
  • 网络Bluetooth module;FD-BT
  1. 拟采用Ericsson公司的蓝牙模块。

    We plan to adopt the Bluetooth module of Ericsson .

  2. 心电数据是通过蓝牙模块发送到POCKETPC上,进行显示和存储的。

    The cardiac data is sent to the Pocket PC through Bluetooth . The Pocket PC is used to display and store the data .

  3. 包括蓝牙模块收发单元的电路设计和蓝牙模块HCI的设计以及蓝牙天线的设计。

    Including the design of the module and HCI and antenna .

  4. 用于制作蓝牙模块的LTCC集成基板

    A LTCC Integrated Substrate Using for the Fabrication of Blue-tooth Module

  5. 定义了与蓝牙模块应用相关的BT指令语言,并实现语言的语法解析器。

    Define a new command language , called BT language , for module application , realize the command syntax parser as well .

  6. 给出了系统的硬件电路结构原理,PC、单片机与蓝牙模块HCI接口的软件实现方法。

    The systematic hardware circuit construction principle and the software realized methods of PC , SCM and Bluetooth module HCI interface are proposed .

  7. TTB102蓝牙模块主要用于蓝牙鼠标和蓝牙USB适配器。

    TTB102 Bluetoothmodule was designed mainly for Bluetooth mouse and USB dongle .

  8. 蓝牙模块可通过基于IEEE1451.2标准和基于通用异步接发模式(UART)与智能传感器接口构成无线传感器网络。

    Bluetooth module can be connected with the intelligent sensors to form a wireless intelligent sensor network via an interface of IEEE 1451.2 or UART .

  9. 其系统软件包括上位机应用程序、嵌入智能传感器模块的MCU程序、蓝牙模块HCI固件程序,及上位机、MCU与HCI间的通讯程序。

    The system software includes application program in PC , the MCU program in of embedded intelligent sensor module , HCI firmware of bluetooth module and communication program among PC , MCU and HCI .

  10. 文章详细分析了基于蓝牙模块的数据通信系统构成,着重介绍了使用HCI状态机的处理机制来实现HCI驱动的方法。

    This article analyses the structure of data communication system based on Bluetooth module in detail , and emphasizes the method of realizing HCI drive using the mechanism of HCI state machine .

  11. 作为蓝牙模块和主机间的软硬件接口HCI,可对控制基带与链路控制器、链路管理器、状态寄存器等硬件提供统一接口。

    HCI is the interface between software and hardware of Bluetooth module and host . It offers a uniform interface to control the Baseband Link Controller , Link Manager and state register .

  12. 与传统的HCI接口的蓝牙模块不同,它面向数据服务并具有简单操作方式和用户界面,适合作为无线数据适配终端应用于其它信息系统之中。

    Differ from the traditional HCI Bluetooth data module , this module has a relative simple user interface and face to data services . It can be applied in other information system easily .

  13. 该方法利用单片机控制蓝牙模块,采用基于HCI层的单片机对蓝牙模块控制的方法及PC机端通过RS232接口连接蓝牙模块互相配合,实现PC机与能动磨盘之间的通信。

    The method carries out the wireless communication between the PC and active lap , by the conjugation of bluetooth module controlled by MCU via HCI and bluetooth module connected with PC via RS232 .

  14. 基于蓝牙模块GC-05的温室环境测控系统研究

    The Research of Greenhouse Environment Measuring and Controlling System Based on Bluetooth Module GC-05

  15. 单片机通过HCI指令控制蓝牙模块,对发出的数据进行附加蓝牙数据帧头处理,通过模拟串口发给蓝牙并发射出去。

    MCU can control Bluetooth module by HCI command , and it dispose the sending data by frame head of additional Bluetooth data , then it will send the data to Bluetooth module and send them out through simulate serial port .

  16. ROK101007/1型蓝牙模块是Ericsson公司的产品,具有安全可靠、支持多种接口类型和传输多媒体信息等特点,在各种电子设备中广泛应用。

    ROK 101 007 / 1 is the Bluetooth model produced by Ericsson corp. , which is characterized by safe and stable performance , supporting many types interface and transporting multimedia information , ROK 101 007 / 1 is used broadly in all kinds of electronic apparatus .

  17. 基于PC机蓝牙模块间通信

    Principle and Realization of Communication between Bluetooth Module Base on PC

  18. 蓝牙模块在家电远程控制系统中的应用

    Application of Bluetooth Module in Home Appliances ' Remote Controlling System

  19. ROK101007/1型蓝牙模块的特性及其应用

    Features of Bluetooth model ROK 101 007 / 1 and its application

  20. 单芯片蓝牙模块在车载自动收费机中的应用

    Application of Single-chip Bluetooth Module in Bus Automatic Toll Collector

  21. 嵌入蓝牙模块以太网接入控制器设计

    Design of Ethernet Connected Controller Embedded Bluetooth Module

  22. 介绍了基于蓝牙模块SBT-800-RD设计出的心电无线监护系统。

    This paper introduces an ECG monitoring system based on the bluetooth module SBT_800_RD .

  23. 基于蓝牙模块的导诊服务机器人无线通讯系统设计

    The wireless communication system design of service robot for guiding patients in hospital using bluetooth module

  24. 接下来论述了蓝牙模块的整体设计方案,随后详细设计了模块的硬件部分和主机上的驱动软件。

    Thirdly , the design scheme is given and the detail of the hardware and software is completed .

  25. 该系统由车载卡和局端盒组成,车载卡和局端盒之间通过蓝牙模块进行通信。

    This system is made up by vehicle monitor and postal box , which communicates each other by bluetooth module .

  26. 新型放大器是在原直放站的基础重新设计并增加一套蓝牙模块而成,放大器之间可以通过蓝牙模块进行通信。

    The novel amplifier is redesigned on the basic of the original Repeater and a set of Bluetooth module are added .

  27. 蓝牙模块是现在蓝牙产品中非常常见的部分,他使得蓝牙产品的开发更加快速简单。

    Bluetooth module is very familiar in Bluetooth products , which make the development of Bluetooth experiments much easier and faster .

  28. 车载卡记录邮车的行驶信息,并在返回中心局时,将信息通过蓝牙模块传送给中心局。

    The vehicle monitor records the information about driving and conveys them to postal box when it returns the central post office .

  29. 本文利用目前已有的蓝牙模块,设计了基于蓝牙技术的无线监测系统。

    In the paper , the wireless monitoring system is designed with the existing Bluetooth module , which based on Bluetooth technology .

  30. 在这个方案中,低层部分被认为是蓝牙模块,高层部分则被认为是蓝牙主机。

    In this scheme , the lower portion is known as the Bluetooth module and the upper portion as the Bluetooth host .