
  1. 把你自己的弱点变成优点。

    Take your weaknesses and translate them into positives .

  2. 你无权把你自己的观点强加给我。

    You have no right to enforce your own views on me .

  3. 用用户名和口令把你自己标识给oracle软件,从而可以存取数据库。

    To identify yourself to Oracle by your username and password , in order to access the data base .

  4. 是否有可能把你自己的某些工作产品迁移为RUP工作产品?

    Is it possible to take some of your work products and collapse them into a RUP work product ?

  5. 如果你擅长做mini-sites迷你站(例如:专题页或vCard站),那就尝试变成一个专业的mini-sites迷你站设计师,如果你擅长于Blog设计,不如把你自己营销成一个Blog设计专家。

    If you do best with mini-sites ( e.g.single page websites and vCard sites ), then become a mini-site designer .

  6. 就像我妈让我做一些事情说:TJ把你自己房间打扫了。

    It 's like , my mother tells me to do something , say " TJ clean your room . "

  7. 注意不要说任何把你自己牵连进去的话。

    Be careful you don 't say anything to incriminate yourself .

  8. 我很抱歉你把你自己拉到这件事里来了。

    I 'm sorry you got yourself dragged into this shit .

  9. 把你自己的照片粘在一张纸上。

    Glue a picture of yourself on a piece of paper .

  10. 不要把你自己拍下来,或在社交网站上发布任何东西。

    Do not film yourself or post anything on social media .

  11. 因而,为什么要把你自己绑在某种数据库厂商的身上呢?

    So why lock yourself in with a specific database vendor ?

  12. 好的,别忘了把你自己埋了。

    Well , don 't forget to bury yourself too .

  13. 如今,你把你自己和很多其他人的生命推入险境。

    Now , you endangered yourself and the lives of many others .

  14. 不要尝试把你自己的问题怪罪到他人身上;

    Don 't attempt to blame your inconsistencies on others ;

  15. 不要因为急着完成这项工作而把你自己累垮了。

    Don 't knock yourself out trying to get the job finished .

  16. 请你把你自己的得分记下来好不好?

    Can you keep a tally of your own marks , please ?

  17. 把你自己放在那样一个位置会很可怕的。

    Putting yourself on the line in that way can be terrifying .

  18. 你要是撒谎的话,我就把你自己扔在这儿!

    If you 're lying , I 'm leaving you right here !

  19. 你要是继续那么玩就会把你自己摔倒的!

    You will hurt your head if you fall playing like this .

  20. 你把你自己的选择加到了他头上。

    You set him on a path of your choosing .

  21. 但自拟叫他男人以后,你会把你自己抛弃。

    But since you called him a man , you give yourself away .

  22. 别把你自己弄得太严肃。

    Matucana krahnii Don 't take yourself so seriously .

  23. 别老是把你自己关在家里。

    Don 't lock yourself in all the time .

  24. 你真的把你自己看作已婚的男人。

    Do you actually consider yourself a married man .

  25. 而是把你自己植入他们的心中。

    It 's about inserting yourself into their hearts .

  26. 你并不总是把你自己的东西收拾得干净利落。

    You don 't always put your things away .

  27. 永远不要把你自己的钱花在舞台剧上!

    Never put your own money in the show !

  28. 把你自己打扮得整洁漂亮一点,你的样子很邋遢。

    Spruce yourself up a fit-you look a mess .

  29. 不要把你自己的意见强加给别人!

    Don 't intrude your own views upon others .

  30. 如果你输了你会把你自己锁在一间修道院吗?

    Would you have locked yourself in a monastery if you 'd lost ?