
guī tǔ
  • Siliceous earth;tripoli
硅土[guī tǔ]
  1. 用块状硅土矿制备超细硅质填料

    The Preparation of Ultrafine Siliceous Filler by Using Massive Tripoli

  2. 样品在索格利特萃取器中用正己烷和弗罗里硅土一步提取和净化,采用SE-54弹性毛细管柱,GC-ECD(Ni63)检测,外标法定量。

    Samples were obtained by using n-hexane as extracting solvent in Soxhlet extractor , using external standard as quantitative method .

  3. 该方法经优化后的条件为:样品经乙腈超声提取,弗罗里硅土柱净化,DAD二极管阵列检测器,经高效液相色谱测定。

    The optimized conditions were that the sample was extracted by ultrasonic acetonitrile , cleaned up by Florisil-phase extraction ( SPE ) . HPLC with DAD detector was used for determination .

  4. 建立了用弗罗里硅土作基质固相分散剂的加速溶剂萃取、并以灭蚁灵(Mirex)为内标的快速、同时测定土壤中16种有机氯农药的气相色谱法。

    A fast and effective method for simultaneous determination of 16 organochlorine pesticides in soils was developed .

  5. 甘蓝和土壤样品用丙酮-水提取,弗罗里硅土净化,毛细管柱分离,气相色谱-电子捕获检测器(GC-ECD)检测。

    Cabbage and soil samples were extracted with acetone-water , separated by capillary column and determined by gas chromatography-electron capture detector ( GC-ECD ) .

  6. 样品经水和丙酮混合液提取,石油醚液&液分配,氟罗里硅土柱净化,用GC-ECD测定,用外标法定量。

    Samples were extracted with water and acetone , followed by liquid-liquid partitioning and clean-up in florisil column , analysed by GC-ECD , quantitatively analysed by external standard .

  7. 样品农药残留经丙酮提取,凝结液除杂,石油醚萃取,弗罗里硅土柱净化,OV101大口径毛细管柱分离,电子捕获检测器(ECD)检测。

    Then it was extracted with the petroleum ether and through the column of Florisil acidic siliceous earth in series , and determinated by wide bore capillary ( OV 101 30m 0.53 mm ) gas chromatography with electron capture detector .

  8. 水稻植株、稻米中乙草胺用二氯甲烷提取,提取液经减压过滤,浓缩,弗罗里硅土柱净化,定容后用GC-ECD检测。

    Acetochlor existed in rice plant , rice was extracted by dichloromethane , with pressure reduction and pressure filtration , the extracts were concentrated , purified and detected by rotary densifier , Florisil column and GC-ECD respectively .

  9. 由褐铁矿与粘土、硅土混合而成的颜料。

    Pigment consisting of a limonite mixed with clay and silica .

  10. 硅土充填高聚物的性能研究

    Study on Function of High Polymer Materials Filled with Siliceous Earth

  11. 和硅土接触的工人定期检查身体。

    Workers exposed to silica dust receive regular physical examinations .

  12. 浙江硅土及其开发应用

    Siliceous earth and its development and application in Zhejiang

  13. 硅土矿的特征与工业利用

    The Characteristics and Industrial Application of the Siliceous Earth

  14. 洞庭地洼安乡硅土矿床的发现

    The discovery of Anxiang siliceous earth deposit in Dongting DIWA structural layer , china

  15. 本方法对其净化步骤有很大突破,即增加了以弗罗里硅土为层析柱的净化步骤。

    There was a great innovation in the method of the clarification of Florisil .

  16. 一种沉积岩,因有硅土粘合而区别于页岩,又因没有石板裂缝而区别于板岩。

    A sedimentary rock differing from shale in being bound by silica and from slate in having no slate cleavages .

  17. 土壤样品用丙酮提取,正己烷和乙酸乙酯液液萃取,用固相萃取法(弗罗里硅土小柱)净化,然后用液相色谱检测。

    The soil samples were extracted using acetone and ethyl acetate , cleaned up by SPE ( Florisil column ) and determined by HPLC .

  18. 一种浅灰色的火山岩,包含斜长石与其它呈光滑硅土状的结晶矿物,在外表上与流纹岩相似。

    A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica , similar in appearance to rhyolite .

  19. 耐火砖、块、瓦及类似耐火陶瓷建材制品,但硅质化石粉及类似硅土制的除外。

    Refractory bricks , blocks , tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods , other than those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths .

  20. 我们的天然无氟儿童牙膏使用钙和硅土达到温和清洁的目的。美味的天然水果口味相对于人工发泡,泡泡糖口味的牙膏更能吸引孩子。

    We use calcium and silica to gently clean , and our delicious real fruit flavor appeals to your child 's taste-not artificial sparkles and bubble gum flavors .

  21. 土壤提取液浓缩后可直接用气相色谱仪火焰光度检测器(磷检测状态)检测,花生提取液经弗罗里硅土和活性炭柱层析净化后检测。

    The concentrated extract of soil sample was directly determined by phosphorus-specific flame photometric gas chromatography , while peanut extract should be purified early on charcoal and deactivated Florisil column .

  22. 以弗罗里硅土基质分散剂对小麦样品进行前处理,用气相色谱-电子捕获检测器测定,考察基质分散剂、洗脱剂和样品填料比对农药残留测定的影响。

    Wheat sample was treated by the matrix solid-phase dispersion ( MSPD ) technique using Florisil as absorbent . 5 pyrethroid pesticides were analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detector .

  23. 实验对佛罗里硅土柱净化进行了研究,还试验了影响常压微波萃取的各种因素,包括提取溶剂种类及用量、提取时间、提取温度和提取功率,并且优化了提取的条件。

    The experiment studied Florisil colum cleanup procedures . The influence of extraction time , solvent , power and temperature were investigated , and found the optimum conditions for ordinary pressure MAE .

  24. 另外,D.Francisco等用0.5%铂负载在硅土/氧化铝上催化苯加氢反应,只能得到唯一产物环己烷。

    In addition , Dom í nguez et al reported that when catalysts of 0.5 % Pt supported on gallia / alumina were used in benzene hydrogenation , the only product was cyclohexane .

  25. 通过合成并改性弗罗里硅土,加强我国农药残留监控技术,降低分析成本,进而为打破世界间的贸易壁垒提供了保障。

    Through synthesizing and altering silicone Florisil , strengthening our monitoring technology of pesticide residues with lower cost , we make our efforts to improve monitoring level , and break the trade barriers between the world .

  26. 以正已烷和丙酮为溶剂、超声波提取、弗罗里硅土固相萃取小柱净化、大口径石英玻璃毛细管柱分离和微池电子捕获检测器气相色谱法检测。

    The POPs were extracted and associated with ultrasonic treatment from soil samples with n-hexane and acetone and cleaned up by Florisil solid-phase extraction column . Then , the extract was separated by big caliber capillary column and detected by GC with μ ECD detector .

  27. 接连细沙平原的是一片胶粘的泥地,单独由硅土或石灰贝壳构成,美国人管它叫“乌兹”。接昔我们跑过一段海藻地,它们是未经海水冲走的海产植物,繁殖力很强。

    The plains of sand were followed by a bed of that viscous slime Americans call " ooze , " which is composed exclusively of seashells rich in limestone or silica.Then we crossed a prairie of algae , open-sea plants that the waters hadn 't yet torn loose , whose vegetation grew in wild profusion .