
  • 网络Social Dumping
  1. 并对民工荒问题的利弊、民工荒的价值以及民工荒和WTO的劳工标准、社会倾销等重要问题结合起来进行深刻反思;

    Also profoundly turns over the advantages and disadvantages of the Worker shortage problem , the value of " workers shortage " and the WTO labor standards , social dumping , and other important issues .

  2. 社会倾销对我国对外贸易的影响及策略

    Social Dumping 's Impact on China 's Foreign Trade and Strategy

  3. 生态倾销(eco-dumping)是欧美国家80年代中期针对环境标准较低的发展中国家提出的一个概念,它同社会倾销一样,完全有别于一般产品倾销。

    The concept of Eco-dumping , which is aimed at developing countries of low environmental criteria , is brought forward in the middle of 1980s . It is different from common product dumping same as social-dumping .

  4. 本章还回顾了社会倾销的演变。

    Also reviewed in this Chapter is the evolution of Social Dumping .

  5. 发达国家指责发展中国家凭借低劳工标准向其进行社会倾销,要求对其劳工标准方面进行限制。

    Western countries blame developing countries on their social-dumping with their low labor standard and insist that is should be restricted .

  6. 发达国家给出了不同的标准来确定社会倾销的存在,并在不同的场合交替使用这些标准。

    For the determination of Social Dumping , developed countries present different standards and these standards are used alternately on different occasions .

  7. 本文的目的是分析市场倾销和社会倾销的性质,指出,非市场经济地位是对中国的歧视政策。

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the characters of Market Dumping and Social Dumping , pointing out that Non-Market Economic Status is a discrimination policy to China .

  8. 如果任凭发展中国家降低劳工标准于不顾,将造成社会倾销,造成工作机会从高工资、高标准的发达国家流向低工资、低标准的发展中国家。

    If developing countries decrease labour standards without intervention , social dumping will occur . Employment opportunities will move from developed countries with high wage and high standards to developing counties with low wage and low standards .

  9. 文章着重从国际经济学理论的角度探讨了核心劳工标准与比较优势、社会倾销、贫困化增长等热点问题,认为其既具有合理之处,也反映了不同发达国家与发展中国家之间的利益之争。

    This paper discusses the hot issues including core labor standards and comparative advantages , social dumping , and immiserizing growth from the angle of international economics theories . And it thinks the issues are rational and reflect the benefit conflicts between developed and developing countries .

  10. 或者说,社会倾销对国内产业产生的影响与正常的、公平的竞争产生的影响是一样的,因此,并没有造成任何实质损害,社会倾销和一些人所声称的社会问题之间并没有因果关系。

    In other words , Social Dumping has the same influence on domestic industries as common regular and fair competition , therefore , it does not lead to any material injury and there is no casual relationship between Social Dumping and the social problems that some states have claimed of .

  11. 列强的侵略使中国开始逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,成为列强倾销商品和掠夺原料的场所。

    Aggression by foreign powers in China has gradually become a semi-colonial semi-feudal society as dumping goods and predatory powers of the place of raw materials .