
  • 网络society and culture;Society&Culture;Society & Culture
  1. 里奇先生每周将就美国社会与文化发表两篇评论文章。

    Mr Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture .

  2. 信任:心理、社会与文化的三重视角

    Trust : Triple Perspectives of Psychology , Society And Culture

  3. 公民的政治权利和经济、社会与文化权利之间的关系;

    The relationship between political , economic , social and cultural rights ;

  4. 人类学中有关人类社会与文化的研究。

    The branch of anthropology that deals with human culture and society .

  5. 习语是一个社会与文化很重要的一部分。

    Idioms are an important part of language and culture of a society .

  6. 论宋代社会与文化发展的不平衡性

    The disequilibrium between the development of society and culture in the Song Dynasty

  7. 论汉语外来词语的社会与文化价值

    Discussion on Social and Cultural Value of Chinese Loanwords

  8. 戒毒社区建设应着重抓好两大方面的问题:一要营造良好的物质、社会与文化环境。

    The development of drug treatment community should deal with two major issues .

  9. 英。桑德斯教授,澳洲西澳大学社会与文化学院院长。

    Professor Ian Sanders , Head of School , Social and Cultural Studies .

  10. 尊敬父母为中国社会与文化的重要价值观。

    Respect for parents is considered a key value in Chinese society and culture .

  11. 19世纪美国社会与文化的主流,由长老会,美国版本的加尔文主义领导!

    American society in 19th century - led by American Calvinism and Presbyterian Church .

  12. 这一过程是经济,科技,社会与文化和政治等各种力量共同作用的产物。

    This process is a combination of economic , technological , sociocultural and political forces .

  13. 互联网的崛起是20世纪一个重要的社会与文化事件。

    The rising of the internet is an important social and cultural affair in 20th century .

  14. 基督教传入大同时佛教在当地已经成功地融入了当地的社会与文化。

    When came to Datong , Buddhism had been successfully blended into the local culture and religion .

  15. 换言之,族群、社会与文化实际上构成的是一种动态发展的互动关系。

    In other words , interaction relationship among ethnic group , society and culture are dynamic actually .

  16. 这是对米开朗琪罗生活和工作的社会与文化背景的研究。

    It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked .

  17. 经济人类学在当代已成为理解社会与文化人类学的一个枢纽和核心领域。

    Economic anthropology has become a hub and the nuclear field of understanding social and cultural anthropology today .

  18. 但与此同时,社会与文化背景的不同,却又使郁达夫与劳伦斯在性爱描写上表现出巨大的差异。

    Nevertheless , different social and cultural background makes the great varieties in the sexual description between them .

  19. 每个民族的婚俗都随着社会与文化的演进而发生改变。

    The marriage customs of all ethnic nations are changing along with the evolution of society and culture .

  20. 本文分别举例阐述了部分与语境密切相关的因素:解释功能、合作和暗含功能、合作原则的违反、礼貌原则和社会与文化功能对英语话语意义的影响。

    This article tends to discuss how context , which is concerned with cooperative principle , politeness principle etc.

  21. 其次,代具有深刻的社会与文化含义。

    From then on , theses theories have become very important in the field of society and culture in west .

  22. 对海南近代建筑历史乃至中国近代建筑历史的研究具有特殊的社会与文化意义。

    The research of Hainan Modern Architectural History and the Chinese Modern Architectural History has special social and cultural significance .

  23. 它们的成长,不仅关系着我国的经济发展,而且也关系着我国的社会与文化的进步。

    Their growth is concerned with not only the development of our economy , but also the advance of our society and culture .

  24. 政治人格包含意识和无意识两个层面的内容,中国传统的社会与文化塑造了中国人的群体政治人格特征。

    Political personality involves two dimensions : consciousness and unconsciousness , Chinese traditional society and culture shaped the characteristics of Chinese political personality .

  25. 我认为,这座建筑应该作为奥克兰一个强大的社会与文化资源,在外形和寓意上都与这座城市彼此相联。

    I thought this building should be physically and symbolically connected with the city as a powerful social and cultural resource for Oakland .

  26. 翻译并非是在两种语言的真空中进行的,而是特定历史,社会与文化的产物。

    Translation is not made in vacuum of two languages , it is a product of a certain society , history and culture .

  27. 文学是社会与文化的缩影,是文化的最大承载者,因此文学语言通常都具有丰富的文化内涵,带有明显的文化色彩。

    Literature is the miniature of society and the largest carrier of culture . Literary language is known for its rich cultural connotations .

  28. 此一研究最终的冲击是,为中国城市在转变年代的社会与文化,开启新的认识途径。

    The net impact of this study is to open a new way of understanding Chinese urban society and culture during these transformative years .

  29. 宗教作为一种文化形式,在人类社会与文化发展中有其独特的传统价值与历史地位。

    As a kind of cultural form , religion has its unique traditional value and historical status in the evolution of human society and culture .

  30. 我说我设计这个课题,不是要简单考察英文教与学的细节,而是涉及当代中国本身的社会与文化限定。

    I said that the way in which I envisaged this English-in-China project didn 't simply deal with the minutiae of teaching and learning the language .