
  • 网络Track design;Rail design
  1. 使用遗传算法和B平面参数进行月球探测器地月转移轨道设计

    Lunar Trajectory Design with GA and B - Plane Parameters

  2. 基于Hill方程的编队卫星群运动分析与轨道设计

    Motion Analysis and Orbit Design of Formation Flying Satellites Based on Hill-Equation

  3. 分布式小卫星SAR轨道设计及其模糊函数分析

    Distributed Micro-satellites SAR Orbit Design and Ambiguity Function Analysis

  4. 对分布式星载干涉SAR的轨道设计进行了研究。

    Have some research on the orbit design of the Distributed Spaceborne SAR System .

  5. 基于Delphi和OpenGL的原子滑车轨道设计平台研究

    The Track Design Platform for the Roller Coaster based on Delphi and OpenGL

  6. LEO卫星轨道设计中的主要摄动源影响评估

    Evaluation of Effects of Main Perturbation Forces on the LEO Orbit Design

  7. 环境减灾-1A、1B卫星星座轨道设计

    HJ-1A / 1B Constellation Orbit Design cislunar satellite

  8. 萤火一号火星探测器的轨道设计和STK仿真

    Orbit Design and STK-Based Simulation for YH-1 Spacecraft to Mars

  9. 基于STK跟踪与数据中继卫星轨道设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of TDRS Orbit on STK

  10. 分析了卫星总体设计中轨道设计、卫星设计和发射选择间的耦合关系与协同效应,建立了MDO的简化模型。

    The coupling relationship and associated effect among orbit design , satellite design and launch determination in the satellite system design were analyzed , and the simplified MDO module was founded .

  11. 本文研究了路径约束条件下的能量最优轨道设计问题,主要包含以下几个方面的内容:首先,提出了一种新的能量最优Lambert问题求解方法。

    This thesis mainly discusses the study of path constrained problem and focuses on the design of fuel optimal orbit transfer with path constraints ; the main content of this thesis is summarized as follows . Firstly , a new algorithm for fuel optimal Lambert problem is proposed .

  12. 2003年发布实施的《定向井轨道设计与轨迹计算》(SY/T5435-2003)新标准,没有规定入靶点坐标的计算公式,也没有给出入靶点所在测段的判别方法。

    The specification about " Directional-Well Trajectory Design and Calculation " released in 2003 did not present the formula for coordinates of entry point to a horizontal target and the discriminant for the surveying interval containing an entry point .

  13. 本文是研究临界倾角和24-h卫星的通约问题,弄清小分母的实质,为人造地球卫星的轨道设计和计算提供可靠的依据。

    This article researches into the problem of the critical inclination and the 24-h satellite , finds out the substance of the problem of small divisors and provides a sound basis for the design and computation of the orbit of an artificial earth satellite .

  14. 基于本文提出的特殊轨道设计方法,开发了向导式的光学遥感轨道设计原型系统(ODPSRSS),提高了特殊轨道设计的工作效率。

    Based on the special orbit design method proposed in this paper , we have developed a wizard-orbit design of optical remote sensing prototype system ( ODPSRSS ) to improve the efficiency of the special orbit design .

  15. 提出设计的一般准则,并通过设计实例说明其设计步骤,最后指出该轨道设计中通常会遇到的问题。

    Design of rock support . The design procedures are illustrated .

  16. 月球探测器直接软着陆最优轨道设计

    Optimal Design of Direct Soft - Landing Trajectory of Lunar Prospector

  17. 限定井眼方向待钻轨道设计的代数法

    An algebraic method of borehole trajectory design with defined borehole direction

  18. 给定井眼方向的修正轨道设计模型的解析解

    Analysis Solutions for Correcting Trajectory Design Model of Given Trajectory Direction

  19. 南京地铁1号线轨道设计技术综述

    Overview of the Track Design Technology in Nanjing Metro Line 1

  20. 地月低能转移轨道设计方法研究

    Research on Low Energy Transfer Trajectory Design Method Between Earth and Moon

  21. 三维水平井轨道设计模糊最优控制模型

    The Fuzzy Optimal Control Models for Designing 3D Trajectory in Horizontal Wells

  22. 追踪星跟踪空间非合作目标的相对轨道设计

    Relative Orbit Design of a Chaser Tracking a Non-cooperative Target in Space

  23. 研究了适宜于光学遥感卫星的特殊组合轨道设计方法。

    Special orbit design methods for optical remote sensing satellites .

  24. 评价的形成性问题;空间站伴随卫星编队飞行轨道设计

    Orbit Design of Concomitant Satellite Formation Flying around Space Station

  25. 限定入靶井斜的双圆弧型纠偏轨道设计问题的全解

    All Solutions to Dual Arc Correcting Trajectory Design with Restricted Target-entering Deviation

  26. 研究结果可应用于卫星轨道设计。

    The result can be used in the design of satellite orbit .

  27. 小行星探测最优两脉冲交会轨道设计与分析

    Design and Analyze Optimum Two-Impulse Transfer Trajectory for Exploring Asteroids

  28. 首都机场线直线电机系统的轨道设计与创新

    Innovative Track Design for the Linear Motor System on Capital Airport Express

  29. 复杂多目标井靶区轨道设计方法研究

    Study on trajectory design in target area for complex multi-target directional well

  30. 混合遗传算法在远程交会轨道设计中的应用

    The Application of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms in Orbit Design for Long-range Rendezvous