  • root;descendants;posterity;radical
  • completely;thoroughly
  • 高等植物茎干下部长在土里的部分:~植。~茎。~瘤。~毛。~雕。须~。块~。扎~。叶落归~。

  • 物体的基部和其他东西连着的部分:~底。~基。墙~儿。

  • 事物的本源:~源。~由。~本。知~知底。

  • 彻底:~除。~究。~治。

  • 依据,作为根本:~椐。

  • 量词,指长条的东西:两~筷子。

  • 数学上称一数开平方所得的值为“平方根”,开立方所得的值为“立方根”。

  • 数学上指代数方程式内未知数的值。

  • 化学上指带电的基:氨~。硫酸~。


(植物的营养器官) root (of a plant):

  • 树根

    the root of a tree;

  • 连根拔

    pull up by the root;

  • 这棵小树已经扎根了。

    The young tree has struck root.


(比喻子孙后代) descendants; posterity:

  • 根苗



{数} (方根的简称) root:

  • 立方根

    cube root


{化} (指带电的基) radical:

  • 氨根

    ammonia radical


(物体的下部、底部或某部分和其他东西连着处) base; foot; root:

  • 耳根

    the root of the ear;

  • 墙根

    the foot of a wall;

  • 舌根

    the root of the tongue


(事物的本原;人的出身底细) the bottom of things; source; origin:

  • 祸根

    the root of trouble [disaster];

  • 词根

    the root of a word;

  • 刨根问底

    get to the bottom of things; inquire into the root of the matter;

  • 知根知底

    know the inside story;

  • 追根寻源

    trace to its source


(依据) basis; foundation:

  • 扎根于群众

    have one's roots among the masses;

  • 无根之谈



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 根浩

    Gen Hao


(彻底)completely; thoroughly:

  • 根除

    completely do away with



  • 一根草

    a stalk [blade] of grass;

  • 两根绳子

    two ropes;

  • 几根铅笔

    some pencils

  1. 64的平方根是8。

    The square root of 64 is 8 .

  2. 篱笆生了根,长在了地里。

    The fence posts took root and grew into the earth !

  3. 这根绳子长及地面依然有余。

    The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground .

  4. 你一点儿都不显老,只是有几根灰白头发!

    You 're wearing well ─ only a few grey hairs !

  5. 我们收帆时有一根绳索缠住了。

    A rope fouled up as we pulled the sail down .

  6. 她死命抓着那根绳子。

    She was holding on to the rope for dear life .

  7. 我觉得那根树枝撑不住你的重量。

    I don 't think that branch will hold your weight .

  8. 几根原木捆扎在一起做成了木筏。

    Several logs had been lashed together to make a raft .

  9. 他嘴里嚼着一根麦秆,靠到栅门上。

    He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw .

  10. 这震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。

    The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body .

  11. 暴风雨把一根树枝从树干上刮了下来。

    The storm split a branch off from the main trunk .

  12. 一根细金属丝从静脉里穿到心脏。

    A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart .

  13. 被告不小心驾驶,撞到一根路灯柱上了。

    The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post .

  14. 别碰那根电线,不然会触电的。

    Don 't touch that wire or you 'll get a shock .

  15. 别让那根棍子戳着她的眼!

    Don 't poke her eye out with that stick !

  16. 他感到自己滑了一下,便一把抓住一根树枝。

    He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch .

  17. 他把上衣挂在凸出墙面的一根钉子上。

    He hung his coat on a nail protruding from the wall .

  18. 这条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带。

    This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist .

  19. 他们在他嘴里插了根导管帮助他呼吸。

    They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe .

  20. 屋顶用几根木头支撑固定住了。

    The roof was braced by lengths of timber .

  21. 他嘴里叼着一根雪茄。

    He had a cigar clamped between his teeth .

  22. 我划了根火柴点着了那封信,然后看着它燃烧。

    I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn .

  23. 我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。

    I found a nail sticking in the tyre .

  24. 我将用这根针在你手指上轻轻扎一下。

    I 'm going to give your finger a little prick with this needle .

  25. 这根链条由136个环组成。

    The chain is formed from 136 links .

  26. 他从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。

    He chopped a branch off the tree .

  27. 我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。

    I roped the goat to a post .

  28. 她的每一根神经都绷得紧紧的。

    Every nerve in her body was tense .

  29. 一根横杆连接着两根立柱。

    A transverse bar joins the two posts .

  30. 这根链条由136个链节组成。

    The chain is formed from 136 links .