
  • 网络Moment Estimation;method of moments
  1. 本文引进了局部分布、局部矩、局部矩法估计、样本局部矩和局部分布的矩确定等概念。

    In this paper , some new concepts on the local moment , local distribution and the method of the local moment estimation are proposed .

  2. 本文就采用矩法估计地震活动性参数b值的问题进行了讨论。

    A statistical problem is discussed in the paper that evaluates the seismic activity parameter , b value , based on the moment method .

  3. 分布参数u、σ的矩法估计量的改进

    An Improvement of the Moment Method Estimation for the Parameters u and σ of the Distribution

  4. 后者既包括基于广义帕雷托分布(GPD)参数的极大似然估计,又包括矩法估计等。

    The latter since include maximum likelihood estimate of the GPD ( generalized Pareto distribution ) model parameters to still include moment estimate etc.

  5. 概率权重矩法估计正态分布参数

    Estimating Parameters of Normal Distribution by the Method of Probability Weighted Moment

  6. 简单双线性时间序列模型参数的矩法估计及其渐近分布

    Moment estimator of the parameter for the simple bilinear models and its asymptotic distribution

  7. 心理状态数矩法估计

    Moment Method of Estimation of Mentation Number

  8. 林木直径分布的研究Ⅰ.矩法估计

    A Study on the Distribution of Diameters of Wood ⅰ . The Method of Moment

  9. 多系列相关系数的矩法估计

    The Matric Estimation of Multiple-series Relevant Coefficient

  10. 本文改进了分布参数的矩法估计量υ、σ~2。

    This paper improves the moment method estimation u and σ for the parameters of the extremal , distribution .

  11. 建立以伽玛分布为结构函数的分类风险模型,采用矩法估计分类风险模型参数;

    The study was conducted by setting up a classified risk model , using moment method to estimate the parameters of risk model .

  12. 目前常用矩法估计瞬时单位线,据此还原的洪水过程与实测洪水过程之间,特别是洪峰点之间,常具有明显的差别。

    The difference is obvious between the computed flood hydrograph according to the traditional method and observed flood hydrograph , especially flood peak .

  13. 文中给出权重的矩法估计法和多元回归估计法,以高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估为例给出一、二阶综合评判法的应用。

    This paper introduces the methods of weighted moments estimation and multivariation regression estimation , then , takes an example of the talents-training level assessment at h.

  14. 对数周期天线方向图的矩量法估计

    Estimation to the directional pattern of log-periodic antenna by moment methods

  15. 通过假想水文资料检验这一方法,并与矩法的估计值相比较,结果表明本文提出的方法优于矩法。

    The verification using ideal hydrographic data shows that the proposed method is better than the moment method .

  16. 对其中的参数分别用极大似然法和改进的矩法进行了估计。

    The distribution parameters have been estimated with either the maximum likelihood method or a modified moment method .

  17. 工程中常用的β分布近似方法有二阶矩法和点估计下限法。

    Most work in application often uses second order moment method and point estimation and bounded below method .

  18. 其次,分别利用矩法和极大似然估计方法,对混合Pareto分布进行参数估计。

    Secondly we present the parameter estimation mixture Pareto distribution by moment estimation and maximize likelihood method separately .

  19. 论文结合广义Pareto(GP)分布拟合底分布尾部的原理与复合极值分布理论,构建Poisson-GP复合超阈值分布,并给出了极大似然法、复合矩法和概率权矩法的估计结果。

    Combining the principle of generalized Pareto ( GP ) distribution fitting the tail of a distribution with compound extreme value distribution theory , this paper puts forward Poisson-GP compound threshold distribution model , and gives the results estimated by MLE , CMM and PWM respectively .