
cāng mén
  • hatch;cabin door;hatch door
舱门[cāng mén]
  1. 空间站舱门密封结构实验研究

    Experimental Research on Sealing Structure of Space Station Hatch Door

  2. 用于搜索和援救任务,直升飞机能配备一个250公斤能力的起升机,而且吊具安装在右舷舱门上面外部,一个前视红外仪(FLIR)单元和一个探照灯。

    For search and rescue missions , the helicopter can be fitted with a250kg-capacity hoist with winch and scoop fitted externally above the starboard side cabin door , an FLIR unit and a searchlight .

  3. 这架波音767刚刚停住,它的舱门就弹开了。

    The Boeing 767 had barely taxied to a halt before its doors were flung open

  4. 当他们挤进那辆小小的舱门式汽车时,看起来有些过于拥挤。

    It all looked a bit of a squash as they squeezed inside the small hatchback .

  5. 我们听到舱门关上的声音。

    We heard the noise of a hatch being closed .

  6. 11Battendownthehatches未雨绸缪舱门是门的一种,用木条压住舱门意味着关上和锁上舱门。

    A hatch is a type of door , to batten down a hatch means to close and lock the door .

  7. 用MSCNASTRAN生成舱门的柔性体(.MNF)文件与.op2文件;

    Using MSC Nastran creates the soft body of the port ( . MNF ) file and .

  8. Hatches是指甲板上的舱门。

    Hatches are the openings in the deck .

  9. 系列飞机的机身、中央机翼盒及舱门将由沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司(shenyangaircraftcompany)开发提供,这是中国航空工业对西方商用喷气机项目的最大规模参与。

    The CSeries fuselage , centre wing box and doors will be developed and supplied by Shenyang aircraft company , with the Chinese aerospace industry making its biggest engagement in a western commercial jet programme .

  10. 下图中,亚特兰提斯正在靠近ISS,其舱门已经打开,拉斐尔多用途后勤舱闪着微弱的金属光泽。

    Pictured above , Atlantis rises toward the ISS with its cargo bay doors open , showing a gleaming metallic Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module .

  11. AQS在波音飞机舱门上的应用

    Application of AQS on the Door of Boeing Aircraft

  12. 应用该文作者参与开发的非线形有限元软件SHEETFORMING对复杂飞机舱门加强板零件进行橡皮成形的计算机仿真,预示了该零件在多工步橡皮成形中可能出现的毛坯材料厚度变薄现象;

    The rubber forming of the complex plane port was simulated by FEM software SHEET FORMING which is developed with the author ′ s participation . The possible thinning of blank thickness of the part in multi station rubber forming was predicted .

  13. 【电影原声播放】Michaels船长求你了我是船长片刻之后,我们会打开舱门。

    Captain Michaels . Please This is Captain . In a few moments , we will open the gates .

  14. 采用AQS技术对波音飞机舱门外形数据测量点进行分析,查找产品质量波动的原因,制定相应的措施,提高了产品质量。

    The door contour data measuring points of Boeing aircraft are analyzed by using AQS technology . The reasons of the unstable product quality are determined . The corresponding measures are taken .

  15. 空气泄露了,把那他妈的舱门关上。

    We 're losing air , close the gods damn hatch .

  16. 只好请你先把舱门关紧。

    May I suggest that you first make fast the door .

  17. 飞机正常时,舱门与机身平整贴合。

    In normal flight the hatch doors fair into the fuselage .

  18. 可以让我们打开舱门的东西。

    Something that 's gonna help us get into the hatch .

  19. 我找到舱门了!我们回家吧。

    I 've found the hatch . let 's go home .

  20. 关紧舱门.升起锚钩.

    Batten down the hatches . Brad , hoist the anchor .

  21. 安东尼奥那个笨蛋竟然跑去把我们的舱门锁上了。

    That idiot Antonio has gone and locked our cabin door .

  22. 阿姆斯特朗第一个走出舱门,慢慢走下舷梯。

    Armstrong went out first and moved slowly down the ladder .

  23. 飞机舱门在风载作用下的强度

    Intensity of Port of Certain Fighter Plane under Wind Loads

  24. 载人航天器电动兼手动舱门的研究

    Study on an Electric / Manual Hatch for the Manned Space Vehicles

  25. 客车行李舱门四连杆机构的探讨

    Discussion on the Four - bar Linkage of the Bus Luggage Compartments

  26. 炮塔上的舱门都是打开的,后方的也是。

    All turret hatches are open , including the rear loading hatch .

  27. 对飞机舱门做了一点小改动。

    A minor modification to the aircraft 's door has been made .

  28. 检查完成,救生员离开舱门。

    And load check complete . swimmer 's going out the door .

  29. 在机长被锁在舱门外时,副机长蓄意进行了飞机下降。

    He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out .

  30. 哈尔,打开分隔舱舱门。

    Dave Bowman open the pod bay doors , hal .