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yǔ qí
  • rather than;better than
与其 [yǔ qí]
  • [rather than] 在比较两件事的利害得失而决定取舍时,表示放弃或不赞成的一面

  • 与其在这里等他,毋宁去找他更好

  1. 与其试图在社交媒体上与人们建立更多的联系,为什么不安排与某人亲自见面呢?

    Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media , why not arrange to meet up with someone in person ?

  2. 与其坐等用户给你的产品和服务做出积极评价,何不直接花钱购买一批“赞”然后瞬间展示出你产品的受欢迎程度呢?

    Rather than having to wait for users to register their approval of your products and services , why not simply buy a whole shed-load of ' likes ' and instantly demonstrate your popularity ? To do this , you employ the services of a click farm .

  3. 他们挣的工资与其能力不相称。

    They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability .

  4. 他们说作出这个决定,与其说是出于气愤,不如说是出于悲伤。

    They said that the decision was made more in sorrow than in anger .

  5. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需要权衡一下。

    The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits .

  6. 琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。

    Since his injury , Jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team .

  7. 对个别国家的援助会与其民主进程相挂钩。

    Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy

  8. 我一直认为花园的灵魂是与其创造者共存亡的。

    I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator .

  9. 各共和国将拥有与其经济规模成比例的选举权。

    Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies

  10. 真的,与其说他像救生员,不如说他更像电影明星。

    He 's more like a film star than a lifeguard , really

  11. 喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。

    At teatime , Victoria sang duets with her Consort , Prince Albert

  12. 他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。

    His office was in keeping with his station and experience

  13. 他的指责与其首相身份不相称。

    His accusations are unworthy of a prime minister .

  14. 桑利斯的圣母院不如在巴黎与其同名的圣母院有名。

    Notre-Dame Cathedral in Senlis is less famous than its namesake in Paris .

  15. 这一协定与其说体现了两个国家之间真正的伙伴关系,还不如说是一种形式。

    The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations

  16. 法国与其前非洲属地一直保持着最密切的联系。

    France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories .

  17. 为了结束与其臣民的冲突,国王作出了很大的让步。

    The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people .

  18. 这几支队伍与其邻近地区队伍交手时锐气更盛。

    The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours

  19. 这部影片与其说是恐怖片,不如说是带有讽刺意味的奇幻片。

    The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story .

  20. 我与其说是反感威尔的行为,不如说是讨厌他的为人。

    I did not really object to Will 's behaviour so much as his personality

  21. 因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。

    Malvolio becomes , in default of competition , the play 's moral centre .

  22. 这与其说是责备,还不如说是句玩笑呢。

    It was a jest rather than a reproach

  23. 医生有没有告诉你发生紧急情况时怎样与其取得联系?

    Has the doctor told you how to reach him or her in emergencies ?

  24. 与其生闷气,不如出口气。

    Don 't get angry , get even .

  25. 那时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业,倒不如说是一种使命。

    Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation .

  26. 在他看来,与其说这是一项精心筹划的国防动议,倒不如说是外交上的一着妙棋。

    He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal

  27. 遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。

    Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next

  28. 马尔科姆与其说是用走的不如说是用单脚跳的。

    Malcolm hopped rather than walked .

  29. 他自己对此的反应与其早前表达的看法并不一致。

    His own response to it seemed to be out of keeping with his earlier expressed opinions .

  30. 报纸上的这篇文章给她冠以“社交毒药”之名,称人皆不宜与其为伍。

    The newspaper article had branded her a social leper not fit to be seen in company .