
  • 网络Blue straggler;BSS
  1. 但是蓝离散星好象遵循着不同的演化途径。

    But blue stragglers seem to follow a different path .

  2. 疏散星团中蓝离散星的成员确定

    Membership of blue stragglers in open clusters

  3. 蓝离散星研究现状(Ⅱ):观测特性

    The Status of Blue Straggler Studies ( II ): Observational Properties

  4. 蓝离散星现象的研究进展

    Developments in the Studies of the Blue Straggler Phenomenon

  5. 但是,仍然没有直接证据能够确切地说明一颗特定的蓝离散星是如何形成的。

    But there 's still no direct evidence that shows exactly how an individual blue straggler was formed .

  6. 资料显示,蓝离散星明亮而炽热,如同年轻的恒星那样。

    The data revealed that the stragglers are bright and hot , as would be expected for young suns .

  7. 星团和星协中蓝离散星的存在是一种较普遍的现象,这对传统的恒星演化理论提出了挑战。

    The occurrence of blue stragglers in star clusters and associations is a common phenomenon and presents a challenging problem for traditional steller evolutionary theories .

  8. 然而,蓝离散星肯定是古老的,因为它们和星系团中的其他恒星形成于相同的区域,因此在形成时间上是一致的。

    But these stars must be old , as they formed in the same place and , thus , at the same time as the other stars in the cluster .

  9. 因此,分析研究蓝离散星的不同观测特性,也就成为研究蓝离散星形成机制、恒星及双星系统演化以及恒星系统动力学演化的有效方法。

    Therefore , studying the observational properties of BSs could be an effective method for studying the formation mechanisms of BSs , the evolution of single stars and binary systems , and the dynamical evolution of stellar systems .

  10. 但是,它会比它本来的颜色看起来更蓝一些并且可以被天文学家作为一颗“蓝离散星”所发觉。

    It would be bluer than it should be and would be of a type known to astronomers as a " blue straggler " .