
jǔ zhèn fǎ
  • matrix method
  1. 根据传输矩阵法利用C语言编程,计算了一维光子晶体的带隙结构及传输特性。

    According to the transfer matrix method using C language programming , calculating the one-dimensional photonic crystal band structure and transmission characteristics .

  2. 本文提出一种方法&把减边法与矩阵法结合起来,可较简便地寻求无向简单图P-中心。

    The paper furnishes a convenient method for finding P-centers of undirected simple graphs by combining the subtractive edge method with the matrix method .

  3. 用B矩阵法建立谐波齿轮啮合基本方程

    Study on Establishing the Basic Engaging Equation of Harmonic Drive By the B Metrix Method

  4. 时空DOA矩阵法中角度兼并问题的讨论

    A Study on the Angle-ambiguity Problem in the Time-space DOA Matrix Method

  5. 一种改进的二维虚拟ESPRIT算法&虚拟波达方向矩阵法

    An Improved 2-D Virtual ESPRIT Algorithm of Virtual DOA Matrix Method

  6. 与DOA矩阵法相比,无角度兼并发生时计算量没有任何增加,有兼并发生时计算量会有限增加。

    Compared with the DOA matrix method , the computational complexity is increased slightly when angle ambiguity occurs .

  7. 本文结合光学矩阵法及有限元方法分析了中间夹层分别为SiN、GaP时,磁光存储多层膜的热光特性。

    In this study , optical matrix method and finite element method were applied to analyze the thermal and magneto-optical responses for a 3-D MO disk .

  8. 最后,将MC模拟的结果与4×4转移矩阵法计算的结果进行比较,发现两种方法得到的结果十分吻合。

    The calculated results derived from the improved 4 × 4 transfer matrix are consistent with that simulated by MC method .

  9. 用ABCD矩阵法计算四通式单光栅展宽器的展宽量

    Matrix dispersion of four - pass single grating stretcher calculated with ABCD

  10. Riccati传递矩阵法在高速精纺锭子临界转速分析中的应用

    Application of Riccati transfer matrix method to critical speed analysis of high-speed spindle on spinning frame

  11. 船舶轴系扭转振动计算的Riccati传递矩阵法

    A Mathematical Model for the Estimation of Marine Shafting Torsional Vibration Using Riccati Transfer Matrix Method

  12. 本文将转换矩阵法加以推广,用来求解半空间表面局部不规则区域所引起的P、SV波的散射透射问题。

    The transition matrix method is extended to study the scattering problem of P , SV waves in half-space with two-dimensional local surface or subsurface irregularity .

  13. Boole矩阵法模糊聚类在地形图数据挖掘中的应用

    The application of Boole matrix fuzzy clustering used in topographic diagrams data mining

  14. 在VLSI设计中,栅极矩阵法需用到区间图,区间图具有连续1的性质。

    In design of VLSI , interval graph is used in the grid matrix method . There is the consecutive one 's property in interval graphs .

  15. 本软件采用三对角矩阵法求解精馏过程的MESH方程组,用VISUALBASIC6.0开发出缔合体系精馏模拟软件,同时软件也包括了一般体系的多元复杂精馏模拟。

    The MESH equations were solved by trigonometric matrix in distillation simulation process . The software for simulating distillation process of association system was programmed using Visual Basic 6.0.The software can be also used to simulate distillation process of general systems .

  16. 近几年来,Pao、Howard以及他们的合作者提出了一种求解桁架或框架在冲击载荷作用下动态响应的新方法:回传波射矩阵法。

    Recently Pao and his colleagues proposed a method to solve the transient response of trusses and frames under impact load : the method of reverberation ray matrix .

  17. 我们采用传递矩阵法(TMM)模拟微腔的反射光谱,对实验测试曲线进行较好的拟合。

    We used the transfer matrix method ( TMM ) to simulate the reflectivity spectrum of the microcavity .

  18. 用ANSYS可编程语言APDL编制采用初始应变影响矩阵法和多次复形法进行预应力取值优化分析的程序,并对按不同目标函数进行预应力取值优化得到的结果进行了比较。

    Programs according to the initial-strain-contribution-matrix method and multi-complex method obtained by ANSYS parametric design language APDL were worked out for the prestress optimization ; results of different objective functions were compared .

