- centre of moment;centroid

The Choice of the Centre of Moment of Momentum in the Theorem of Moment of Momentum
Analysis of the Harvard global CMT catalogue reveals a significant regularity of the distribution of hypocenter and centroid depths . Statistically , for shallow earthquakes , the hypocenter depth seems systematically greater than centroid depth , while for deep and intermediate depth earthquakes there is no such a characteristic .
Due to FFT demodulation of DFH communication system , an HF passive RTFS solution based on signal energy and ICF ( Interference Centroid Frequency ) is presented in detailed .
Comparison between the NEIC broadband radiated energy catalogue and the Harvard CMT catalogue provides information about apparent stress .
Distribution of Hypocenter and Centroid Depths and Its Focal Mechanism Dependence
Due to centroiding algorithm is adopted the subpixel accuracy is obtained .
Angular Momentum Theorem of the Particle System to the Moving Moment Center
Angular momentum law with moving momental center and its application
Instantaneous Circle of Moment & Center of a Rigid Body in Plane Motion
Frequency Domain Centroid Criterion for Diagnosis of Machine Tool Chattering in Its Early Stage
A walk-free centroid method for lifetime measurement of ~ ( 207 ) Pb 569.7 keV state
A preliminary study of tracking and warning severe storms by the method of tracking echo centroids
Wavelet transform and moment center
The main moment equation using any moving point as moment center analysis on neutral grounding of distribution system
The instantaneous circle of moment & center of a rigid body in plane motion is defined by this paper .
Two kinds of interpolation algorithms are analyzed and concluded that the centroiding algorithm is better for star spot position estimation .
An improvement have been made in acquiring data of delayed coincidence spectra with ND-620 data acquisition system and off-line data analysis program .
The centroid tracking technique is employed to match the storms at one time with those at the following , and mergence and division have been taken into account .
Seismic static stress triggering model are tested using Harvard centroid moment tensor ( CMT ) solution catalogue of 1976 ~ 2000 and concept of ″ earthquake doublet ″ .
It is reasonable to employ the focal mechanism solution and depth in Harvard CMT catalogue and Xinjiang results of the location epicenter , and 7 mid-strong aftershocks occured all in the increasing region of coulomb fracture stress , which passes signal test .
This theorem is deduced directly from Newton Laws and can be applied to various kinds of kinetic equations used in plane motion of rigid body : moment about fixed axis , center of mass , instantaneous acceleration center , some particular instantaneous velocity center and arbitrary moving point .
Choosing the Moment Center of Angular Momentum in the Rigid Body with planar Motion
And the main moment equation is the theorem of moment of momentum , using any moving point as moment center .
On the Selection of the Center of Moment in Applying the Theorems of Moment of Momentum to Rigid Body Plane Motion
Seismic moment difference cannot be greater than 1 fold , corresponding to magnitude difference about 0 2.Slip vectors determining from seismic moment tensor solution of China seismologists and Harvard CMT solution have angle of 1 ~ 10 ° .