建

    On Unification between Intellectual Property and Property law

  19. 实质上,版权保护的是知识或艺术财产。

    In essence , the protection of copyright protects the property of knowledge and arts .

  20. 知识产权对财产法一体化构建提出了许多新问题:知识产权发展了传统财产对象的范围,从“有体物”扩大为“知识”;

    Intellectual property expands the range of traditional property , in which property includes not only material body but also knowledge .

  21. 作为先进制造领域的核心技术,针对数控系统软件安全方面的研究,对国家的知识产权以及财产安全保护有着重要意义。

    As a core technology of advanced manufacturing , CNC system copyright protection is of great value on protection of our intellectual and commercial property .

  22. 知识产权这种无形财产的魅力,吸引着跨国公司争先申请和保护自身企业知识产权。

    Charm of the intangible value of Intellectual property rights had greatly attracted the multinational company to apply and protect their own interests .

  23. 知识产权作为新型财产,越来越多的被现代企业所运用,成为形成市场竞争优势的重要资产。

    Intellectual property , which is some kind of new asset , applied by more and more enterprises to achieve comparison advantage in the market .

  24. 知识产权与无形财产权、信息产权、工业版权、商品化权等概念具有一定的联系与区别。

    There exist a certain relation and differences in the conceptions between intellectual property rights and invisible property rights , information property rights , industrial copyrights , commercialization rights .

  25. 本办法所称的产权,是指包括物权、债权、股权、知识产权等各类财产权利。

    The term " property rights " mentioned in these Procedures refers to all kinds of property rights including real right , creditor 's right , equity right and intellectual property right .

  26. 因为他们感谢祖国对他们的养育和支持,他们贡献出自己在国外获得的知识、经验和财产回来建设祖国。

    Because they are grateful for their homeland 's nourishment and support , they return to contribute to the construction of their country with the knowledge , experience and wealth acquired abroad .

  27. 利益平衡原则的提出根源于知识产与有形财产的自然属性以及知识产权与有形财产权在性质上的差异,知识产权制度中更多地体现出法律的控制。

    The interest balancing principle is rooted in the differences between the natural attributes of intellectual property and tangible property , and intellectual property right and property right . Intellectual property institution is regulated by law in a larger scale .

  28. 在现代,知识产权的重要性日益凸现,知识财产已成为重要的社会财富。

    In modern times , the importance of intellectual property is becoming more and more protruding , intellectual property has become an important social wealth .

  29. 优秀教练员之所以优秀,就是因为,他所具备的知识经过了实践的验证,成为教练员宝贵的知识财产。(5)我国优秀田径教练员的知识结构应为金字塔型结构。

    The excellent coach owns valuable knowledge which has been tested in practice . ( 8 ) Knowledge structure of excellent track and field coaches in our country should be the pyramid type .

  30. 知识管理作为一个系统,用来管理组织内生成的集体知识财产。

    Knowledge Management as those systems that manage the corporate knowledge asset that is generated throughout the organization .