
  • 网络writing skill
  1. GMAT主要是以电脑测试的方式考察阅读,数学和写作技能。

    The GMAT is a computer test that measures reading , mathematics and writing skills .

  2. 但还有一点也很重要:这笔注资将帮助创建5个新的后IMTA教学单元,以发展教师的案例研究写作技能,加强研究和出版计划。

    Equally importantly , however , the injection of funds will support the creation of five new post-Imta teaching modules to develop case-study writing skills and enhance research and publishing projects .

  3. 此次SAT的改革主要以内容改革为切入点,并新增加了写作技能测试。

    The nSAT reform takes content reform as the cutting-in point , and writing ability test will also be added .

  4. 第三,阅读帮助你发展写作技能。

    Third , reading helps you to develop good writing skills .

  5. 大学英语精读教学与学生写作技能培养

    College English Intensive Reading Teaching and Training Students ' Writing Skills

  6. 并提出了提高科技写作技能的方法。

    Finally put forward some ways to enhance scientific writing skills .

  7. 普通考试主要测试推理,思考和写作技能。

    The general test measures reasoning , thinking and writing skills .

  8. 论提高高校学生英语写作技能的教学方法

    Discussing on Teaching Method of Improving Students ' English Writing Skill

  9. 然而教师对写作技能的重视程度不够。

    The teachers do not pay enough attention to writing .

  10. 运用三联教学策略促英语写作技能提升

    Using triple association teaching strategy to promote English writing skill

  11. 大约三分之一的学生写作技能没有准备好。

    Almost a third are not prepared in writing skills .

  12. 科技期刊编辑与科技写作技能浅谈

    Editor of Science and Technology Periodicals and Scientific Writing Skills

  13. 这就是训练写作技能的必要性了。

    This is the necessities of training written ability .

  14. 另一关键问题是学生的写作技能。

    Another key problem is students ' writing skills .

  15. 他的写作技能帮助他得到了一家报纸的工作。

    His writing skills helped him to get a job working on a newspaper .

  16. 略论学生英语写作技能的培养

    Developing the Students ' Writing Skills in English

  17. 高校应用写作技能培养的教学法研究

    Methodological study of the practical writing in colleges

  18. 汉英信息转换与写作技能的提高

    Chinese-English Message Transformation and Improvement of Writing Skills

  19. 写作技能的训练有利于培养人的综合素质;

    The training of writing skills can benefit the cultivation of man 's comprehensive quality ;

  20. 综上所述,词块法和大学英语写作技能之间存在积极的关系。

    In a word , there is positive relationship between lexical approach and writing skills .

  21. 试论如何应用语篇教学提高英语写作技能

    Improving English Writing Skills Through Discourse Teaching

  22. 写作技能的发展在英语写作教学中一直占有重要的地位。

    In FL teaching in china , the development of writing skills has always been emphasized .

  23. 近60%认为娱乐节目或多或少阻碍了学生的写作技能。

    Nearly 60 % say entertainment media has hurt their writing skills a lot or somewhat .

  24. 我希望能找到一份能发挥我调查和写作技能的工作。

    I 'm looking for a job where my researching and writing skills can be used .

  25. 开展辩论是学生锻炼写作技能,提高写作说服力的好方法。

    Conducting a debate is a good way for students to work on their persuasive writing skills .

  26. 问卷的维度包括写作技能自我效能感、写作任务自我效能感和写作效能感的调节因素。

    The survey mainly consists of three sections including writing skill self-efficacy , writing task self-efficacy and writing moderators .

  27. 与阅读和写作技能相比,学生的商务英语听说能力非常薄弱。

    Compared with reading and writing skills , their listening & speaking abilities in business English are not satisfying .

  28. 我大学时的专业是英语,所以写作技能是我的专业特长。

    My major in college was English , and as a result , my writing skills are my major strength .

  29. 衍射策略是通过激活学生思维,促进其写作技能提高的一种创新型教学模式。

    The " diffraction strategy " is a creative mode of activating students ' thinking and developing their writing skills .

  30. 就英语教学而言,帮助学生提高写作技能意义重大。

    As far as English teaching is concerned , it is essential to help students improve their writing ability in English .