
ɡēn diāo
  • tree-root carving
根雕 [gēn diāo]
  • [root carving] 以树根为材料进行雕刻的艺术,也指用树根雕刻成的工艺品

  1. 作者从如何才能创造出好的竹根雕精品方面进行了论述。

    How to create better exquisite bamboo root carving is mentioned .

  2. 木雕笼统分为立体圆雕、根雕、浮雕三大类。

    Generally divided into solid wood sculpture , carving , relief three class .

  3. 根雕艺术的价值体现-雕刻网!

    The root carving art embodies the value-carving !

  4. 天才的艺术家把这块树根雕成一件有趣的装饰品。

    The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root .

  5. 一个根雕花架,配上较好的盆、景,三位&体的景致高贵典雅。

    A flower root , with good basin , king , three-body scenery elegant .

  6. 艺术家把树根做成了根雕艺术品。

    Artists make root-carvings out of tree roots .

  7. 古典家具、木雕、竹雕、根雕、漆器、仿古装饰品、民间艺术品等。

    Classical furniture , carved wood , bamboo , Carved on Roots , lacquerware , archaized decorations , folk artworks , etc.

  8. 一种是实用根雕、如:茶几、桌、椅、花架、烟茶盒、笔筒等;

    A practical root , such as : tea table , table , chairs , flower racks , smoke tea box , pen holder ;

  9. 古色古香的小镇、古色古香的建筑,再加上古色古香的根雕作品,游客们在三河领略到了越来越多的文化气息。

    Together with the beautiful riverside scenery and the ancient buildings , the antique root carvings add much to the cultural flavor of the small town .

  10. 根雕之所以有较高的观赏价俏,因为它自然天成,野趣横生,集粗狂、质朴、秀气、玲珑于&身。

    Root is a higher price is handsome , because of its natural , wild phenomena , a rough , simple , elegant , exquisite in a body .

  11. 根雕展馆位于三河古镇西街,馆内收藏展示了数百件珍贵的根雕作品,这些根雕形态特异,个个栩栩如生。

    Located on West Street , the new museum offers the tourists a collection of hundreds of root carving works , all of which are lifelike and uniquely shaped .

  12. 细木制作细木工人做成的产品;精美的木制品古典家具、木雕、竹雕、根雕、漆器、仿古装饰品、民间艺术品等。

    Work done by a joiner ; fine woodwork . Classical furniture , carved wood , bamboo , Carved on Roots , lacquerware , archaized decorations , folk artworks , etc.

  13. 为唯有在艺术形象产生的基础上,并对材料、眼力、思维和技艺四者有机结合,高度统一,才能创作出精美的竹根雕艺术品。

    Only on the base of art image , and combined with material , judgement , thinking and technology , highly unity , exquisite bamboo root carving can be created .

  14. 花卉苗木种植基地区、精品花卉交易区、鸟、虫、鱼、根雕、石头城诚邀经营户加盟;

    Invite running partners of flowers & grass , seedling planting base zone , fine flowers exchange zone , and birds , pests , fish , sculpture , rockwork running region .

  15. 现在到三河旅游,不仅能看到古香古色的水乡小镇,还能领略独特的根雕艺术,今天上午,根雕艺术展馆落户三河,成为古镇三河又一处景点。

    With a Root Carving Museum open to the public this morning , the small riverside town Sanhe now has more to offer tourists in addition to its beautiful scenery featuring age-old buildings .

  16. 两个极点的指尖,固定在一个正立着的大圆环上,大圆环嵌人水平大圈内,下面四根雕有龙头的立柱支撑着水平大圈,托着整个天体仪。

    It takes a night to finish a circle . The globe is placed in a standing hoop , which is beset into a horizontally placed hoop , suppor-ted by four pillars decorated with dragonhead patterns .

  17. 无论是传统形式的木雕、根雕,还是商品化的各种原木家具,都带给人们自然朴实的造型美感。近年来木艺装饰正作为一种历久弥新的工艺受到越来越多消费者的青睐。

    No matter the traditional wood carving , root carving or all kinds of log furniture to sell can bring plastic beauty which are natural and naive . Recent years , as a technic that is newer with time wooden decorations have been favoring by more and more people .