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  • ground phosphate rock
  1. 通过实验研究不同磷矿粉粒度和酸用量对过磷酸钙产品物性和质量的影响。

    Based on the experiment , the effects of both the fineness of ground phosphate rock and acid consumption on the property and quality of SSP products are studied .

  2. 实验结果:磷矿粉越细,产品物性和质量越好;

    The result indicates : the finer the ground phosphate rock is , the better the property and quality of SSP ;

  3. e.磷矿粉细度-100目100%,-200目(83~88)%。

    E. The grain size of PR is 100 % through 100 mesh , ( 83 ~ 88 ) % through 200 mesh .

  4. 可见P17菌株等解磷微生物能够有效地溶解、转化磷矿粉中的难溶磷,用微生物学途径来提高磷矿粉直接施用效果是可行的。

    So strain P17 could solubilize and transform difficultly soluble phosphorus .

  5. 在施加Ca(OH)2基础上,再施加凹凸棒石、膨润土、沸石、磷矿粉,对供试土壤无明显的改良效果,但是适量施加磷矿粉可作为长效磷肥。

    On the basis of lime addition , there were no obvious effect by addition of attapulgite , bentonite , zeolite and phosphate rock on tested soil , but phosphate rock could be used as a long-term phosphate .

  6. 磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉的适量施用可促进莴苣生长,改善其品质,降低对重金属Cu、Cd的吸收,并影响土壤基本理化性质。

    Phosphate rocks and activated phosphate rocks in the appropriate application can promote the growth of lettuce and improved its quality , reduced heavy metals Cu , Cd uptake , and affected the physical and chemical properties of the soil .

  7. 解磷微生物溶磷效果研究表明P17菌株接种不同来源磷矿粉为唯一磷源的发酵液中均使发酵液有效磷含量增加。

    P-solubilizing effects study results showed that strain P17 could facilitate solution of phosphate rock powder from different sources .

  8. 经过P17菌株长达70d的溶解,磷矿粉的难溶磷逐渐被P17菌株溶解下来。采用四川马边磷矿,研究硫磷混酸分解磷矿的反应温度、磷矿粒度与分解率的关系。

    This paper studies the relationship between temperature , size of phosphate rock powder and acidulation rate in the process of Mabian phosphate rock acidulated by mixture of sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid .

  9. 两株芽孢杆菌对磷矿粉中磷的浸出能力研究

    The capacity of two bacillus in leaching phosphorus from rock phosphate

  10. 酸性土壤上磷矿粉释磷机理与农学效应

    P Releasing Mechanism of PRs and Agricultural Effect in Acid Soils

  11. 磷矿粉的超微细活化及磷释放动态研究

    Ultrafine grinding activations of phosphate rock and their dynamic phosphorus releases

  12. 改性磷矿粉复合保水材料的制备与性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of Phosphorite Powder / Poly Superabsorbent Composite

  13. 磷矿粉缓解酸性土壤铝毒的研究猪粪对红壤铝毒的缓解效应

    The diminishing effect of phosphate rock application on aluminum toxicity in acid soil

  14. 磷矿粉在水稻土中的溶解&转化特性及生物有效性研究

    Dissolution and Transformation Characteristics of Phosphate Rock and Its Bioavailability in Paddy Soils

  15. 酸性硫酸盐土壤上几种磷矿粉对水稻生长的影响

    Effect of Rock Phosphates From Different Sources on Rice Grown on Acidic Sulphate Soils

  16. 改性磷矿粉在石灰性土壤上的肥效及其作用机理的研究

    The Effects of Modified Phosphate Rock on Spring Wheat in Calcareous Soil and Their Mechanism

  17. 施用石灰和磷矿粉对桃园土壤养分和树体营养的影响

    Effects of Applying Line and Phosphate Rock on Soil and Tree Nutrients in Peach Orchard

  18. 磷矿粉用量越低,磷的浸出率越高。

    The lower the content of rock phosphate , the higher the rate of phosphorus leaching .

  19. 磷矿粉盐酸萃取液氟含量的研究

    Study on the Content of Fluorine in the Extract Prepared by Reacting Phosphate Ore with Hydrochloric Acid

  20. 对于活性高的磷矿粉可以采用直接施用的方法,其肥效甚至可以和水溶性磷肥相当。

    For PR with high reactivity , the direct application of PR is equivalent to water-soluble phosphate .

  21. 应用放射性磷矿粉进行土壤性质对植物吸收磷素的影响的研究

    Effect of the state of soil phosphorus on the availability of rock phosphate to plant from irradiated rock phosphate powder

  22. 磷矿粉直接施用在热带地区特定植物及有机农业上有着很好的应用前景。

    Direct application of PR has a good prospect in tropical regions crops particularly in plantation crops and organic agriculture .

  23. 改性磷矿粉对油菜幼苗生长和土壤性质的影响

    Modified phosphate rock by γ - poly glutamic acid and its effects on the growth of rapeseed seedlings and soil properties

  24. 磷矿粉的砷质量分数高于50μg/g时,需经过脱除砷才能使产品合格。

    The arsenic must be removed , when the arsenic ′ s mass fraction in ground phosphate rock is higher than 50 μ g / g.

  25. 不过对于磷素供应来说,磷酸二铵是最好的来源,磷矿粉在酸性红壤土上同样有效。

    However for P supply , DAP was found superior source and rock phosphate tended to be equally effective source of P in acid laterite soil .

  26. 磷酸反应槽是磷酸装置生产工艺流程中的关键设备之一,磷矿粉与浓硫酸在反应槽内反应生成磷酸。

    Phosphoric acid reactor where phosphate rock powder and sulphuric acid reacts with phosphoric acid , is one of the key equipment of its devices production process .

  27. 磷矿粉既是一种常用的缓效磷肥,用于农业生产,也是一种经济环保的土壤改良剂,用于土壤重金属污染修复。

    Phosphate rock is a kind of common slow released fertilizer , used in agricultural production . It is also an economic environmental soil amendment for soil heavy metal pollution .

  28. 有效磷含量高的过磷酸钙,施用当年的肥效比磷矿粉高;迟效性的磷矿粉施后第二年的后效作用大。

    The fertilizer efficiency of high P-content calcium superphosphate was higher than that of ground phosphorite in the first year , but the after-effect in the second year for the later .

  29. 粗柠檬实生苗经泡囊一丛枝菌根真菌的接种和施用磷矿粉作盆栽四个处理,用以测验菌根对柑桔吸收难溶性磷肥的效应。

    Rough lemon seedlings were grown in sterilized purple soil in a pot experiment to study the effect of a vesicula : - arbuscular ( VA ) mycorrhizal fungus on the uptake of insoluble phosphate .

  30. 本研究选用高表面活性矿物(无机活化剂)和有机活化剂,对四种不同产地、不同品位的磷矿粉进行活化处理,制备改性磷矿粉;

    Highly Surface-activated Minerals ( HSAM , inorganic activator ) and organic activator were selected , and four different origin and quality phosphate rock ( PR ) were activated with the two activators to make modified phosphate rock ( MPR ) .