
  • 网络Social surplus
  1. 社会剩余最大化条件下的道路拥挤收费研究

    Theoretical Analysis of Congestion Pricing Based on Maximizing Social Surplus

  2. 交通拥挤收费与社会剩余分析

    Analysis on Urban Traffic Congestion Pricing and Social Surplus

  3. 当代社会剩余价值分配理论探析

    On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society

  4. 论社会主义社会剩余价值的分配

    On the Distribution of Surplus Value in a Socialist Society

  5. 对当代社会剩余价值分配的再认识

    Reconsideration on Contemporary Distribution System of Surplus Value

  6. 基于社会剩余最大化的集合竞价交易机制研究

    Maximum Social Surplus-Based Call Auction Trading Mechanism

  7. 适时的专利授权期能够在激励企业技术创新和增加社会剩余之间取得均衡。

    Optimal patent grand period can reach equilibrium between motivating technology innovation and increasing social surplus .

  8. 专利授权期过短,缺少技术创新的动力,技术创新水平不高,最终影响社会剩余。

    Shortening patent grand period will weaken level of technology innovation , reducing social surplus in the end .

  9. 流通领域在社会剩余生产中不容忽视,应当区分社会剩余与剩余价值这对概念;

    It is necessary to differentiate social surplus and surplus value since the circulation field can not be neglected in the production of social surplus ;

  10. 改革公用事业的政府管制方式,是提高公用事业效率、增加公用事业产业社会剩余的根本途径。

    It 's the radical approach for the government to reform the regulation modes in order to improve the effectiveness and social surplus of public utility .

  11. 通过拥挤收费使得社会剩余达到最大,同时导致用户剩余的损失,并衍生社会公平性问题。

    The implementation of congestion pricing brings to the maximization of social surplus , but leads the loss of users'surplus and causes the problems in social equity .

  12. 政府不恰当的规制一方面破坏了分离均衡的甄别机制,导致国有经济低效率与社会剩余减少:另一方面又引起其演化的时间路径出现非正常振荡,迫使监管收敛于最大成本。

    The government 's unfit regulations destroyed the sorting mechanism of the equilibrium , resulted in the low efficiency and declining social surplus , likewise caused the abnormal variation of the evolvement path and the maximum supervision cost .

  13. 商业银行是一个国家或者地区金融体系的重要组成部分,其运营状况直接影响着社会剩余资金的配置,进而影响到整个经济的增长和发展。

    Commercial banks are the important part of the financial system of a country or region , and its operational status will directly affect the configuration of the social surplus funds , thereby affecting the overall economic growth and development .

  14. 中小民营企业具有生产规模小、数量多、分布范围广、投资少、见效快、经营范围广、劳动密集程度高的特点,可以吸收大量的社会剩余劳动力。

    Small and medium-sized private companies with small production scale , number and wide distribution , less investment , quick , operating a wide range of labor-intensive characteristics of a high degree , can absorb a lot of social surplus labor .

  15. 从经济学的角度来看,税收是国家参与社会剩余产品分配所形成的一种经济利益关系,并借助法的形式,通过设定税收权利义务来实现。

    In terms of economics , tax is the relation of economical profits formed by a state 's participation in the distribution of the surplus products in society , which is realized by formulating the rights and duties of tax in taxation laws .

  16. 本研究运用福利经济学的分析方法,通过政府补贴作用于保险价格进而影响保险市场主体的福利,利用消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会剩余衡量农业保险市场主体的福利变化。

    The study focuses on welfare economics theory , through the principle that thinking the price subsidy will have effect on the agricultural insurance market , then we can adopt the change of consumer surplus , producer surplus and social surplus to measure the welfare change of market players .

  17. 我国苹果及苹果汁产业的发展,吸纳了大量的社会剩余劳动力,提高了产品的附加值,并出口创汇带动了国内经济的发展,为我国的经济发展做出了一定的贡献。

    The development of apple juice industry absorbing a large number of social surplus labor force , improves the added value of products . Meanwhile , it also earns foreign exchange through export driving the domestic economic development , which makes a contribution to the economic development of our country .

