
  • 网络Matrix management;Matrixing Management;Rectangular-management
  1. 介绍美国一些著名的医药工程公司适应市场、满足客户和控制成本的经验,以及先进的矩阵管理方法和CAD设计手段,强调GMP和验证的重要性;

    Introduces the experience of fitting in the demands of market , meeting the requirements of the clients and cost control of some famous medical corporations in USA. Describes their advanced matrix management design method and CAD design system . Focuses on the importance of GMP and verification .

  2. 合并升本院校实行矩阵管理的构想

    Conceiving on adopting matrix management in an upgraded merger university

  3. 对TA公司投标项目案例采用了基于项目责任制的矩阵管理模式来构建团队组织,对项目干系人进行了分类,对项目团队内部群体进行了分析,完善内部沟通机制。

    Adopt matrix mode that basing on project responsibility mechanism to set up the team organization , classify relational people of the project , carry out the analysis to the internal community of the project team , and improve communication mechanism . 6 .

  4. 铁路施工企业推行矩阵管理体制探讨

    An Approach to the Railway Constructing Enterprises Matrix Administrative System

  5. 运用挣值矩阵管理项目绩效。

    Use earned value metrics to manage project performance .

  6. 矩阵管理在现代企业管理中的应用分析

    To Analyse on the Matrix Management Was Used in the Modern Enterprise Managing

  7. 略论矩阵管理体制在项目动态管理中的作用

    Discussion on effects of matrix management system upon dynamic management of engineering projects

  8. 它们是按矩阵管理制组织起来的

    They are organized on a matrix basis

  9. 本文叙述了旧有体制的弊端,提出了矩阵管理体制模式,论述了矩阵管理体制的主要作用。

    A model of matrix management system has been proposed and its main effects are discussed .

  10. 如何细分客户并通过客户金字塔和移动矩阵管理其动态。

    How to segment your customers and monitor their movements via customer pyramid and migration matrix .

  11. 介绍了多型号通常采用的矩阵管理体制;论述了两师系统在矩阵管理中的作用;

    It presented a commonly used matrix management system in multi-satellite projects and pointed out the function of " two commanding lines " in matrix management .

  12. 而老牌的国际银行巨头&花旗银行,坚持一贯的贴近市场的原则,在原有的分支行管理中枢中,强化了纵向的产品和客户群管理线条,形成有力的双线矩阵管理模式。

    Persisting in the principle of " close to the market ", Citibank , an international banking giant , introduced a vertical management system based on products and customer segments into its existing branch and sub-branch management system and formed a new-type two-line management mode .

  13. 从勘探开发质量管理的特点出发,结合国内外油田的成功经验,运用专业化协作的基本原理,提出了勘探开发钻探过程的矩阵管理模式。

    A matrix management model for the process of oil exploration , development and drilling is proposed after considering the characteristics of quality management in exploration and development , combining the successful experiences of oilfields at home and abroad , and applying the basic principle of specialization and coordination .

  14. 矩阵式管理理论和事业部制理论。

    Matrix management system theory and the theory of the cause .

  15. 高校图书馆学科服务矩阵型管理模式探析

    Matrix-type Management of Library Service Disciplines in Colleges and Universities

  16. 能够与团队配合,在矩阵型管理架构下工作。

    Demonstrated ability to perform in a team and matrix management function .

  17. 运用基础科学解读矩阵式管理模式

    Use of Basic Sciences to Interpreting Array Managing Pattern

  18. 论工程公司项目的矩阵方式管理

    Matrix Management in the Engineering Project PROJECT PROJECT

  19. 三是矩阵式管理模式,实现专业经营。

    The third is a matrix management model .

  20. 矩阵柔性管理与应用

    Matrix flexibility management and Applications

  21. 因此,运用矩阵式管理的方法进行项目管理。

    So , the method of matrix management shall be recommended to carry on the project management .

  22. 本文主要介绍了矩阵柔性管理方法的背景、概念和内涵。

    In the paper we discuss the background , concept and implication of the Matrix Flexibility Management Method .

  23. 矩阵式管理的转型

    Transition of Matrix-type Management

  24. 当时这被当作“矩阵”管理模式罕见的成功案例而广受称赞众所周知,这一模板很难执行。

    It was hailed as a rare successful application of the notoriously hard to implement " matrix " template of management .

  25. 项目制可以打破传统的管理格局,变单一纵向管理为矩阵式管理结构。

    The mechanism of project management will break down traditional managing approaches and change singularity lengthways management into matrix managing structure .

  26. 工程公司实行项目经理负责制和实施矩阵式管理,是国际上通行的做法。

    It is a common practic for engineering company abroad to apply the system of Project manager in charge and the matrix type management .

  27. 论文特别对项目管理实施程序及矩阵式管理过程中如何实施进度、质量、费用等控制进行了较深入的探讨。

    Particularly , this thesis has given in-depth discussion about implementation procedure of project management and schedule ( or quality or cost ) control with matrix management .

  28. 针对工程现场管理的特点,利用信息技术手段,构建工程管理信息平台实现矩阵化管理。

    This article bases on the feature of site management and aims at building the information platform on engineering management by the way of IT to executing matrix management .

  29. 本文介绍了我国企业组织机构的形式和特点,并对我国企业普遍采用的直线职能参谋制组织机构与矩阵式管理组织机构进行了对比分析。

    The paper introduces the forms and characteristics of chinese enterprise organization system , and compares linear function management with matrix management which are applied universally in chinese enterprises .

  30. 同时对矩阵式管理模式下的员工绩效考核体系设计进行了探索、实践并提出了自己的观点。

    Meanwhile , the exploration and practice on the personnel performance assessment system design under the mode of matrix management are carried out and the own viewpoints are raised .