
bì luó chūn
  • a special brand of tea;Biluochun
碧螺春 [bì luó chūn]
  • [Biluochun] 产于江苏吴县洞庭山区的绿茶,叶片卷曲呈螺状,茶汤碧绿,是一种高级名茶

碧螺春[bì luó chūn]
  1. 生产优质无公害碧螺春茶的关键技术要素

    The Key Technology Factors of Producing Nuisanceless Biluochun Tea with High Quality

  2. 她盛产清香四溢的碧螺春,是茶的故乡。

    It is the hometown for Biluochun , a tea with delicate fragrance .

  3. 这是“碧螺春”茶,先生。

    This is bi Luo Chun tea , sir .

  4. 中国名茶&碧螺春,清香爽口。

    Biluochun , the famous Chinese tea , is pleasant to the palate .

  5. 每年一次的碧螺春新茶是我公司主要的销售渠道和方向。

    Biluochun annual tea is my new company 's main sales channel and direction .

  6. 结果表明,急冷处理能够显著提高碧螺春的保鲜品质。

    Results showed that Sharp quenching processing can obviously enhance the tea to maintain freshness the quality .

  7. 不同天气类型对碧螺春茶的采摘、品质有明显影响。

    The effects of weather types on the picking time and quality of Biluochun tea was obviously difference .

  8. 我知道中国茶的品种很多,有龙井、碧螺春、乌龙

    Tom : I know there are many kinds of tea , such as Longjing Tea , Biluochun Tea , Oolong Tea

  9. 洞庭碧螺春最重要的香气特征是具有高含量的壬醛和己醛,以及芳樟醇和香叶醇。

    The apparent characteristic of the aroma of Biluochun Tea was high concentrations of hexanal and nonanal , besides linalool and geraniol .

  10. 止痒舒爽型成份:碧螺春,枣花蜂蜜,野菊花,薄荷,天然精油,无水硫酸钠,碳酸氢钠。

    Itch Stopping and Skin Refreshing TypeIngredients : Green tea , hypericum honey , chamomile , mint , natural essence oil , sodium sulphate anhydrous , sodium bicarbonate .