
  • 网络Track deviation;Disorder of line
  1. 随着轨道偏差的增大,橇车平均冲击加速度和平均冲击力近似呈线性增长;

    The average impact acceleration and average impact stress of sled train increase approximately in a line with the increase of track deviation .

  2. 本文分析了自伺服过程中产生轨道形状偏差的原因及其带来的径向误差传递现象。

    The paper analyzes the reason of track shape error and the phenomenon of radial error propagation .

  3. 提出了合适的控制策略,通过对瞬时轨道要素偏差进行控制,实现平均轨道要素偏差的调整目的。

    A proper control strategy controlling the transient orbit element errors to realize the modulation of mean orbit element errors was given .

  4. 基于经典轨道要素偏差法分析了相对运动特性和大气阻力对相对运动的影响。

    By using the classical orbit element differences method , the periodic characteristics of relative motion and the influence of atmospheric drag on relative motion were analyzed .

  5. 轨道根数偏差修正的脉冲控制比较研究

    Comparisons of Pulse Controls for Orbit Element Error Modification

  6. 研究了基于小波变换的卫星轨道摄动偏差特征提取方法,能够对轨道摄动偏差做出很好的预测和噪声平滑;

    The characteristic identification method for orbital perturbation difference via wavelet transformation was researched , which has a high performance in prediction for perturbation difference .

  7. 在摄动力分类和轨道摄动偏差统计分析的基础上,给出了一种基于小波变换的卫星轨道摄动时间序列分析建模方法。

    A modeling method on orbital perturbation of satellite by time-sequence analysis based on wavelet transformation was proposed after the classification of perturbation and the statistics analysis of orbital perturbation difference .

  8. 太阳同步卫星轨道参数的容许偏差分析

    A Research on the Permissible Variation of the Sun - Synchronous Repeating Orbit

  9. 基于恒星观测的静止轨道成像仪指向偏差在轨修正

    On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing

  10. 然后以典型轨道为例,分析SGP4/SDP4与标称轨道的偏差。

    Then according to the typical orbits , the precision of SGP4 / SDP4 is analyzed .

  11. 在解析轨道理论基础上,给出了平均轨道要素偏差到瞬时轨道要素偏差的状态转移矩阵。

    On the basis of analytical orbit theory , the state transition matrix from mean to transient orbit errors was put forward .

  12. 飞行任务对卫星轨道提出指标要求,这些指标决定了卫星轨道参数的容许偏差范围。

    In order to complete the flight mission , we must bring forward the requirements of the orbit characteristics .

  13. 可动心轨道岔一动心轨转换结构优化研究基于恒星观测的静止轨道成像仪指向偏差在轨修正

    Transfer Structure Optimization of First Drawing Point in Turn-out with Movable-point Frog On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing