- 网络Carbon Credit

We 're also partnered with Nori , it 's a platform like eBay , and they want to be the eBay of carbon credit trading .
Our first customer was Microsoft , and they 're using this for carbon credit .
By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier , more wasteful nations .
Under the CDM , the UN awards carbon credits to emissions-reducing projects in the developing world .
Pat-nie woo , director , said central textiles is working on a number of projects to improve energy efficiency that could result in reducing up to 20000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually , which he hopes to sell as carbon credits .
Carbon credits encourage those countries to undertake gas flaring reduction projects .
This company invests in projects that produce carboncredits in emerging markets .
The credits are currently trading at about $ 10 to $ 15 each .
Carbon credits help even out the returns .
Development of new Contracting structures designed to deliver more value to the generators of carbon credits .
The EU will let companies meet half of their emission cuts by buying UN carbon credits .
The level of carbon credits allocated to each country will also be cut further after 2008 .
The project will begin earning carbon credits after five years , which will be distributed among the farmers .
The Kyoto Protocol established a trading system for intangible goods flowing worldwide which are typified by carbon credit .
Several companies are now trying to put this into practice and thus make money by selling carbon credits .
These projects , such as wind farms or solar power , are granted carbon credits by the United Nations .
This is partnered with the Soil Health Institute , with many environmental groups , to create a carbon credit .
And at the same time , as I said , they were our first customer for our carbon credits .
Project owners , as the primary sellers and creators of these credits , gain an additional source of revenue .
These credits can be used by companies in developed countries to meet their emissions reduction requirements , or traded for profit .
" Farmers can sell the carbon they have stored in their trees through a carbon credit stock market ," Guyette said .
The most common problem is that projects do not produce the promised number of credits , known as certified emission reductions .
Projects to prevent emissions from waste , such as landfill gas capture , are the least likely to get all their credits .
music , art , a vote , carbon credit and other assets -- sending you a copy is a really bad idea .
He is currently working with the Chicago Climate Exchange Commission to provide the villagers with carbon credits to sustain these new cooking methods .
Companies and individuals rushing to go green have been spending millions on carbon credit projects that are yielding few if any environmental benefits .
it 's like 20 dollars a met ton for carbon credit , so it 's a more direct line payment for that in and of itself .
Aside from companies asking for carbon credits , many forest owners have also approached the Exchange , in the hope of doing business with their green assets .
But make no mistake : this academic at Tsinghua University in Beijing is one of the world 's most powerful players in the rapidly growing market for carbon credits .
A parliament proposal to place quality restrictions on the type of UN credits that can be imported is likely to survive the negotiations with the council , according to policy analysts .