  19. 结论:在所选实验条件下用CPA矩阵法测定复方药物中的盐酸氯丙嗪和盐酸异丙嗪简便、快速、准确。

    Conclusion : Under the selected experimental condition , the CPA matrix method is simple , quick and accurate in the determination of chlorpromazine hydrochloride and promethazine hydrochloride content in the compound tablets .

  20. 并采用了环境分析法、波士顿矩阵法对BCT公司销售的工控板卡产品的实际情况进行了综合分析。

    Environment Analysis and Boston Matrix are applied to synthetically analyze the actual situation of industrial control card of BCT Co. .

  21. 利用专家访谈法和WBS-RBS矩阵法进行风险识别和估计。

    First , expert interview method and WBS-RBS matrix method are used to identify and assess the risks .

  22. 采用光学传递矩阵法,研究了生长偏差对分布布拉格反射(DBR)结构反射特性的影响,并探讨了两种DBR结构改进方案。

    By using the optical transfer-matrix method , we study the influence of growth error to DBR 's reflectivity . Then two schemes of improved DBR structure are investigated .

  23. 本文采用传输矩阵法,对超结构Bragg光栅进行了细分,建立了传输矩阵模型,以一种比较直观的方式,分析了光栅的频谱特性与其结构的关系。

    Using transmission matrix method , the transmission matrix model was established by subdividing the superstructure fiber Bragg grating . Then the relative between the transmission spectrum character and structure of the grating can be analyzed through a directly approach .

  24. 提出了一种新的光纤光栅综合技术,将光纤光栅的传输矩阵法与粒子群优化算法(PSO)结合起来,得到了一种光纤光栅综合问题的全新方法。

    A new method for synthesis of fiber gratings is proposed . By combining the transmission matrix method and the particles swarm optimization algorithm , we obtain a novel method for the inverse problem of the synthesis of fiber gratings .

  25. 论文阐述了F-P干涉仪的一般理论,利用矩阵法计算了多种的四分之一波堆光学介质薄膜的反射率和反射相移。

    The conventional theory of the F-P Interferometer was introduced firstly , and then the reflectivity and reflection phase shift of quite a few kinds of dielectric films consisting of quarter wave stacks were calculated .

  26. 本文主要内容如下:首先,应用Jones矩阵法对法拉第旋转镜(FRM)消除光纤干涉仪偏振衰落的原理作了分析。

    The main contents of this thesis are as follows : Firstly , the principle of eliminating polarization-induced fading in fiber interferometer with Faraday Rotator Mirrors ( FRM ) is analyzed by Jones matrix method .

  27. 探讨了通过多目标规划对MFD系统进行优化,介绍了通过相关系数法和相关矩阵法两种方法建立基于HoM的多目标规划模型。

    The paper also discusses the multi-goal optimization model of MFD and introduces the correlation coefficient way and correlation matrix way which build the multi-goal programming model based on HoM .

  28. 连续空间离散时间(CSDT)Riccati传递矩阵法是计算线性转子系统瞬态响应的一种新的直接积分法。

    The continuous-space discrete-time ( CSDT ) Riccati transfer matrix method is a new direct integration technique for calculating the transient response fo linear structural members .

  29. 分析了挖掘机的结构特点,应用DH变换矩阵法建立运动学模型,推导出逆运动学算法,介绍在MATLAB53上建立仿真实验系统,以验证该算法的有效性。

    This paper analyses the feature of excavators . The kinematics model is established using D-H transformation matrix method and the inverse kinematics algorithm is inferred . A computer simulation experimental system is developed in MATLAB 5 3 languages .

  30. 常用的VaR的度量方法有协方差矩阵法、历史模拟法、蒙特卡罗模拟法,而在实际中常遇到的两个问题是波动率的计算和投资组合VaR的计算问题。

    There are three commonly used methods for calculating VaR : Variance-Covariance Approach ; Historical Simulation Approach and Monte Carlo Simulation . However , when it comes to practice , two problems we often meet are the volatility calculating and the dependent structure of a portfolio .