
shè huì yù fánɡ
  • social prevention
  1. 原有的法律惩治体系和社会预防体系显得相对滞后。

    The existing system of legal punishment and social prevention system lagging .

  2. 生理/心理类型受害者与社会预防导泄机制

    On a Physiological or Psychological Type of Victims and the Mechanism of Social Prevention

  3. 国际社会预防职务犯罪的立法检视

    Review on Legislation of Prevention of Official Crime of International Society

  4. 意外伤害外因及社会预防探讨

    An evaluation of external causes and social prevention of department of epidemiology accidental injuries

  5. 经济犯罪趋势与社会预防

    The Trend of Economic Crime and Society Prevent

  6. 对女性暴力行为的研究及社会预防控制

    A Study of act of violence on women and its social prevention and control

  7. 我国犯罪预防模式应是在我国犯罪综合治理方针的指导下所采取的犯罪综合预防模式,而不是单一的犯罪预防模式。其具体内容是:坚持社会预防;

    The criminal prevention model must have taken the criminal comprehensive prevention model under the criminal comprehensive management policy guiding .

  8. 《联合国反腐败公约》提出,治理腐败犯罪必须建立一套科学的、可行的、综合的社会预防机制。

    Comparison between the United Nations Convention against Corruption and Bribery in the Private Sector in Criminal Law of China ;

  9. 遏制家庭暴力的主要途径是社会预防和依法治理。

    The principal ways to keep the fanily violence within limits are the prophylaxis society and the management according to law .

  10. 社会预防:将村官编制化进行正规管理,进行村官在职离职审计,加强监督管理。

    Community prevention : establishing the village officials to conduct regular management , auditing when retirement and working and strengthening the supervision and management .

  11. 我国向来对司法预防和社会预防比较重视,而对情景预防关注不够。

    China always attached great importance to the judicial prevention and the society prevention , but seldom paid attention to the situational crime prevention .

  12. 设备在1969年获得了专利,布朗的这项发明成为了现代家庭安保设备,社会预防犯罪设施,交通监控设施得以发展的基本架构。

    Patented in 1969 , the Browns " invention is now the framework for modern home security , crime prevention , and traffic monitoring 。 4 .

  13. 针对盗窃犯罪,我国采取了司法预防、社会预防等犯罪预防措施,一定程度上遏制了盗窃犯罪。

    In spite of the gradual improvement of the criminal legislation against larceny and its containment to some extent through judicial crime prevention and social crime prevention .

  14. 刑事和解制度通过有效缓和人际关系,使冲突得以彻底解决,其比传统司法更能实现社会预防之功能。

    Criminal reconciliation system solves disputes and conflicts completely by effectively easing interpersonal relations , which is better for realizing the function of social precaution than traditional judicial .

  15. 当前的国际恐怖活动具有新的形式和特征,给国际社会预防、打击国际恐怖犯罪造成极大困难。

    The present international terrorist activity has new form and characteristic , it causes the great difficulty to prevent , attack the international terrific crime for the international community .

  16. 对于青少年犯罪应从以下几方面预防:一是家庭预防,二是学校预防,三是社会预防。

    We should prevent from the following aspects of teenagers ' crimes : first , the family prevents ; second , the school prevents ; third , the society prevents .

  17. 对于城市社区的犯罪除了必须的社会预防和司法预防方法之外,情景预防方法的采用具有现实意义。

    With regard to crime prevention is when community , it is essential to implement the strategy of situation prevention , besides social and juridical prevention , which is of immediate significance .

  18. 《国际卫生条例》基本宗旨是帮助国际社会预防和应对有可能跨越国界,并威胁到世界各国人民的紧急公共卫生风险。

    The basic purpose of the IHR is to help the international community prevent and respond to acute public health risks that have the potential to cross borders and threaten people worldwide .

  19. 作为本文研究对象的艾滋病预防涉及的就是艾滋病的行为预防和社会预防,即艾滋病宣传教育和行为干预工作。

    AIDS Prevention , as the study of this dissertation , refers to the behavioral prevention and social prevention , that is to say , AIDS Publicity and education , behavioral intervention .

  20. 情境预防是近年来世界范围内犯罪预防的主流理论之一,其在西方国家取得的显著成效,使之与社会预防、司法预防鼎足而立。

    Situational crime prevention is one of the mainstream theories on crime prevention throughout the world in recent years . With its evident effects , it now plays as an important role as social prevention and judicial prevention .

  21. 在目前尚无疫苗和根治药物,且技术前景并不乐观的情况下,艾滋病的行为预防和社会预防尤显重要。

    At this moment , vaccine and medicine for treating are not available , and the prospect for technology becomes far from optimistic . In such a case , both behavioral prevention and social prevention for AIDS are especially significant .

  22. 在网络犯罪心理的社会预防中主要论述了建设健康的网络文化和净化网络环境两个方面的内容,由于政府预防的国家机器等特征,笔者将其单列在后论述。

    In the social prevention , there are mainly two parts , construct healthy network culture and purify the environment . Though government prevention belongs to the social prevention , because of its feature of nation administration , it is stated afterwards specially .

  23. 作为国家和社会预防及控制犯罪、解决社会治安问题、维护社会稳定的原则和方针,刑事政策在构建社会主义和谐社会过程中发挥着重要而显著的作用。

    As the principle and guideline of the government and society to prevent and control crimes , solve social security problems and maintain social stability , criminal policy plays an important and remarkable role in the process of building a harmonious socialist society .

  24. 针对社会预防,提出了提高公众防控意识、减少引发人们消极情绪的社会因素、增设心理咨询机构、加强社会治安综合治理的防控建议。

    For social prevention , prevention and control are made to raise public awareness , to reduce negative emotions cause people to social factors , to set additional psychological counseling agencies , to strengthen prevention and control of social security comprehensive management proposal .

  25. 基于世界范围内天灾人祸的严峻形势,作者简述了灾害发生、发展的自然和人为因素,即环境恶化、化学与辐射灾祸增多和交通事故日趋严重,并提出了相应的社会预防措施;

    Because of the severe situation of disasters worldwide , natural and man-made factors of disaster occurrence and development , including environment deterioration and increase in chemical , radiant and traffic disasters are described . The social prevention and control measures of disasters should be put forward .

  26. 难道我们就不能想象一个重视重归社会重视预防犯罪和城市包容性而不是只重视惩罚的司法系统吗?

    Can we imagine a criminal justice system that prioritizes recovery , prevention , civic30 inclusion , rather than punishment ? ( Applause )

  27. 青少年犯罪危险因素、保护因素及其社会生态学预防模式的探讨

    Risk Factors , Protective Factors and Socio-ecological Preventive Model of Juvenile Delinquency

  28. 街面侵财型犯罪的社会化预防

    On the Public Prevention of Street Offences against Property

  29. 青少年网络被害预防包括社会被害预防、群体被害预防和个体被害预防三方面。

    The victimizing-prevention of adolescent on internet includes social victimizing-prevention , group victimizing-prevention and individual victimizing-prevention .

  30. 该法由国家最高立法机构通过,旨在推进和规范社区矫正工作,帮助社区矫正对象更好地融入社会,预防和减少犯罪。

    Adopted by the country 's top legislature , the law aims to advance and standardize community correction work , help the subjects better re-integrate into society and prevent and reduce crime .