
  • 网络Hardware Encryption
  1. 基于FPGA的军用龙芯计算机硬件加密方法

    Hardware Encryption Method Based on FPGA Applied in Military Godson Computer

  2. 基于USB和EDA的硬件加密系统

    Hardware Encryption System Based on USB and EDA

  3. 通过硬件加密设备提高了Java平台的安全性。

    The provider improves the security of the Java 2 platform through hardware security devices .

  4. 基于PCI局部总线硬件加密卡的设计

    The design of the encrypt card based on PCI local bus

  5. 基于硬件加密的嵌入式VPN网关实现

    Implementation of embedded VPN gateway based hardware data encryption

  6. DES(数据加密标准)算法被广泛应用于软件加密和硬件加密。

    DES algorithm has been applied to the software and hardware encryption extensively .

  7. 进行超混沌视频加密时,使用VHDL语言编制特定的IP核实现硬件加密。

    According to video encryption in hyperchaos , specific IP core with VHDL was programmed to realize the hardware encryption .

  8. 现有的数据保护技术有软件加密、TrustedPlatformModule(TPM)芯片、加密卡硬件加密等技术。

    Today , software encryption , Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ) chip , hardware encryption are mainly used for protecting user data .

  9. LotusDominoforz/OS增加了硬件加密能力来降低启用SSL时CPU的占用率。

    And Lotus Domino for z / OS added hardware cryptography capability to reduce CPU rates when SSL is enabled .

  10. VPN设备对网络的带宽会造成一定的影响,系统必须使用硬件加密方式组建VPN网络;

    VPN equipment had influence on system bandwidth and system has to construct the VPN network with hardware encryption .

  11. 基于IP复用方法实现的硬盘加密卡,是一种用于保障数据存储安全的硬件加密装置。

    Hard disk encryption card , which is designed based on the IP reuse in this paper , is a kind of hardware encryption device to ensure storage security .

  12. 利用8位单片机、PCI总线结构设计了一种直接插在计算机总线上的硬件加密卡。

    By using a 8-bit single-chip and a PCI bus structure , a hardware encryption card was devised , which was directly inserted in the bus .

  13. 硬件加密时对EPROM的编程方法

    Program Method for EPROM in Hardware Security

  14. 本文研究了VPN网关电原理设计,提出了VPN网关和硬件加密模块的实现方法。

    This paper researches electricity principle & design of VPN gateway , and proposes the realization method of the VPN gateway and the hardware encryption module .

  15. FPGA方式实现密码算法,其优越性在于将软件实现方式的灵活性与传统的ASIC实现方式的安全性和高速性完美的结合在一起,基于FPGA自主构造硬件加密设备也成为一个新的发展趋势。

    The implementation of cryptography based on FPGA integrates flexibility of the software and high speed of ASIC successfully , and it is becoming to be a new trend .

  16. 通过修改Linux的部分函数及定义特定的数据封装格式,该平台为多种加密算法提供了方便的接口,使得用户可在该平台上实现软件加密或硬件加密。

    By modifying portion functions of Linux and defining a particular encapsulation format , this plat-form can be used in different network environment and vary encryption algorithms ( including software and hardware ) .

  17. 根据ATA协议,该系统利用FPGA硬件加密方法实现数据透明加密和流水线操作来达到高吞吐率。

    According to ATA protocol , PHES used hardware encryption method in FPGA to achieve the transparent data encryption and high data throughput rate by pipeline operation .

  18. 介绍了AES算法的硬件加密芯片优化设计,并讨论了AES算法加密芯片在射频IC卡等效实现金融CUP卡规范中的应用。

    This paper introduces the hardware optimization design of AES encryption chip , and discusses the application of AES encryption chip when radio frequency card equivalent realization finance CPU card standard .

  19. 级的技术,如硬件加密卡、IC卡、进程间通信、核心态编程、Socket编程等。

    In the meanwhile , many advanced techniques have been utilized , such as Encryption card , IC card , local process communication , programming in kernel mode , socket programming .

  20. 介绍了计算机增强型并行口EPP协议的基本特点,给出了基于EPP协议的硬件加密卡的一种设计方案。

    The article introduced the characteristics of Enhanced Parallel Port of the computer and gave a design of the hardware encrypt card based on EPP .

  21. 本文根据VPN的基本概念,提出了VPN安全网关设计方案、嵌入式Linux操作系统的构建方法,并简述了硬件加密模块的实现方法。

    According to the basic conception of VPN , this paper puts forward the design of the VPN safe gateway , the construction method of embedded Linux operating systems , and summarizes the implementation method of the hardware encryption module .

  22. 介绍了PKI框架下多种安全技术的应用,着重介绍了IP网络加密机、加密卡等硬件加密设备的实现原理和技术所构成的PKI结构下的公文交换系统安全体系。

    It introduces the application of many kinds of safe practices under PKI frame , and describes emphatically the safe system of official document exchanging system under PKI structure based on the IP network encrypting machine , encrypted card , etc.

  23. 介绍了一种基于USB和EDA的硬件加密系统的设计方案,使用EDA技术,将USB控制器和加密算法的硬件集成到FPGA芯片中,实现了结构简单,实时性好的硬件加密系统。

    This paper provides a design based on USB and EDA . With the help of EDA , USB controller and hardware encryption algorithm are integrated into a FPGA chip , realizes the convenience , real-time , hardware encryption system .

  24. 该加密系统是一个比较大的加密系统,包括硬件加密板、软件加密算法、PKI基础设施CA中心和RA注册中心、完成加密与解密任务的加密服务器等。

    The medical insurance intelligence encryption system is a relative large encryption system , including the hardware for the encryption , the encryption algorithm , PKI infrastructure based CA center , the RA registration center , the encryption server for both encryption and decipher duty and so on .

  25. 作者参与了SAN环境下FC加密卡系统的设计与开发,本文围绕SAN存储数据的硬件加密问题,完成了以下工作:(1)设计了密钥管理系统。

    The author took part in the design and development work of FC encryption card system in SAN environment . This paper completed many works about encryption of data in Storage Area Network ; this system has the following specialties . ( 1 ) Design the key management system .

  26. 在该实现方案中,IPSec数据包的加/解密以及认证等高强度的计算均由硬件加密卡完成,而使网络主处理器更专注于对IPSec数据包的封装处理。

    The main idea is that the significant and computing intensive portion of the computation , such as encryption / decryption and hash calculation of IPSec data , are implemented by the hardware Cryptography card , while the network processor is dedicated to encapsulating IPSec data .

  27. 单片机系统的几种硬件加密技术

    The Sorts of the Hardware Security Techique of The Microcontroller System

  28. 性是可贩售的产品,是购物单上的下一项。单片机控制的机电一体化产品硬件加密技术

    Hardware Encryption Technique of Mechatronics Products Controlled by Single Chip Microcomputer

  29. 使用PKCS11标准开发跨硬件加密功能

    Development of Multi-hardware Encryption Based on PKCS # 11 Standard

  30. 集成硬件加密的加密固态盘的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Encrypted Solid State Disk Integrated with Hardware Encryption