
xiě zì zhuō
  • writing desk;writing table
  1. 接下来,它把我们的古董写字桌的把手吃了。

    Later on , she ate the wooden handles of our antique writing desk .

  2. 他俩身后是一张古董写字桌,很明显女王已经用了几十年了。

    Behind them is an antique writing desk , clearly used by the Queen for many decades .

  3. 他有一张写字桌,看起来有一点像你的那张。

    He 's got a desk that looks vaguely like your .

  4. 这房间备有一张写字桌,一个帽架。

    The room was furnished with a desk and hat stand .

  5. 他锁上了写字桌,把所有的东西都装进口袋里,走了。

    He locked the desk , pocketed all the property , and went .

  6. 他将书籍放在写字桌上。

    He deposited the books on the desk .

  7. 我们把这张写字桌放在那儿?

    Where 's shall we put the desk ?

  8. 我们合用一张写字桌。

    We had one desk between us .

  9. 这是你的写字桌吗?他将书籍放在写字桌上。

    Is this your writing - table ? He deposited the books on the desk .

  10. 他要了一张写字桌,写道:约翰是他的名字。

    And demanding a writing table , he wrote , saying : John is his name .

  11. 这是你的写字桌吗?

    Is this your writing-table ?

  12. 冰箱在写字桌上,小床是块搁板架在墙上。

    Fridge on the desk , the child 's bed is a wooden plate fixed on the wall .

  13. 写字桌上还放着很多其它的装饰物,包括两个士兵雕像和一个玻璃大象。

    The desk also displays a variety of ornaments , including two soldier figurines and a glass elephant .

  14. 他点了支烟,走到了写字桌的跟前,因为桌子上的书架摆设了不少的书的吸引了他。

    He lights up a cigarette and walks to the desk , because there are quite a few books on the desk attract him .

  15. 写字桌本身上面摆放着一些花束,有淡紫色的玫瑰,每个礼拜都定期更换。

    The writing desk itself is topped with a glorious display of flowers including lilac roses , which she can expect to be changed each weekend .

  16. 如果是走客房,检查衣橱,写字桌抽屉,床边桌,床底下,浴室是否有遗留物品。

    In the room is a check out room , the wardrobe , desk drawers , bedside table and under the bed , bathroom must be inspected for Lost & Found articles .

  17. 我很遵从,纵然我想到了桌子下会碰头,但我照旧按指示关掉了写字桌下面的电源。

    I 'm on my knees because I have been instructed to turn off the power strip under my desk , though the part where I bang my head is something I thought of on my own .

  18. 我的客房面积阔大,走道有着高挑的天花板,但写字桌是古典式样,窗外可以看到花园和山峰,让我想起美国东北地区仍然活跃的古雅客栈。

    The high-ceilinged corridors and my huge room , with an antique desk and view of a garden and a mountain peak , made me think of the fine old inns that still survive in the American Northeast .