
pò jiǎ dàn
  • high explosive anti-tank cartridge
破甲弹[pò jiǎ dàn]
  1. 破甲弹采用EFP战斗部时,要求药型罩材料必须有好的动态延展性和一定的抗拉强度。

    The material of shaped charge liner should have good dynamic ductility and certain tensile strength when shaped charge adopts explosively formed projectile warhead .

  2. 一种低成本多用途破甲弹近炸电路的设计

    A design of low cost and multiple uses heat proximity circuit

  3. 超强磁破甲弹磁头装置的磁路设计

    The Design of the Magnetic Circuit of Magnetic Head of Super-Strong Armour-Piercing Projectile

  4. 钼在破甲弹上的应用前景

    The application foreground of molybdenum in shaped charge warhead

  5. 破甲弹侵彻钢板后防护效果试验

    Protection for tank crew against armour piercing projectiles testing

  6. 一种新型聚能破甲弹的应用研究

    Application Study on a new type shaped charge warhead

  7. 某型破甲弹动态威力数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Power for A HEAT

  8. 工艺参数对破甲弹作用效果影响的数学模型

    The Mathematical Model about the Influence of Technological Parameters on the Effect of Hollow Charges

  9. 某型火箭增程破甲弹发动机弹道炸分析与处理

    The analysis and treatment of the ballistic explosion in the engine of a certain rocket destroy - armour bomb

  10. 介绍了超强磁破甲弹磁头装置的工作原理。

    The operating principle of the magnetic head of the super - strong armour - piercing projectile is introduced .

  11. 结合液体火箭发动机和破甲弹的发展需求,将磨擦辅助精密电铸技术应用于其关键零件的制造。

    Based on the requirements for development of liquid propellant rocket engine and shaped charge warhead , the manufacturing technique of their key parts was researched .

  12. 研究结果表明,药型罩晶粒度、同轴度、壁厚差等对破甲弹的破甲威力具有重要影响。

    The study results have shown the influence of the grain size , coaxiality and wall thickness tolerance of liner on armor-piercing power of HEAA shell .

  13. 聚能破甲弹的金属射流断裂后发生径向随机发散,导致破甲深度显著下降。

    After the metal jet of the shaped-charge has been broken , a random radial devergence of the jet segments is produced , so that the penetration depth is reduced notably .

  14. 文中采用数值模拟方法,对高速破甲弹生成的金属射流在头螺内运动过程进行了分析。

    The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of metallic jet in fuze adapter generated by the high-speed high explosive antitank projectile through the use of numerical simulations .

  15. 使用基准破甲弹对等厚不同强度钢的靶板进行静破甲,得到形状相似的弹坑。

    Used the norm penetration case , the quietly penetration has been done to the steel target plank which is equal thickness but different intensity , and the similar form craters ware be obtained .

  16. 对火箭增程破甲弹的底部施加压力,求出弹内各部件的应力、应变分布情况,以此为研究依据,分析其结构是否合理。

    The pressure is applied to the bottom of the cannonball , the stress and strain distribution of each component can be got by the analysis of Finite Element Method , then judging whether the structure is reasonable .

  17. 运用剩余穿深理论,结合坦克配用的穿甲弹、破甲弹和榴弹毁伤目标的机理,通过理论分析,提出了依据剩余窗深选择坦克对装甲目标射击弹种的新方法。

    Applying the pierced remnant energy theory , based on the damage theory of apfsds , heat and shrapnel , a new method of selecting shells of tank firing at armored target according to pierced remnant energy is put forward .