
mó liàn
  • Honing;temper oneself;steel oneself;crucible;put oneself through the mill
磨练 [mó liàn]
  • [temper oneself;steel oneself] 在艰苦困难的环境中经受锻炼

  • 磨练意志

  • 在工作中磨练自己

磨练[mó liàn]
  1. 她磨练了自己的耐性。

    She had schooled herself in patience .

  2. 没有经过实际工作或职业的磨练,这种理想图景的存在会使青少年们很快对并不理想的世界感到难以忍受并开始以一种明显有青少年特点的方式寻求变革。

    The existence of such ideals , without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession , rapidly leads adolescents to become intolerant of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way .

  3. 你不但能通过志愿活动提供服务,还能学习、发掘新事物,磨练你的技能。

    Volunteering does not only allow you to offer your services , but to learn and discover new things and improve your skills .

  4. 和我们搏斗的人锻炼了我们的勇气,磨练了我们的技能

    He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill .

  5. 通过这些从介绍性的到高级的课程磨练您的技能,并学习更多关于Rational工具的内容。

    Hone your skills and learn more about Rational tools with these courses , which range from introductory to advanced .

  6. 那是”理想“的时间因为我除了会在Target问收银员之外不再问任何人是否会觉得我能写作,而却实际磨练技艺。

    It was the " perfect time " because I had stopped asking everyone but the cashier at Target whether or not she thought I could actually write and decided to actually hone my craft .

  7. 因此在尝试解决这个项目之前一定要磨练您的XSLT技巧(或者打开我的样式表看看)。

    So make sure you hone your XSLT skills before you tackle this project ( or just rip off my stylesheet ) .

  8. 很多运动员、教练、执行官和裁判在转入NBA职业比赛之前,已在CBA经过了磨练。

    Many players , coaches , executives , and referees have honed their skills in the CBA before going on to NBA careers .

  9. 在这个仅有50万人口的城市,去年有2200万名游客造访,使得上街或乘坐公共汽车成为了对意志的磨练,特别是在中国一年三次的黄金周(GoldenWeek)假期期间。

    With 22m visitors last year descending on a city of just 500,000 people , walking along the street or catching a bus becomes an exercise in perseverance , especially during China 's tri-annual Golden Week holidays .

  10. Levit说:开始磨练你的可转移技能吧。

    " Start sharpening your transferrable skills ," Levit said .

  11. 尼科尔斯为人冷淡而彬彬有礼,却有一种同演员沟通的天赋,以及强烈的喜剧节奏感。这是他事业生涯早期在颇受欢迎的喜剧小品二人组“尼科尔斯与梅”(NicholsandMay)中磨练出来的。

    Dryly urbane , Nichols had a gift for communicating with actors and a keen comic timing , which he honed early in his career as half of the popular sketch-comedy team Nichols and May .

  12. Boyle的演唱技巧是在教堂里磨练出来的,她还要和捷克国家交响乐团合作出专辑。

    Boyle , who honed her skills in a church choir , is poised to record an album with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra .

  13. 像电动汽车先驱特斯拉(TeslaMotors)一样,蔚来汽车的目标也是利用高端汽车上磨练出的技术来进军大众市场。蔚来汽车将首先在中国发布一款乘用车,但发布日期不详。

    Like electric car pioneer Tesla Motors , it aims to use technology honed in a high-end vehicle to move into the mass market , with a passenger car slated for launch first in China at an unspecified date .

  14. 非营利研究组织正确问题研究所(RightQuestionInstitute)的成员史蒂夫·夸特拉诺(SteveQuatrano)解释说,提出问题的行为促使我们“围绕自己不懂的东西组织思维”。在快速变化的时代里,这让提问成了一种值得磨练的优秀技能。

    Steve Quatrano , a member of the Right Question Institute , a nonprofit research group , explains that the act of formulating questions enables us " to organize our thinking around what we don 't know . " This makes questioning a good skill to hone in dynamic times .

  15. 普华永道(PwC)的起源公园计划就是一个现实版的领导力培训课程,。该课程成功地将新秀管理者们召集到一起,在实践中磨练他们的跨文化商业技巧。

    PwC 's " Genesis Park " initiative is an example of a real-world leadership development programme that has successfully brought together " rising star " executives to hone their transcultural business skills .

  16. 系列是继DavidGeary同名的三篇文章简介推出的,像一个功夫大师一样帮助您发展和磨练您的JSF2框架技能。

    Series , a follow-on to David Geary 's three-article introduction of the same name , will help you develop and hone your JSF 2 framework skills like a kung fu master .

  17. 沃达丰(Vodafone)原本专注于磨练高级管理人员的领导才能,后来引入了被公司内部称为“零售骨干”的职业发展项目。

    Having previously concentrated on honing the leadership skills of executives near the top of the organisation , Vodafone has introduced a career development programme , known internally as " Retail Spine . "

  18. 政府还出钱每年送冰壶队去加拿大训练比赛几个月。在ShortyJenkinsClassic和BostonPizzaShootout这样的巡回赛事上,他们的技术得到了磨练。

    And they also pay for the teams to spend several months every year training and competing in Canada , where they have honed their skills in tournaments such as the Shorty Jenkins Classic and the Boston Pizza Shootout .

  19. 女性主义者西蒙·德·波伏娃(Simore·de·Beauvoir)有句经典名言,一个人不是生而为女性,而是经过社会活动磨练成女性的,她认为,女人不是自然形成的,而是被社会和文化建构的。

    Female doctrine person Simore · de · Beauvoir has a well-known saying " one person is not being born as a female , but becoming a female " . She thinks that the woman is not " natural formation ", but is to be constructed by society and culture .

  20. 增强个人的意志,磨练能力,达到魔术目标。

    Increasing personal will , honing skills , attaining magical goals .

  21. 这些东西要经得起磨练绝对不可能简单化。

    These things must withstand discipline absolutely not the impossible simplification .

  22. 历经生活的磨练之后,龚艳琼在云南已是家喻户晓的明星。

    Gong Yanqiong is widely considered a star in Yunnan Province .

  23. 失敬,我需要你来磨练我。

    Sorry , but I need you to further my training .

  24. 在中国,孩子们没有机会去磨练自己。

    In China , Children have no chance to practice themselves .

  25. 在古代大学里经受磨练以期指导国家的知识分子们。

    Intellectuals honed in the ancient universities to direct the nation .

  26. 因为只有敌人可以磨练你的容忍,让你富有同情心。

    Because only an enemy can help develop patience and compassion .

  27. 阅读培养思维;苦难磨练性格。

    Reading builds the mind ; hardship builds ( up ) character .

  28. 去海上生活一年会磨练你。

    A year on the ocean would sort you out .

  29. 磨练学生的耐挫力;

    Third , strengthen students ' ability to bear frustration ;

  30. 是的,这是他磨练意志的一种方式。

    Yes , it was his way of being strong .