
  • 网络writing material
  1. 机辅写作:样本库中写作材料检索方法

    Computer-aided writing : retrieval method of writing material in specimen bank

  2. 伯顿家的浪漫故事是许许多多的社会新闻专栏作者最喜欢的写作材料。

    The burtons'romance was food and drink to a thousand gossip columnists .

  3. 审核书或者其他的写作材料。

    Look through a book or other written material .

  4. 还有一些人,像我的母亲,会说我是从前世里找到这些写作材料的。

    And others , like my mother , would say that I get my material from past lives .

  5. 促使学生在积累中,学会观察、学会思考、学会钻研,从而解决写作材料来源的问题。

    That can help the students learn to accumulate , learn how to observe , learn to think , learn to study .

  6. 第二个结论是在所研究的写作材料中,高质量的作文比低质量的作文应用的衔接手段多。

    The second one is that among the writing materials studied , there are more cohesive devices in the high-quality writings than in the low-quality ones .

  7. 我是学校文学社的一名成员,因此我有很多机会外出采风来收集我的写作材料。

    I 'm a member of the school 's Literature Club , so I have many opportunities to collect inspirations from outside to aid my writings .

  8. 一个诗词作者必须开拓思维,在生活中积累写作材料,分析综合理解贯通,形成作品的主题。

    The author must develop a mentality poetry , with writing materials accumulated in life , analysis and comprehensive understanding of the speech , before forming the theme .

  9. 另一个方面,需要注意的是文章结构和交的写作材料。我特别想说的是作弊问题。

    Other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays and delivery of written material and in particular I would like to mention the question of plagiarism .

  10. 指导学生观察和感受生活,培养学生的阅读能力,广泛积累写作材料,是提高写作水平的必要途径。

    The only way to improve the students ' writing level is to guide the students to observe the life and foster their reading ability as well as accumulate writing materials .

  11. 但由于本人理论水平和写作材料有限,本文只对效率提高视角的我国行政体制改革进行了表面性的有益探索,更深的研究尚待知识储备和理论水平的进一步积累和加深。

    But because of my limited theoretical level and writing materials , this paper has carried on the surface of beneficial exploration from efficiency perspective of administrative reform , the deeper research yet to be further accumulation and deepening of the stock of knowledge and theoretical level .

  12. 两个班的写作教学材料是相同的。

    The two classes use the same learning materials .

  13. 绪论部分叙述了选题的意义、学术回顾、支撑本文写作的材料,以及写作的基本思路和运用的方法。

    The introduction part describes the significance of the topic , the academic review , supporting the writing material , as well as the thought of writing and the method .

  14. 词汇是写作的基本材料,在写作中的作用十分重要。

    Vocabulary is the basic writing material and plays an important role in writing .

  15. 还应抽出时间仔细而有目的地看看写作题的材料。

    There should also be time to read the Writing Task material carefully and purposefully .

  16. 其次,论文写作时英文材料的融入有困难。

    Secondly , it is difficult to combine English materials with Chinese when writing a paper .

  17. 文学批评为文学史写作提供观点和材料,不断更新和推动着文学史的写作。

    Literary criticism provides point of view and materials for the writing of literary history .

  18. 针对目前商业化应用文计算机辅助写作软件的模板中写作材料填充问题,提出了从样本(例文)库中检索出模板所需的写作材料的方法。

    Most of the current commercial computer aided writing ( CAW ) software adopts template technique , which offers only an idea or framework rather than a complete solution .

  19. 老师通过阅读各种形式的写作,讨论作者的意图和写作材料的意义。

    To put writing lessons in context , teachers might read different styles of writing aloud , discussing the author 's intent and the material 's significance .