
  • 网络Writing Intention;writing purpose
  1. 本文的逻辑结构如下:引言,笔者通过陈述部分学者就弃权与禁止反言制度的研究成果,阐述自身的写作目的,研究对象及写作思路,就本文的写作意图进行初步奠定。

    The logical construction is as follows . Introduction : By stating some scholars ' research results on Waiver and Estelle System , the author describes her writing purpose , study object and writing plan , making preliminary laying for the purpose of this thesis .

  2. 这是因为discourse包括话语和书面语。接下来简要地论述了篇章分析的相关理论和本文的写作意图。

    Then the definition of discourse analysis and the purpose of the thesis are briefly discussed .

  3. 其后,开宗明义说明本文的写作意图。

    Afterward , the intention of writing this thesis is explained clearly .

  4. 福斯塔夫和猪八戒&写作意图和人物面面观

    Falstaff and Zhu Bajie : The Intention of Creation and Aspects of Characterization

  5. 其中作者的写作意图起了决定性作用。

    And the later one plays a decisive role .

  6. 前言部分主要说明了选题的意义和作者的写作意图。

    The foreword partial mainly showed the selected topic significance and author 's writing intention .

  7. 导言部分介绍了本文的选题背景及写作意图。

    The preface introduces the background of sunset review as the subject of this paper .

  8. 在一些阅读文章中,作者使用概念隐喻从而能够更形象地表达出作者的写作意图。

    In some reading discourses , conceptual metaphor can help to present the writer 's intentions .

  9. 而对西塞罗的《论共和国》文本分析,为我们厘清了这种写作意图下西塞罗所代表的古罗马共和观念与写作技巧。

    While the analysis of the text clarified the republic ideas and writing skills represented by Cicero .

  10. 第一章主要介绍撰写本论文的基本要素:背景、写作意图及重要性。

    Chapter 1 represents some basic elements of this thesis , the background , purpose and significance .

  11. 这一文本的形成既有客观的历史文化原因又有作者写作意图的主观原因。

    This text forms with objective social and historical backgrounds and subject writing intent of the author .

  12. 结语,该部分笔者进一步点明本文的写作意图。

    The third part is the conclusion . The writer points out further the intention of this paper .

  13. 文章的引言部分介绍韩流的基本情况和本文的写作意图。

    The article introduction partially introduces the South Korean culture tidal current and this article 's writing intention .

  14. 这正是本篇论文的写作意图&来填补这方面的研究空白。

    This is the purpose of the thesis & to make up for some deficiencies in this field .

  15. 本文即就此而试图以孟德斯鸠的地理学说为突破口对《论法的精神》的写作意图进行解读,借以对孟德斯鸠的地理学说作出法哲学意义上的初步理解。

    This dissertation attempts to analyze the writing intention of the spirit of laws , and understand his Geography theory .

  16. 此外,为了圆满实现自己的写作意图,张彦远还采用了曲解篡改前人文献的做法。

    Besides , to fully realize his intention of writing , Zhang Yanyuan also deliberately distorted and changed earlier texts .

  17. 文章中及物过程的选择可能收到文本自身的文体和写作意图的影响。

    3 , the choice of transitivity processes in the text may be affected by text types and writing purposes .

  18. 因此,报道思想和写作意图可以先行,主题思想却不可先行。

    So ," reporting thinking " and " writing intention " can start off before the others , and the theme of a literary work won 't.

  19. 序论交待了写作意图,说明了主要概念,介绍了研究视角和研究思路。

    Preface is mainly about the intention of the writing , the explanation of some concepts , and the introduction of the structure of the thesis .

  20. 散文的创作者并非冷酷无情,然而任何与其写作意图无关的词语,亦或是图象都休想热昏他的头脑。

    The master of prose is not cold , but he will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose .

  21. 正确选用题材是散文创作中的一项重要工作。这项工作做得怎样,直接影响到作者写作意图的表达,影响着散文的质量。

    Correct choice of subject matter is important in essay creation , which directly affects the expression of the writer 's intention and the essay 's quality .

  22. 首先,它可以帮助学生了解英语词汇衔接的特点,更好地理解语篇结构以及作者的写作意图。

    Firstly , it can help students get a better understanding of the characteristics of English lexical cohesion and thus understand better the structure and purpose of the text .

  23. 引言部分简单介绍丹纳的生平、著述、个性特点以及国内外丹纳研究的成果,并阐述本文的写作意图。

    In preface , it briefly introduces Taine 's life , works and individuality , and studies of him at home and abroad , and then , presents my writing purposes .

  24. 作为西塞罗所借鉴的希腊作家,波利比乌斯的描述表面上看来与西塞罗的相一致,但是,无论是在写作意图还是对罗马所持的观点上,两者并不完全一致。

    As Cicero learnt from the Greek writer Polybius , their descriptions appear to be consistent . However , their writing intentions and their viewpoints about Rome are not entirely consistent .

  25. 语言和历史文化背景有着密切的关系,掌握背景知识有助于学生正确地理解词的内涵、句子段落、篇章以及作者的写作意图和观点。

    Grasping a certain amount of cultural background information can help students understand a word , a sentence , a paragraph , a whole material and the authors writing intention and views correctly .

  26. 归化和异化的运用取决于原作者的写作意图、翻译目的、文本类型和译文读者等。

    The employment of adaptation and alienation is determined by the writing intention of the source text 's author 、 the purpose of translation 、 text type and possible audience of the translated text .

  27. 阿特伍德分享了新版《使女的故事》小说背后的写作意图,说灵感来源于当代“我们生活着的世界”。

    Atwood shared her intentions behind a new Handmaid 's Tale novel in a statement , saying it has been inspired by " the world we 've been living in " in recent years .

  28. 本文的写作意图一是从房地产开发投资的角度对住宅区位理论进行重构,二是以理论分析为基础为房地产企业的住宅开发投资区位选择提供决策参考。

    The intention of this article is fist to reconstruct the residential location theory from the angle of housing development investment , and second to provide some suggestions to location choice on the base of theory analysis .

  29. 在导论中,追溯了《亨利四世》和相关莎士比亚历史剧的研究史,阐述了两个世界的理论来源与依据,以及本文的写作意图。

    In the introductory part , the author gives a review of the studies of Henry IV and other related histories of Shakespeare , the theoretical sources of Two Worlds of Prince Hal and the purpose of this thesis .

  30. 其对于商务英语方向的学生通过识别信函中的评价资源来更好的理解作者的价值观和写作意图、以及在学生今后的写作练习中特别注意评价性资源上具有一定的教学指导意义。

    It provides pedagogical implications for business English students to get a better understanding of business letters by recognizing the writers ' value positions , and pay special attention to the linguistic expressions associated with Appraisal resources in their writing practice .