
kuànɡ wù huà xué
  • mineral chemistry
  1. 不同化学群球粒陨石中CAI的岩石学和矿物化学特征研究。

    ( 2 ) The study of petrography , and mineral chemistry of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .

  2. 福建同安角闪辉长岩的矿物化学、~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年龄及地质意义

    Mineral Chemistry and ~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar Ages of Hornblende Gabbro from Tong'an , Fujian Province and Their Geological Significance

  3. X射线衍射定量相分析在确定绿鳞石矿物化学结构式中的应用

    Application of Quantitative Phase Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction in Determining The Chemical Formula of Celadonite

  4. 赣中变质岩带的矿物化学特征及其P-T轨迹的构造意义

    Mineral-chemistry characteristics and tectonic significance of P-T path of metamorphic rock belt in central Jiangxi province

  5. CCSD主孔榴辉岩中磷灰石的矿物化学特征及对榴辉岩中F、Cl、Sr等元素地球化学行为的影响

    On the Mineral Chemistry of Apatite in Eclogites From the CCSD Main Borehole and the Geochemical Behaviors of F , Cl , Sr and Other Elements in Eclogites

  6. 不同产状角闪石矿物化学成分的差异和温压估算结果显示,榴辉岩类捕虏体经历了一个顺时针的P-T演化轨迹,进而反映了中生代早期华北克拉通东部造山作用的存在。

    Mineral chemistry and P-T estimation results of the amphiboles of different occurrences indicate that the eclogite xenoliths were subjected to a clockwise P-T evolutional path , implying that an orogenic event happened in the eastern part of the North China Craton in the early Mesozoic .

  7. 磁铁矿矿物化学、成因及演化的探讨

    A contribution to the chemistry , origin and evolution of magnetite

  8. 用一颗微粒分析几种元素的矿物化学鉴定法

    A chemical procedure for multi-element analysis of a micro grain of mineral

  9. 中国二八面体含铝蒙皂石矿物化学和晶体化学的特征

    Mineral and crystal chemistry of Al-containing dioctahedral smectite from China

  10. 液固反应是矿物化学处理最常见的加工方法之一。

    Solid-liquid reaction is one of the most common methods for rock processing .

  11. 声化学效应在矿物化学处理中的应用

    Application of Sonochemistry Effects in ores Chemical treatment

  12. 南极碳质球粒陨石中两个富尖晶石球粒状难熔包体的岩石学和矿物化学特征

    Petrography and mineral chemistry of two spinel-rich spherules in carbonaceous chondrites from the Antarctica

  13. ⑵矿物化学性质查询;

    ⑵ chemical properties search ;

  14. 徐州-宿州地区榴辉岩类捕虏体中角闪石的结构、矿物化学及成因意义

    Amphiboles in Eclogite Xenoliths from Xuzhou-Suzhou area , central china & texture , mineral chemistry and Their Tectonic Implications

  15. 橄榄石、尖晶石的矿物化学反应,变质橄榄岩的原始岩石具有深海橄榄岩的特征;

    The chemistry of olivine and spinell reflects the abysmal peridotite characteristics of the original rock of the metamorphic peridotite .

  16. 吉林桦甸太古代杂岩的矿物化学和变质作用温压条件不同温度条件下花岗岩变形破坏及声发射时序特征

    Characteristics of AE temporal sequences in the process of deformation and failure of granite at high pressure and different temperatures

  17. 从矿物化学所获得的温度-压力计算结果表明:岩浆来源应位于壳幔过渡带。

    The calculated results of temperature and pressure from mineralogical chemistry show that magmatic source should lie in crust-mantle intermediate zone .

  18. 变质方辉橄榄岩的微量元素地球化学及矿物化学特征表明,应为亏损的残余地幔产物。

    Trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry studies on the metamorphosed harzburgite indicate that it is the relict of the depleted mantle .

  19. 本文主要报道了南极格罗夫山新回收的100块陨石的岩石学和矿物化学特征。

    Petrography and mineral chemistry of100 meteorites collected from the Grove Mountains , Antarctica , were studied and their chemical-petrographic types were assigned .

  20. 产于辉石闪长岩中深源捕虏体的岩相学、矿物化学、岩石地球化学和野外资料表明,它们可划分成两组。

    Petrographic , mineral chemical , petrochemical-geochemical and field data of xenoliths occurred in pyroxene-diorite indicate that they are subdivided into two groups .

  21. 北祁连奥陶系地体中蓝片岩、绿片岩岩石矿物化学特征及地质意义

    Geochemical characteristics of rocks and minerals of blueschists and GREENSCHISTS in Ordovician terrane in the northern Qilian Mountains Sunan county , gansu Province

  22. 电子探针结果表明水含量分布不均与矿物化学成分无直接关系。

    Electron probe microanalysis shows that the inhomogeneous distribution of water content has no direct relation with the chemical composition of the mineral .

  23. 鲁西费县中生代玄武岩及幔源捕掳晶的矿物化学:对岩石圈地幔性质的制约

    Mesozoic Basalt and Mineral Chemistry of the Mantle-Derived Xenocrysts in Feixian , Western Shandong , China : Constraints on Nature of Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle

  24. 本文分析了大别山地区榴辉岩的产出特点,矿物化学、岩石化学及元素地球化学特征。

    This paper analyzes the mode of occurrence and mineral chemical , petrochemical and element geochemical characteristics of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains area .

  25. 吉林汪清尖晶石橄榄岩包体的矿物化学成分指示意义&上地幔温度史和交代作用

    Thermal history and metasomatic processes in the upper mantle beneath wangqing , ne china ── implication from mineral chemistry of a spinel peridotite xenolith

  26. 阴极发光与某些过渡元素的含量有关,可以揭示岩石的构造,间接地反映矿物化学成分的特点。

    CL related to certain concentrations of the transition elements , may reveal textures in rocks and show indirectly the characteristics of chemical composition of minerals .

  27. 本文从地球化学角度研究并探讨大洋锰结核中锰矿物化学组分间的相关性。锰结核矿物及其原位复合材料吸氢性能的初步研究

    Chemical composition data for manganese minerals in marine manganese nodules are available . A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON HYDROGEN-ABSORBING CAPABILITY OF MARINE MANGANESE NODULES AND THEIR COMPOSITE MATERIALS

  28. 因此,在某种程度上可以说,枣区土壤原生矿物化学组成特征可以作为探寻枣树适宜区域的一种标志。

    Consequently , to a certain ex-tent , the chemical composition of the soil primary m1nerals may be an indicator for searching for suitable areas for jujube growing .

  29. 高压脉及其主岩的岩相学与矿物化学研究表明流体是在俯冲过程中蓝片岩向榴辉岩进变质条件下释放。

    Petrography and mineralogical chemistry of the high-pressure veins and their host rocks indicate that the vein-forming fluids were released at the blueschist to eclogite transitional prograde conditions during subduction .

  30. 通过分析陶粒页岩的形成条件、矿石结构、矿物化学组成特点并结合区域白垩纪沉积环境特征对矿床成因作了初步探讨。

    Through the analysis on the forming conditions of the haydite shale , ore texture , mineral chemical compositions and regional Cretaceous depositional environmental characteristics , we preliminarily studied ore deposit origin .