
jiǎn huà
  • alkalize;alkalization;alkalify;basification
碱化[jiǎn huà]
  1. 施用7%草甘膦水剂对土壤盐化和碱化的影响

    Effect of 7 % Glyphosate Aqueous Solution on Soil Salinize and Alkalize

  2. 大同盆地碱化盐土水盐动态及主要改良措施

    Water and Salt Dynamic of Alkalize Solonchaks and Its Improving Measures in Basin of Datong

  3. 土壤pH及总碱度较高,普遍达到碱化指标;

    Soil pH and the total alkalinity is high , generally enough to meet the criteria of soil alkalization ;

  4. 模拟了1997年羊草及角碱蓬群落土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。

    Comparing with the experimental data , the simulation results can express the dynamics of saline and alkaline in different seasons .

  5. 采用直接投加碱化剂的方式来提高内冷水的pH值可达到减缓和防止发电机铜导线腐蚀的目的。

    It is feasible to prevent the copper wires of turbo-generator from corrosion by adding alkaline chemicals to increase the pH value of the inner cooling water .

  6. 快速碱化因子(rapidalkalinizationfactorRALF)属于多肽激素中的一类。

    Rapid alkalinization factor ( rapid alkalinization factor , RALF ) belongs to a class of polypeptide hormone .

  7. 聚合过程pH值控制在4.40,液态PAC碱化度达78.2%.产品质量明显优于目前市场上的同类产品质量指标。

    By controlling the value of pH at 4.40 in polymerization , the alkalinity of the liquor PAC is over 78.2 % .

  8. 用pNa度量土壤碱化程度的初探

    Study on Measuring the Degree of Alkalized Soils with pNa

  9. 株高、凋落物量及地下生物量在两者间差异不明显,碱化草甸土型羊草群落土壤呼吸及凋落物分解排放的CO2量均高于风沙土型。

    CO 2 releasing from soil respiration and litter of Leymus chinensis community in meadow alkali soil is more than that in wind sand soil .

  10. HC的治疗除水化、碱化及利尿外,加用前列腺素E1和抗病毒治疗有效。

    Besides hyperhydration , alkalinizing and diuresis , PGE1 and antivirus drug were effective in the treatment of HC .

  11. 一是将OP预先引入氯化铝中再进行碱化聚合。

    The other is adding OP into aluminum chloride solution , with subsequent polymerization conducted by titration of basic solution .

  12. 对大安市苏打碱土的主要碱化特征参数:土壤碱化度(ESP)、总碱度、pH等指标进行了测试分析。

    The primary parameters including exchange sodium percentage ( ESP ), total alkalinity , pH and soil salt content of soda solonetz in the Da'an city were calculated .

  13. 不同化学改良剂均能不同程度的提高土壤渗透率,增加田间持水量,降低土壤pH值,减少土壤全盐量,增加阳离子交换量,降低碱化度等。

    Different chemical improvers were able to increase soil permeability and soil field capacity , reduce soil pH , reduce soil total salt content , increase CEC , reduce ESP in different extent .

  14. 间歇溶气气浮试验结果表明:影响改进型复合碱式氯化铝除油性能的主要因素是碱化度B,其次是铁铝摩尔比和投量。

    Experiment of batch dissolved air floatation shows that the key factors which influences the oil removing capacity of BCAC are the alkalinity and the mol ratio of Fe / Al and the dosage of the chemical .

  15. pNa值可以用来度量土壤碱化程度,作为碱化土壤分类指标之一,也可使碱化土壤研究的测定方法简化。

    PNa can indirect the degree of alkalized soils and take as the indexes of alkalized soils classification .

  16. 对含尿素蛋白精料及碱化玉米秸的TMR进行颗粒化加工,并未明显影响试羊瘤胃液pH值、氨氮及蛋白质浓度(P>0.05);

    The pelleting of TMR with the alkali-treated corn stover and the urea protein concentrate did not affect the NH3-N and protein concentrations and the pH values significantly ( P0.05 ) .

  17. 与C3植物相比,在高温、强光照和降水量大的季节,C4植物显示其更高的相对生长优势,在纬度较低和盐碱化区域,C4植物具有相对分布优势。C。

    In comparison with C_3 plants , C_4 forage showed a higher relative growth dominance in the season with high temperature , strong radiation and high precipitation and a higher relative distribution dominance at lower latitudes and salt alkalized region .

  18. 东北碱化草地的主要盐分Na2CO3对羊草危害因素分析

    An Analysis of a Main Salt of Alkalizing Meadow Steppe Na_2CO_3 & Harming Factors to Leymus Chinensis

  19. 以高岭土为原料合成出了4A分子筛,得出经过碱化处理可提高分子筛吸附容量的结果;

    4A molecular sieve was synthesized with kaolin , and the result of improving adsorption capacity has been obtained by alkalization method .

  20. 青花菜快速碱化因子RALF的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of a Gene ( RALF ) from Broccoli

  21. 研究了废水的pH值和粉煤灰的投加量对活性艳红KD8B染料废水脱色效果的影响,并考察了粉煤灰经酸化改性、加热活化和碱化改性后的脱色能力。

    Researches are conducted that pH value and the amount of flyash affect the decolorization of activated red KD-8B dyeing wastewater and the decolorization ability is studied after being modified by acidity , heating activation and alkalization .

  22. 再生水浇灌的土壤已接近轻度碱化土,且有加深的趋势;IBL对碱敏感。

    The soil irrigated with mixed water was inclined to light alkali .

  23. 对HAL降低血液粘滞度、化疗前、化疗中碱化尿液及水化治疗,以降低早期死亡率。

    Decrease of blood viscosity , basification of urine before chemotherapy and hydrotherapy can decrease incidence of early death of HAL .

  24. 结论观察组采用双通路24h持续水化、碱化的毒副作用的发生率和严重程度均明显低于治疗组,值得在基层医院应用及推广。

    Conclusion : It shows the testing group with 24-hour continuous hydration and alkalization has greater advantage than that in the treatment group in reducing the toxic side-effects .

  25. CaSO4在改良碱化土壤过程中对其理化性质的影响

    Effects of CaSO_4 on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Sodic Soil as an Amendment

  26. 石膏改良碱化土壤过程中最佳灌水量的确定&选定20cm为计划改良层

    Conformation of Optimal Irrigation During Course of Gypsum Improving Basified Soil & Select 20 cm as Planning Improvement Layer

  27. 本文研究了在NaoH浓度为17.5%条件下,浆粕钎维比表面与碱化温度的关系。

    In this Paper , the relation between the specific surface area of the pulp fiber and the mercerized temperature is studied under condition of 17.5 % concentration of Naoh .

  28. 低血药浓度FK506在肝移植抗排异反应中的应用碱化利多卡因在剖腹产中母婴血药浓度的研究

    To discuss the immunosuppressive treatment of low blood concentration in FK506 The Study of Alkalized Lidocaine Serum Concentration in Mothers and Their Infants in Caesarean Section

  29. 石膏改良碱化土壤的效果(Ⅱ)&石膏与土上部20cm混匀的土柱系列

    Effect of Gypsum on Improving Basified Soil (ⅱ) & Columns of mixture of gypsum with soil from top 20 cm

  30. 研究了14个不同碱化土壤pNa值同pH、ESP、交换性Na、全盐量、总碱度、CEC之间的关系。

    The relation was studied among the pNa , pH , exchangeable sodium , water-soluble sodium , total salt , total alkalinity and cation exchangeable capacity ( CEC ) in 14 alkalized soils .