
  1. 供热行业一直被世界各国作视为社会公用事业,被实施严格的政府规制。

    Heating industry has been implemented strict government regulation , which has been regarded as social utility in the countries around the world .

  2. 电力工业是国民经济重要的基础产业,又是资金密集型、技术密集型和网络性行业,是社会公用事业的重要组成部分。

    Power industry is an important foundational industry of national economy . Concentrated by fund , network and technology , it is an important part of society public facilities .

  3. 邮政事业是国家重要的社会基础公用事业,邮政网络是国家重要的通信基础设施。

    Postal business is the important social basic utilities for the whole nation and postal network is the important national communications infrastructure .

  4. 特许经营已成为吸引社会资本投向公用事业和基础设施建设的有效办法。

    Franchised management has become an effective method of drawing social capital into public utilities and infrastructure .

  5. 为解决建设公用事业资金紧缺的问题,通过政府授予私营企业或外商企业特许经营权,实行特许经营管理,就成了吸引社会资本投向公用事业建设的有效办法。

    In order to solve the lack of funding in public facility construction , it is an effective way to attract social capital that government awards concession to private or foreign company for executing the project .

  6. 通过这五部分的分析,探索公用事业产品价格形成机制,建立既有经济效益又体现社会效益的公用事业价格管理模式。

    I want to find out the formation mechanism of the price of Public Utilities through the analysis of these five parts , and to establish the administrative system of price of Public Utilities that can result in not only economic benefit but also social benefit .

  7. 请看一下Facebook开发人员展示(请参考参考资料获得链接),您将看到数以百计的真实应用程序,它们处于各种不同的类别&新闻、体育、社会公益活动、公用事业、评论、本地,等等。

    Take a look at the Facebook Developer Showcase ( see Resources for a link ), and you 'll see hundreds of live applications in a variety of categories & news , sports , social good , utilities , reviews , local , and more .

  8. 因此,民商法的调整重设了政府作为经济社会管理者对公用事业公司的经济性和社会性公法规制的内容和方式。

    In a word , adjusting commercial laws resets how government , the manager of economy and society , can engage public utility enterprises to be economical and societal with modifying contents and styles .

  9. 风力发电既能节约化石能源,产生显著的环境效益和社会效益,又具有电力社会公用事业的基本性质。

    As one kind of renewable energy power generation , wind power generation can not only save the fossil energy and generate remarkable environment and social benefits , but also has the property of social public cause of the power industry .