
  • 网络cabin
  1. 软模辅助RTM成型舱段构件及其性能研究

    Fabrication of the Cabin Component by Flexible-mould Assisted RTM Process and Its Performance

  2. 简化的舱段船壳模型试验模态分析

    The experimental modal analysis of model of the simplified hull in the cabin section

  3. 中国空间站整体呈T字构型,核心舱在中间,两边各有一个实验舱,每个舱段规模20吨级。

    The space station will be a T shape with the core module at the center and a lab capsule on each side . Each module will be over 20 tonnes .

  4. 基于此,本文应用ANSYS分析计算了密闭电池舱段内锂离子电池组的温度场,研究了锂离子电池的发热问题。

    In this paper Li-ion batteries ' thermal field in confined battery module is analyzed using ANSYS , its exothermic question is researched .

  5. 运用直接计算法,利用国际上相关成熟的计算程序(Ansys),进行船体结构强度计算,即:首先建立三维舱段模型,对给定的工况,分析载荷情况,计算局部结构强度;

    With the help of the international widely-used software ANSYS , the thesis adopts the Direct Strength Method ( DSM ) to calculate the local structure strength .

  6. 今年9月,宇航员奥列格·斯克里波奇卡在国际空间站俄罗斯舱段使用莫斯科研发的3D打印机开展了这一实验。该实验由美国、俄罗斯和以色列公司合作完成。

    The experiment -- an international collaboration involving US , Russian and Israeli companies -- was carried out in September by cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka in the station 's Russian segment using a 3D printer developed in Moscow .

  7. 本文依据JTP中关于舱段有限元建模的要求,采用有限元软件ANSYS的APDL语言,建立了超大型油船三舱段结构强度评估平台。

    A stress evaluation platform for the oil crude tanker with three cargos is built based on the JTP rules by using the APDL language of ANSYS .

  8. 以舱段单位长度重量最轻为目标函数,选取了20个设计变量,从DNV规范中提取了32个关于总强度、稳定性等要求作为约束条件,并设计了相应的遗传算法数学模型。

    The optimization model with 20 design variables and extract 32 constraint conditions from DNV rules about longitudinal strength and buckling strength is established . Correspondingly , the genetic algorithm model is then built for the optimum design .

  9. 对22000m~3液化气船进行了整船和舱段三维有限元强度计算分析,建立了整船和船体主舱段的三维有限元结构模型。

    A 3 & D finite element structural model for ship hull and it 's main hold sections is established and the strength analysis is made for a 22 000 m3 LPG carrier .

  10. 不同介质中多舱段复杂壳体的振动模态特性研究

    Study of Vibration Mode Characteristic of Multi-Cabin Shell in Different Media

  11. 复合材料舰船典型舱段在水下爆炸载荷下的动力响应

    Dynamic response of a floating composite ship section subjected to underwater blast

  12. 潜艇舱段大尺度模型的声学尺度效应分析

    Investigation of Acoustic Scale Effects for Large Size Model of Submarine Compartment

  13. 油船货油舱段结构最轻设计实用程序

    Optimal Structural Design of the Cargo Oil Tank Segments of the Tanker

  14. 模糊可靠性理论在航天器舱段设计中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Reliability Theory for Design of Flying Vehicles

  15. 舰船舱段模型在水下爆炸作用下的壁压分析

    Wall Pressure Analysis of Cabin Model Subjected to Underwater Explosion

  16. 潜艇舱段结构静动力性能有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis for Static & Dynamic Performance of Submarine 's Compartment Structure

  17. 潜艇舱段氧气泄漏扩散的三维仿真

    3-Dimensional Simulation for Release and Dispersion of Oxygen in Cabin of AIP Submarine

  18. 超小水线面船主机舱段结构优化设计

    Structural optimal design of the main frame of the microminiature waterplane area yacht

  19. 加肋圆柱壳舱段水下声辐射试验研究

    Research on the Model Test of Underwater Sound Radiation for a Ring Stiffened Cylinder

  20. 七万吨自卸散货船货舱段结构有限元强度分析

    Finite element strength analysis of the hold structure of 70800 DWT self-unloading bulk carrier

  21. 远场非接触爆炸作用下舱段模型动态响应的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the dynamic responses to the cabin model under far field non-contact explosion

  22. 大型飞行器舱段数字化装配方法

    Digital assembly method for large aerocraft section

  23. 凸角处设舱壁的轴对称凹凸角舱段优化设计

    Optimization design of axial symmetry concave-convex angle segment structure in the salient ring supported bulkhead

  24. 导弹舱段模拟件在强激光和力学载荷作用下屈曲数值模拟

    The Buckling Numerical Simulation of the Missile Cabin Simulator under Intense Laser Irradiation and Mechanical Load

  25. 基于有限元力矩阵精确确定三舱段有限元模型边界力的计算方法

    Numeral method for accurately determining the boundary forces of 3D FEM model of three cargo holds

  26. 基于频响函数相关系数灵敏度的浮筏舱段有限元模型修正

    Updating Finite Element Model of Cabin with Floating Raft through Sensitivity Analysis of FRF Correlation Coefficient

  27. 飞航导弹舱段模拟件在力和强激光联合作用下弹塑性屈曲的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation that berth pattern of aviation missile begets elastic-plastic buckling with force and strong laser

  28. 热压罐-铺层技术是现阶段航空、航天复合材料构件的主要成型方法,但使用该技术对航天领域大型复杂结构舱段进行整体成型的相关工艺研究很少。

    Nowadays autoclave-overlay technology is the main molding method to fabricate composite components applied in aerospace .

  29. 它将成为站上的一个非常非常整洁的舱段。

    It 's just going to be a really , really neat module for those on board .

  30. 2万2千方液化气船整船和舱段三维有限元强度分析

    3D Finite Element Strength Analysis of Whole Hull and Hold Frame of 22000m ~ 3 LPG Carrier