
  • 网络Carbon Capture
  1. 中国和欧盟已经启动了一个碳捕捉和封存(CCS)联合项目的第二阶段,证实了它们的继续合作的愿望。

    China and the European Union ( EU ) have launched the second phase of a joint project on carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) in China , confirming their desire to continue the collaboration .

  2. 今年9月,vattenfall将在德国兴建30兆瓦碳捕捉和碳埋存试点电厂,这将是全球首座这样的电厂。

    In September , Vattenfall will open a 30MW pilot carbon capture and storage plant in Germany , the first of its type in the world .

  3. 富氧燃烧技术是一种最具有前途的碳捕捉技术之一,可同时实现燃煤过程中CO2和NO的减排。

    As one of the most promising technologies , oxy-fuel combustion technology can achieve CO2 and NO simultaneous reduction during coal combustion .

  4. 如果我们无法在中国使用碳捕捉技术,那么G8在6月份所作的承诺将成为科学幻想。他表示。

    If we cannot implement carbon capturing technology in China , then the G8 promises in June about carbon emissions will be science fiction , he says .

  5. 随着大气中的二氧化碳浓度持续上升,令地球升温,研究人员热衷于探讨所谓的“碳捕捉与封存”(CCS)解决方案。

    With carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere marching ever upwards and warming the planet , researchers are keen to investigate so called " carbon capture and storage " ( CCS ) solutions .

  6. 许多气候友好技术(CFT)就在这些先进技术中,CFT通过降低污染、提高生产效率、提升能源利用率及促进碳捕捉等方式实现限制温室气体的排放。

    Many of these technologies are climate friendly technologies that constrain greenhouse gas emissions by reducing pollution , increasing efficiency of production and energy usage , or facilitating the capture and storage of carbon .

  7. 碳捕捉技术捕获的是燃煤工厂排放的二氧化碳。

    Capture technology traps carbon dioxide gasses released by coal plants .

  8. 挪威的一个新项目旨在降低碳捕捉的成本。

    A new project in Norway aims to make it cheaper

  9. 煤电厂的碳捕捉和储存技术在成本和规模上还不成气候。

    Carbon-capture-and-storage technology for coal-fired power plants does not yet work at the scale and cost required .

  10. 大举增加可再生能源、核能以及碳捕捉和封存技术领域的研发投资;

    Much increased investment in research and development in renewables , nuclear power and carbon capture and storage ;

  11. 郎甘尼特是2007年一场政府赞助的英式碳捕捉设施比赛最后的赢家。

    Longannet was the last project standing from a government-funded competition launched in2007 to build a British capture facility .

  12. 煤炭厂家和钢铁厂正投资于碳捕捉技术以及能够减少硫磺和一氧化碳排放的工艺流程。

    Coal plants and steel mills are investing in carbon capture technologies and processes that can reduce emissions of sulphur and nitrous oxide .

  13. 具体来说,中国和美国承诺在建筑节能、清洁能源汽车碳捕捉及碳封存、智能城市等领域展开研发合作。

    Specifically , China and the US committed to joint R & D in building efficiency , clean vehicles CCS , smart cities , and other areas .

  14. 高管们表示,决不能舍弃碳捕捉和碳埋存等环保举措,而油田必须以尽可能有利于环保的方式开发。

    Executives say environmental initiatives such as carbon capture and storage must not be abandoned and oilfields need to be developed in an as environmentally friendly way as possible .

  15. 配套措施包括:大幅提高化石燃料使用效率,转向可再生能源,以及应用碳捕捉和储存技术。

    This will be complemented by much higher efficiency in fossil fuel use , a shift to renewable energy and the use of carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) .

  16. 电力企业正在兴建新型电厂,配备更为高效的锅炉,但为了防范进一步全球变暖,电力行业必须在碳捕捉和碳埋存方面取得进展。

    Power companies are building new plants with more efficient boilers , but to prevent further global warming , the industry will have to make progress on carbon capture and storage .

  17. 这位亿万富翁慈善家表示,他已对数十家早期阶段公司投资约10亿美元,希望它们将开发出突破性技术。这些公司活跃于电池、下一代核电和大气层碳捕捉等领域。

    The billionaire philanthropist said he had invested about $ 1bn in dozens of early-stage companies including battery , next generation nuclear and free air carbon capture hoping they would develop breakthrough technologies .

  18. 现在要争分夺秒去做的事就是适应变化:建造堤坝,制定飓风救灾方案,改进太阳能、碳捕捉技术等等。

    The race now is to adapt : to build dykes , to plan hurricane relief , to improve technologies for solar power , carbon capture , etc. Perversely , every day of recession helps .

  19. 化石燃料发电厂仍在让他自己的公司排放出大量的二氧化碳。只要碳捕捉技术没有得到普遍应用,这种局面还将继续下去。

    His own company still emits a large volume of carbon dioxide from its fossil-fuel plants , and will continue to do so for as long as carbon capture technology is in not general use .

  20. 这位亿万富翁慈善家表示,他已对数十家早期阶段公司投资约10亿美元,希望它们将开发出“突破性”技术。这些公司活跃于电池、下一代核电和大气层碳捕捉等领域。

    The billionaire philanthropist said he had invested about $ 1bn in dozens of early-stage companies - including battery , next generation nuclear and free air carbon capture - hoping they would develop " breakthrough " technologies .

  21. 在引入碳捕捉与封存技术条件尚不成熟的情况下,为了满足国家对节能环保和温室气体减排的要求,电力行业正在积极开发和利用可再生能源。

    The power industry is under active development and utilization of renewable energy in order to meet the nation energy-saving and environmental protection and greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements , as the condition that introducing the carbon capture and the carbon storage technology are not ripe .

  22. 瑞典电力企业vattenfall首席执行官拉斯约瑟夫松(larsjosefsson)表示,对于在2050年前让欧洲电力行业实现无碳发电,碳捕捉和碳埋存非常关键。

    Lars josefsson , chief executive of Vattenfall , a Swedish power company , says carbon capture and storage will be key to making the European electricity industry carbon-free by 2050 .

  23. 碳价格将对碳捕捉及储存等技术提出需求,促进它们进一步发展。

    And   it   would   raise   the   demand   for   technologies   such   as   carbon capture   and   storage ,   spurring   their   further   development .