  18. 领导任职期限制度能激励个人在管理技能培养上进行投入,这有利于增加社会总剩余;然而,任职期限制度在提供激励的同时,也造成了潜在效率的损失。

    The duration of leader position provides representative individual with the incentives to invest in educating management technology , which is helpful for increasing the total social surplus .

  19. 导致社会捐赠剩余财产来源上的特殊性的原因有二:捐赠事项自始不存在和捐赠事项嗣后灭失。

    Lead to social collection remaining property on the source of the particularity of : collection items from the beginning and the collection items do not exist or loss .

  20. 因此整体上金融体系在配置社会金融剩余和促进存量资本再流动方面是缺乏效率的,而这同时也对金融体系自身的安全形成了威胁。

    As a result , the financial intermediary and financial market have showed low efficiency with respect to allocating social financial surplus and promoting removal of social capital stock .

  21. 在预期实现的需求曲线存在的前提下,垄断厂商的生产者剩余与消费者剩余以及社会总剩余,存在同向变动的趋势。

    In the case of ' fulfilled expectations demand curve ', producer surplus of monopoly , consumer surplus and social total surplus will possibly vary on the same trend .

  22. 第五章通过建模进行经济学分析,得出:在信息完全的情况下,解雇限制会降低社会总剩余;

    Chapter Five establishes a model : Under symmetric information , a job protection law restricts the principal 's possibilities to maximize his profit , which equals the total surplus .

  23. 进一步运用福利经济学原理,分析了铁路货运集中化前后消费者剩余、生产者剩余和社会总剩余的变化,得出铁路货运集中化会使社会总福利增加。

    By the principles of economics , the change of consumer surplus , producer surplus and social surplus with railway freight transport integration was discussed , it is indicated that railway freight transport integration can make the social welfare increase .

  24. 文章通过一个两阶段博弈的分析框架,利用动态的局部均衡权衡模型,从个人收益最大化和社会总剩余最大化的相互作用中,推导出了社会最优的领导任职期限。

    Making use of an analytical framework of a two-stage game and the dynamic partial equilibrium tradeoff model , this paper deduces a society 's optimal duration of leader position from the interaction between personal income maximization and total social surplus maximization .

  25. 摘要通过对渣土处置的环境经济分析,渣土的减量化、资源化处置不仅不会增加企业的成本,而且能使建筑企业增加收入,同时也使城市社会经济剩余增大。

    This paper analyses the environmental economy of urban construction waste residue in China and states that the reduction and recycling of the waste residue will not increase the building cost on the part of the enterprises , but instead can augment the social economic surplus .

  26. 在资本主义社会里,剩余产品都被资本家所占有。

    In a capitalist society , surplus products are owned by the capitalists .

  27. 租赁的出现无疑是生产力发展、社会财富产生剩余的结果。

    The appearance of lease is the result of the development of fertility and the surplus of social fortune .

  28. 社会主义与资本主义两种社会制度中剩余价值的区别只在于:生产前提不同;

    The difference of surplus value only depends on in two kinds of social systems , socialism and capitalism : production premise is different ;

  29. 传统社会将全部剩余劳动投入等级制社会结构再生产,使社会物质生产系统处于维持生存的状态,导致社会发展的停滞徘徊。

    In traditional societies , all surplus labor was invested in the reproduction of the hierarchic social structure , resulting in a subsistence-level social material production system and stagnancy in social development .

  30. 农民负担是具有农村户口的公民无偿向国家、集体和社会提供的剩余价值的总和,包括费用、劳务和产品三种形式,是农民生产成果社会再分配的重要组成部分。

    The peasants ' load , as an important form of redistribution of the peasants ' output among the whole society , is the sum total of surplus value rendered gratis by citizens of rural residence .