
  • 网络writing characteristics;writing features;-ology
  1. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的写作特点和人物形象

    A commentary on the writing features and characterization of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  2. 14、15世纪英国修道院编年史的写作特点及演变趋向

    The Writing Features and Evolutionary Tendency of English Monastic Chronicles in the 14th and 15th Centuries

  3. 通讯写作特点:包括新闻性、形象性、评论性;

    Communication writing characteristic : Including novel , iconicity , commentary ;

  4. 物理学、化学论文的写作特点和要求

    Characteristics and Requirments of Writing a Paper of Physics or Chemistry

  5. 商务英语报忧信的写作特点和策略

    Characteristics and Strategies of Business English Bad News Letter Writing

  6. 浅析网络聊天室网名的写作特点

    On Characteristics of IT Names in Chat Room on Line

  7. 留学生毕业论文的写作特点与规范化指导

    The Features of Graduation-thesis Writing by Foreign Students and its Standardized Instruction

  8. 数学论文的写作特点和要求

    Characteristics and Requirements of Writing a Paper of Mathematics

  9. 本文写作特点是什么?

    What 's the writing trait of the text ?

  10. 英文电子函件写作特点研究

    Descriptive Study on Composition Features of English Electronic Mail

  11. 《聊斋志异》的社会新闻性质及写作特点

    Social news nature and writing characteristics of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio

  12. 第二是分析小税史实与异闻两方面的内容及其写作特点;

    Secondly , analyse the real and empty contents of novels and writing characteristic .

  13. 语言研究的一个重要方面就是修辞,而分析文学作品的写作特点,也离不开修辞。

    Rhetoric is considered one of the most important aspects in the linguistic study .

  14. 网络新闻写作特点分析

    Analysis on the writing characteristics of network-news

  15. 祝辞的写作特点研究

    Research into Writing Characteristic of the Congratulations

  16. 利用写作特点指导记叙文的阅读理解

    Reading From Writing : Understanding A Narration

  17. 青春散文的写作特点

    The Characteristics of Young Person 's Prose

  18. 以《小伙子古德曼·布朗》为例试论霍桑的写作特点

    Taking Young Goodman Brown as an Example to Analyze the Characteristics of Hawthorne 's Writing

  19. 本文旨在发掘曼斯菲尔德写作特点在翻译中的再现。

    The thesis intends to explore the re-creation of Mansfield s writing characteristics in translation .

  20. 掌握它的写作特点是顺利进行商务活动的前提。

    So , to grasp its writing characteristics is the pre-condition for conducting successful business .

  21. 善与恶的完美交织&析《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的叙事和写作特点

    The Mixture of Goodness and Evil

  22. 试论《阿拉比》的写作特点

    On the writing features of Araby

  23. 析刘炽的交响大合唱《祖国三部曲》&兼谈刘炽的旋律写作特点

    An analysis of the Trilogy of Motherland & a symphonic chorus by Liu Zhi-and his melodic features

  24. 它已经具有后现代主义小说的一些写作特点,特别体现在后现在后现代主义理论的不确定性上。

    It has already has the characteristics of postmodernism novels , especially in the aspect of the indeterminacy .

  25. 第三章:善用寓言讲故事是赫伯特的又一写作特点,在本章中作者主要论述象征和寓言故事在他的沉思性诗歌中的交替使用,本章的焦点即为寓言化的象征手法。

    Chapter Three focuses on his meditative poems which are often exhibited by using emblem and allegory interchangeably .

  26. 阅读过程中,学生会接触到不同文体的语篇.了解各种文体的写作特点有助于透彻地理解文章。

    With knowledge of all types of writing , they can fully understand and appreciate what they are reading .

  27. 其中,对于这两部作品的大部分研究多集中在翻译、体裁、语言、成长、写作特点和人物等方面。

    And most of the reviews are on translation , genre , linguistics , initiation , writing features and characters .

  28. 前言部分,从宏观上概述《颜氏家训》一书的写作特点、基本内容、思想核心以及现代价值。

    The preface summaries the writing characteristics , basic contents , thought core and modern value of Yan family instructions .

  29. 我的写作特点更像钱钟书的《围城》,因为我很欣赏他骂人骂得深刻又不露骨。

    My writing characteristics more like qian zhongshu 's fortress , because I appreciate his curse and scold the profound .

  30. 文章最后总结了本文的写作特点及可能存在的不足之处。

    Finally , the author sums up the characteristics of this paper and points out the possible shortage of the paper .