
  1. 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。

    Her socialist belief is born of a hatred of injustice .

  2. 发展信念:社会主义信念的现时态体现

    Development Belief : The uptodate embodiment of socialism beliefs

  3. 坚定的社会主义信念是中华民族强大的凝聚力;

    Firm faith of socialism is the great cohesion of the Chinese nation ;

  4. 文化自觉视域下关于中国特色社会主义信念教育的思考

    Cultural Consciousness as the Domain of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Beliefs about Education Consideration

  5. 它的影响主要是在思想领域里引起混乱,动摇人们的社会主义信念。

    The major influence is bringing about disorder in the field of thought and shaking people 's beliefs in socialism .

  6. 我们必须以马克思主义为武器,科学认识当代资本主义的新发展,坚定社会主义信念。

    We should understand the new development scientifically with Marxism as the most useful instrument and strengthen our conviction on socialism .

  7. 因此,大学生要重塑人格就应突出社会主义信念、民族复兴的责任感、全球伦理和新时代的英雄主义。

    Therefore , the reshape of university students ' personality necessitates giving prominence to their personality of socialist belief , nation-reconstructing responsibility , global ethics and new-age heroism .

  8. 大学生应具备以社会主义信念、为人民服务思想、爱国主义、集体主义为核心的思想道德素质;

    The overall qualities of college students are as follows : ideological and ethical qualities with socialist belief , serving the people , patriotism and collectivism as the core ;

  9. 在此基础上,分析论证了社会主义信念的现时形态&社会主义发展信念的弱化原因,并提出积极的应对措施。

    On the basis of this , analyses and proves the formation of socialist faith at present & the weak reason of socialist development faith and puts forward vigorous countermeasures .

  10. 本文从分析信念构成和信念效力问题出发,论述了社会主义信念的革命特征和社会主义信念效力的历史表现。

    Starting from analysing the component of faith and the problem of the effect of faith , this article discusses the revolutionary characteristic of socialist faith and historical expression of the effect of socialist faith .

  11. 认清历史发展进程,坚定社会主义理想信念

    To Realize the Historical Process and Strengthen the Ideal of Socialism

  12. 社会主义发展信念的效力浅析

    An Analysis of the Effect of Socialist Development Faith

  13. 青年知识分子社会主义理想信念教育问题研究

    Research on the Problems in Youth Intellectuals ' Education of Socialist Ideal and Belief

  14. 大学生的主流价值观念积极向上,社会主义理想信念更加坚定。

    The mainstream values of the college students is positive , socialist ideals and beliefs more firmly .

  15. 把握政治认知的形成特点搞好社会主义理想信念教育

    Improve the education of socialist ideals and beliefs in reference to the developmental characteristics of political cognition

  16. 在坚持社会主义理想信念法权地位的基础上,加强和改进大学生理想信念教育,必须实现社会理想信念与大学生个体价值认同的统一。

    So the moral education of college students should emphasize the unification of the socialist beliefs and the individual values of the students .

  17. 致使后来的思想政治教育失去了人民群众的支持和信赖,引发了人民群众对社会主义的信念危机。

    It thus led to the loss of support and confidence from the people in ideological and political education , and triggered a belief crisis in socialism .

  18. 第二部分,阐述了大学生中国特色社会主义理想信念方面存在的主要问题,并从国际、国内环境的变化、网络信息技术的发展、教育本身存在的问题等方面进行成因分析;

    Part 2 , the paper stresses some problem in socialist ideal and belief of Chinese characteristic , and analyzes the reasons from the change of the environment of home and abroad .

  19. 从思想道德入手,培养大学生优良的道德品质,树立社会主义道德信念是解决思想道德教育工作中问题的一个关键之处。

    To cultivate the college students to possess outstanding moral character and to develop the socialist moral belief from the aspect of ideology and ethics cognition is the key link in the ideological and moral education .

  20. 道德信仰通过价值还原和超越生成机制,使大学生个体得以突破主-客、个体-社会和真理-价值的二元价值分裂,使社会主义理想信念得以主体性的生成。

    Through the mechanisms of " value reduction " and " surmounting production ", the moral beliefs enable the individual student to break through the fission of dualism , such as " subject-object " " individual-society " and " truth-value ", and to make socialism ideals and beliefs generate spontaneously .

  21. 坚定社会主义必胜的信念

    Strengthening the Belief That the Socialism Is Sure to Win the Victory

  22. 多数大学生中国特色社会主义共同理想信念坚定,能够正确认同中国特色社会主义政治、经济和文化制度以及现代化的奋斗目标。

    The majority of students of the Chinese characteristic socialism common ideal faith , can correctly identify the Chinese characteristic socialism political , economic and cultural system and modern struggling target .

  23. 红色精神奠定了马克思主义大众化的思想基础,红色精神的核心和灵魂是对社会主义理想的坚定信念。

    The core and soul Red spirit is the firm belief of socialist ideal .

  24. 同时,对我国古代和革命战争年代、资本主义国家和其他社会主义国家的理想信念教育经验进行分析总结。

    At the same time , the ideal and faith education in ancient China and the age of revolutionary war 、 capitalistic states and the other socialist states will be studied .

  25. 正确评价社会主义实践,是坚定社会主义信念的必要前提;

    Abstract : Correct evaluation of socialist practice is the necessary premise of strengthening socialist belief .

  26. 在整个教育体系中,研究生思想政治教育更是肩负着提高研究生思想素质、道德品质,以及为社会主义现代化建设输送具有坚定社会主义信念的高层次人才的双重重任。

    In the whole education system , students also is responsible for the ideological and political education improve the quality of students thinking , moral quality , as well as the socialist modernization drive transmission has a firm belief in socialism the dual task of high-level personnel .

  27. 回顾社会主义史上的论战坚定社会主义必胜信念对社会主义必然胜利的若干认识

    Strengthening our confidence in the inevitable victory of socialism through reviewing the debates in the history of socialism

  28. 具体讲解了对原有社会主义意识形态教育的创新、对社会主义理想信念教育的创新以及与时俱进的、应时的全球化意识教育和幸福教育等。

    The article gives detailed explanation for innovation in original socialist ideology education , the socialist ideals and beliefs education , advancing global awareness education and well-being education and so on .

  29. 正确认识中国选择社会主义的历史必然性,对于我们坚定社会主义信念具有重要意义。

    It is vital for us to strengthen our socialism conviction by correct understanding the historical inevitability as China chooses its socialism .

  30. 本文基于中国倡导构建社会主义和谐社会的背景,以引导乃至坚定人们的社会主义和谐社会信念为宗旨,对和谐社会机制与价值探讨的历史脉络和逻辑线索进行了系统梳理和探究。

    The thesis is based on the background of the foundation of harmonious society in China .