
shè huì zhǔ yì fǎ zhì
  • socialist legality;socialist legal system
  1. 能否正确运用这项措施直接关系到维护社会主义法制,保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯等问题。

    The proper employment of this measure is directly related to the maintenance of socialist legality , to the protection of people 's lawful rights and interests against infringement .

  2. 社会主义法制和社会主义精神文明对社会生活有共同的要求,社会主义法制不仅使社会主义精神文明建设制度化,而且为精神文明建设提供了良好的环境。

    Socialist legality and socialist culture and ethics both govern the society . Legality can not only institutionalize and regularize culture and ethics , but also provide good environment for culture and ethics .

  3. 他对如何加强我国社会主义法制建设进行了全面论述,创造性地提出了一系列关于社会主义法制的理论、方法、政策。

    He comprehensively expounded how to strengthen our socialist legal construction .

  4. 确立了社会主义法制建设的战略地位;

    It establishes the strategical status of the socialist legal system ;

  5. 社会主义法制要按法制基本要求办事。

    Handling affairs according to the basic request of socialism legal system .

  6. 建设现代化的社会主义法制国家。

    The socialism legal system that developments modernize is national .

  7. 中国先进文化与社会主义法制建设息息相关。

    Advanced Chinese culture is closely related to socialist legal system construction .

  8. 社会主义法制建设新的里程碑

    The New Monument of the building of Socialistic Law System

  9. 通过上述业务活动,进行社会主义法制宣传。

    To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services .

  10. 论纳西族共同心理与我国社会主义法制

    The common psychology of Naxi and the socialist legal system of China

  11. 谈我国社会主义法制建设基本原则的确定

    On the Establishment of Basic Principle of Socialist Legal System in Our Country

  12. 当代中国政治文化现代化的实践主题&从加强社会主义法制建设到建设社会主义政治文明

    The Theme in the Practice of the Modernization of Contemporary Chinese Political Culture

  13. 健全社会主义法制是时代的要求。

    China need a perfect socialist legal system .

  14. 规章制度,法律,社会惯例。加强社会主义法制建设。

    Rules and regulations and laws and social conventions . Improve the socialist legal system .

  15. 社会主义法制教育是建设社会主义法制国家的重要手段。

    Socialism legal system education is a vital means to construct socialism legal system country .

  16. 我国已将商业秘密法律保护作为完善社会主义法制建设的内容之一。

    Our country has laws to protect trade secrets as perfecting the socialist legal system .

  17. 社会主义法制建设理论的历史发展

    The Historical Development of Socialist Legislation Theories

  18. 这与我国建立社会主义法制国家的目标不符。

    This is inconsistent with China to establish national goals of the socialist legal system .

  19. 第五条国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。

    Article 5 . The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system .

  20. 从而使能动司法的理念更好的为社会主义法制建设服务。

    So that , active judicial concept can be better serviced for the socialist legal system .

  21. (二)加强社会主义法制建设。

    Improve the socialist legal system .

  22. 实行判例制度对于完善社会主义法制,实现司法公正具有重要的现实意义。

    It will have important realistic significance for consummating our socialistic legal system and achieving judicial justice .

  23. 三代领导人在不同的历史时期对社会主义法制理论作出了不同的历史贡献。

    Three generations of leaders made different historical contributions to socialist legislative theories at different historical periods .

  24. 法律基础课是一门针对大学生进行社会主义法制教育的思想品德课。

    While the Course of Law Foundation suits the necessity to give university students socialist legal systematic education .

  25. 经济法规制度的量化研究,是社会主义法制建设的重要内容。应按经济规律加强财经制度量化规定研究。

    The quantitative research in economic laws and regulations is an important task to the socialist legal construction .

  26. 检察权是法律监督权,对于健全社会主义法制意义重大。

    The prosecutorial power is the right to legal supervision , improving the socialist legal significance of a major .

  27. 宪法规定:“国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。”

    The Constitution stipulates : " The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system . "

  28. 首先,在我国《民法典》的制订中应充分认识代理和无权代理制度规范化,对我国社会主义法制经济建设的重要意义,将代理和无权代理以专章专节加以规定。

    Firstly , the system of the unauthorized agency should be emphasized in the coming civil law code of China .

  29. 在文化上,加强社会主义法制建设和道德建设能促进社会主义文化的繁荣与发展。

    In culture , socialist legal construction and moral construction will witness the flourishing of the socialist culture in china .

  30. 同时也是对我国社会主义法制建设的-个完善,使得我国的法律体系更加严密、充实、合理。

    This is also a perfect Chinese socialist legal system , Chinese legal system more closely , fulfilling and reasonable .