
xiě zuò xué
  • grammatology
  1. 古代写作学的辩证思想简论

    A Brief Discussion of Dialectical thought On Writing In Ancient China

  2. 写作学和文章学、阅读学的分工与合作

    The co-operation and sharing-out of writing with the Article study and Reading

  3. 现代写作学的勃兴(1980&2000年)

    Rise of modern writing theories ( 1980 - 2000 )

  4. 内蒙古写作学30年(1978~2008)

    Inner Mongolia Writing Theory Studies 30 Years ( 1978 ~ 2008 )

  5. 突围与回归:论现代写作学学科建设走向

    Breakthrough and Regression : On the Trend of Modern Writing Course Construction

  6. 21世纪写作学发展的思考

    On the Development of the Study of Writing in the 21st Century

  7. 现代写作学的理论建构只能走自我创建之路。

    The modern writing theory is only founded by itself .

  8. 新世纪现代写作学研究的新发展

    New developments in modern writing studies in the new century

  9. 对应论&兼论建立生命写作学

    On the corresponding performance - and on establish the life writing study

  10. 关于请示与报告的写作学研究

    Research on Writings on Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports

  11. 从写作学的角度讲授课文

    Teaching Texts from the Point of View of Writing

  12. 写作学理论研究必须适应这种回归的趋势。

    Writing theory research must adapt itself to the tendency of this regress .

  13. 现代写作学研究中的后现代主义倾向

    Inclination of Post-modernism in the Study of Modern Writing

  14. 写作学视角:论作为文章大家的茅盾

    On Mao Dun as a Master Writer : A Perspective of Writing Studies

  15. 从写作学视域看失真与虚构、模仿的区别

    On the Differences between Distortion , Imaginary and Imitation from the Writing Perspective

  16. 应用写作学的对象、矛盾、构想研究

    A Research on the Object Contradiction and the Ideal of Practical Article Writing Subject

  17. 写作学与文学学的比较

    Comparison Between the Theories of Writing and Literature

  18. 学术期刊编辑的写作学特征与实践

    Writing Future and Practice of Academic Journal Editing

  19. 关于建立写作学理论体系的几点想法

    My Viewpoints on Building the Writing Theory System

  20. 科技编辑学与科技写作学的关系

    Relationship between scientific editing and scientific writing

  21. 欣赏写作学理论的提出及理论体系的建构

    On writing-appraisal Theory & Its Theoretical System

  22. 传统的写作学理论往往只注重写作的本体研究,而忽略了写作从本体到受体密不可分的欣赏活动。

    Traditional writing theory puts emphasis on the study of writing , neglecting the literature appreciation .

  23. 哲学发展对写作学理论建设的启示

    Philosophy Development Enlightens Writing Theory Research

  24. 走向动态写作学

    Approaching to the Dynamic Writing

  25. 中国本土写作学的伟大复兴&对构思写作学的批判和对非构思写作学的构建

    Great Rejuvenation of Chinese Writing & Criticism of Conception Writing and Construction of Non - conception Writing

  26. 中国学术期刊编辑的现代写作学特征是批判性、逆向性、延续性。

    The modern writing future of Chinese academic journal editing should be critical , reversal and continual .

  27. 50年回眸:建国以来的中国写作学

    Retrospect of the 50 yeas : the studies of the Chinese writing since the founding of new China

  28. 江淹拟古诗新审视&从文献学与写作学角度考察

    New Examination on Jiang Yan 's Drafting Ancient Poems & to Check from the Angles of Document and Writings

  29. 关于构建旅游写作学的思考&兼评黄卓才主编的《旅游写作》

    Consideration about Establishing the Subject of Tourism Writing & A comment on Tourism Writing compiled by Huang Zhuocai ;

  30. 文体分类是当前写作学界、应用写作学界迫切需要解决的一个重点和难点课题。

    Style classifying is a very important and difficult point urgent to be solved in the writing educational circles .