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  1. Clap冰刀与传统冰刀蹬冰机制比较一阵剧烈的焦虑,象把刀子似的,直扎进普瑞斯莱的心房。

    A comparison between the skating mechanism of clap style skate blades and traditional skate blades ; A poignant anxiety thrust itself sharply into Presley 's heart .

  2. 河水象一把刀似的,把两岸削掉。

    The water cleaves the banks away like a knife .

  3. 她叫得就像老鼠拿着把枪似的。

    She 's screaming like the mouse had a gun .

  4. 方法建立在把无源似稳电场过程转化成有限电阻网络过程的基础上。

    The method is based on the approximation of passive electric field problem into a Finite Resistance Network problem .

  5. 本文将象似性理论运用到文体学研究中来,把象似性视为取得文体特征的一个重要手段,并认为运用各种象似性原则可以产生诸多文体特征和效果。

    This thesis applies the theory of iconicity into the stylistic research and regards the iconicity as an important device to achieve certain stylistic effect .

  6. 你不能让我把那疯狗似的人带回家。

    You couldn 't pay me to take in a mad dog like that .

  7. 她们扯破我的衣服,威吓着,大声嚷着,好像要把我杀死似的。

    They tore my clothes , bullied and roared , as if they would have murdered me .

  8. 他从箱子上下来后匆匆地跑走,像是要把经理叫来似的。

    He got down off his box and rushed off , as if he was going to get the store manager .

  9. 喝完可乐,他拧起了麦管,好像那是一把螺丝刀似的,然后又要了第二杯。

    When he finished drinking the first Coca-Cola , he twisted the straw as if it were a screwdriver and ordered the second .

  10. 思嘉觉得她的心又开始奔突起来,不由得用一只手紧紧抓住胸口,像要把它压服似的。

    Scarlett felt her heart begin its mad racing again and she clutched her hand against it unconsciously , as if she would squeeze it into submission .

  11. 一匹眼珠小而眼白特大的马厌倦了马厩里的寂寞,把它那幽灵似的脑袋从窗口探了出来,屋檐上的雨水漓沥滴沥地落在它头上;

    a wall-eyed horse , tired of the loneliness of the stable , was poking his spectral head out of a window , with the rain dripping on it from the eaves ;

  12. 或者,也可以使用一支钳子夹住植体另用一支扣除器具如槌子或用另外一支钳子。时间慢慢过去,这时她们的身心都象被一把钳子夹住似的。

    Alternatively , an abutment may be removed from an implant with the use of forceps and a tapping instrument such as a mallet or another forceps . Time passed , time that squeezed their bodies and hearts in a vice .

  13. 韦德的手象把一把钳子似地牢牢抓住了她的衣裙。

    Wade 's fingers were in her skirt in a terrified grip .

  14. 检察官把我当成毒枭似的。

    Prosecutor made it sound like I was some kind of drug kingpin .

  15. 就好像飞天扫帚拼命想把他摔下去似的。

    It was as though the broom was trying to buck him off .

  16. 但是当我们祖母亲吻我门的时候,他好像要把我们吞下去似的。

    But when our grandmother kissed us it felt like she was sucking us in .

  17. 伐那米把一张苦行僧似的消瘦的脸转过来,一双黑眼睛全神贯注的盯着他望。

    Vanamee turned his lean ascetic face toward him , his black eyes fixed attentively .

  18. 因为他不是很善于游泳,况且河水流动的速度简直像要把颈骨折断似的。

    He wasn 't a strong swimmer , and the river was moving at breakneck speed .

  19. 病人:有过,大约在一小时以前,我感到我要把房子撼倒似的。

    Patient : Yes , about an hour ago , and I thought I 'd shake the house down .

  20. 他在干什么?她说,那股焦灼急躁的劲儿,好像烈火一样,都能把她烧焦了似的。

    What is he doing ? She said , with an eagerness that seemed enough to consume her like a fire .

  21. 不过她说话时总是面带微笑,刻意加深脸的酒窝,同时把像蝴蝶翅膀似的两圈又硬又黑的睫毛迅速地扇动起来。

    But she smiled when she spoke , consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies'wings .

  22. 最后一章是把语序的象似性理论应用于对外汉语教学中,从而更好地为对外汉语教学服务。

    Chapter Five applies Iconicity theory to the teaching Chinese as a second language , and it will better serve our teaching .

  23. 我觉得最可伯的还是她那凶狠的样子,就好像马上要掏出一把剃刀宰你似的。

    That doesn 't worry me as much as that sullen look , as though she 's going to get out a razor .

  24. 她一口气喝光杯里的水,然后伸长胳膊,像要把空气都挤走似的。

    She drained the glass without pause for breath and then pulled at her stretch top trying to pump air through next to her skin .

  25. 菲德先生穿着灰色的长衣在伸懒腰,仿佛他不顾衣服的费用,决心要把袖子撕断似的。

    Mr Feeder was stretching himself in his grey gown , as if , regardless of expense , he were resolved to pull the sleeves off .

  26. 母亲这一下可真得意:她可以趁着这个嫁出去的女儿没有充军到北方去之前,把她当作宝贝似的显给街坊四邻看看。

    And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing that she should be able to shew her married daughter in the neighbourhood , before she was banished to the North .

  27. 另一个是一头牡鹿,一只美丽华贵的生物,眼睛大大的水汪汪的,两胁斑斑点点,两腿又纤细又雅致,看上去仿佛用两个手指就能把那腿折断似的。

    The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .

  28. 一个是红色小矮人,名叫德夫尔。另一个是一头牡鹿,一只美丽华贵的生物,眼睛大大的水汪汪的,两胁斑斑点点,两腿又纤细又雅致,看上去仿佛用两个手指就能把那腿折断似的。

    One was a Red Dwarf whose name appeared to be Duffle . The other was a stag , a beautiful lordly creature with wide liquid eyes , dappled flanks and legs so thin and graceful that they looked as if you could break them with two fingers .

  29. 好象是我用一把巨大的银钥匙打开沙丁鱼罐头那样把房顶掀开了似的。

    It 's as if I had used a big silver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can .

  30. 他匆忙地把它抓到手里,用一种反抗的眼光瞧瞧周围,仿佛这片荒原要把它抢走似的;

    He picked it up hastily with a defiant glance about him , as though the desolation were trying to rob him of it ;