
  1. 中国首次实现了两个航天器在轨道中对接成功。

    China has joined two space vehicles together in orbit for the first time .

  2. 但27日该飞船第一次与轨道站对接时失败。

    But on the 27th , the first attempt of the spaceship to dock with the orbital station failed .

  3. 如果提坦Ⅱ将森托尔送人轨道,对接后森托尔还会有足够的能量推进飞船摆脱速度限制。

    If Titan II inserted Centaur into orbit , it would have enough power after docking to boost the spacecraft to escape velocity .

  4. 这将是这架载货飞船最后一次与轨道站对接的机会,因为飞船上燃料已很有限。

    This will be the last chance for this cargo spaceship to dock with the orbital station because the fuel on the spaceship is already very limited .

  5. 我国西南部四川省成都市的天府新区系统科学研究会主任武春风表示,据研究计划推测,人造月球卫星的发射、轨道的对接、展开和照明、调节和控制的实现将在2020年之前完成。

    According to research plans , the verification of launch , orbit injection , unfolding , illumination , adjust and control of the man-made moon will be completed by 2020 , said Wu Chunfeng , head of Tianfu New District System Science Research Institute in Chengdu , Southwest China 's Sichuan province .

  6. 俄货运飞船与和平号轨道站两次对接失败

    Russia 's cargo spaceship failed to dock with the " Peace " orbital station twice

  7. 嫦娥五号的下一个挑战是在绕月轨道上执行交会对接任务。

    The next challenge for the Chang'e-5 is to a rendezvous and docking mission in an orbit around the moon .

  8. 在1985年,JSC工程仿真设施系统工程仿真器得到了扩充,以支持与轨道飞行器有关的空间站设计活动,例如:轨道飞行器的对接方案,利用轨道飞行器远程操纵系统停靠空间站的方案。

    Operations of the JSC engineering simulation facility , the Systems Engineering Simulator , were expanded in 1985 to support Orbiter-related Space Station design activities such as Orbiter docking scenarios and the use of the Orbiter remote manipulator system in Space Station berthing scenarios .

  9. “嫦娥五号”探测器起飞重量8.2吨,包括轨道器、返回器、着陆器、上升器四个部分,将在月球轨道实施无人交会对接。

    Chang'e-5 , comprising an orbiter , a returner , a lander , and an ascender , with a total takeoff mass of 8.2 tonnes , is expected to accomplish unmanned rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit .