
cǎo ɡēn jiē cénɡ
  • 熟语Grassroots;the grass roots;lower-class;The unwashed;the great unwashed;lower social strata;people of lower classes
  1. 开源世界的创造,来自于草根阶层。

    Creativity bubbles up from the grass roots .

  2. 平静的电影叙事手法渗透着电影导演对草根阶层的深切关爱,近乎真实的电影场景搬演,全方位展示草根阶层的现状。

    Quiet film narration with film director on the grass roots penetrate deep love , almost a real movie scene rarer full display of the status of the grassroots .

  3. NPR报道称这一善举正在受到欧洲其他地区的响应,而这杯待用咖啡已然成为草根阶层团结一致的象征。

    The NPR reported that the practice is now spreading to other parts of Europe and the prepaid cup of coffee has become a symbol of grassroots solidarity .

  4. 虽然有些核能项目动辄要花费几十亿美元,比如法国的国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)和美国加州的美国国家点火装置(NationalIgnitionFacility),但是这并不意味着在核能领域就完全没有草根阶层可以施展拳脚的空间。

    International government projects like ITER in France and the National Ignition Facility in California may have spent billions of dollars in pursuit of the technology , but that doesn 't mean there can 't be a little grassroots action , too .

  5. 在网络媒体所引领的web2.0时代里,网络传播以空前的影响力介入到人类社会的生活当中,并为草根阶层的话语奋兴提供了有力的技术支持与宽容、开阔的自由领域。

    Under the Web 2.0 time guided by the network media , the network transmission gets involved into the life of human society with unprecedented influence , and provides a vigorous technique support and a free realm with tolerance and openness for the language revivals of the ' Grassroots ' .

  6. 这种体制导致了各课程权力主体间发生了较严重冲突。冲突既在草根阶层与精英阶层之间上演,同时也在精英集团内部展开。

    This system caused serious conflicts between the grassroots level and elites , simultaneously also in the elites interior .

  7. 这个月,他发起了“99周人”联盟的活动,“99周人”联盟成为了由18个草根阶层网络团体组成的联合组织。

    This month he launched the 99ers Union , an umbrella organization of 18 Internet-based grassroots groups of 99ers .

  8. 有趣的是草根阶层对于云服务的采纳迫使云服务提供商,包括微软在内,重新思考他们的服务策略。

    It is certainly interesting that grassroots adoption of cloud services is forcing cloud vendors including Microsoft to rethink the services strategy .

  9. 通过与观点相近的人分享思路和认知,草根阶层开始尝试改变社会。

    It is in sharing ideas and understandings with others with similar views that grassroots efforts begin to attempt to change society .

  10. 这样的举动存在风险,因为它意味着政府把权力下放给草根阶层,有可能造成未知的政治影响。

    Such a move would be risky , because it would mean devolving power from the state to the grassroots , with unknown political ramifications .

  11. 但巴基斯坦的草根阶层则永远处于发展变化中,为了寻找负担得起的方式来满足自身的基本需求,民众展现出了无穷的创造力。

    Yet , at the grassroots , Pakistan is in perpetual motion , with ceaseless creativity as people find affordable solutions to their basic needs .

  12. 周星驰从小在草根阶层长大,生活的艰辛和生存境遇的坎坷使他更加体会到草根阶层的生活状态与底层人民的生存境遇。

    Stephen Chow grew up in the grass-root class , so he know the living conditions of the grass-root people from the hardships of rough life .

  13. 从草根阶层到乡村管理者&50例农村女性管理者成长个案分析

    From Persons at the " Grassroots " Level to Managers in Rural Areas & Case Study of the Growth to Maturity of 50 Rural Female Managers

  14. 这个工作组说,在发展中国家,让处于草根阶层的女性参与到科学中来并赋予她们权利,这对于发展中国家的技术能力建设“至关重要”。

    Within the developing world , the panel describes the engagement and empowerment of women at the grassroots level as " essential " to building technological capacity .

  15. 时下有许多划分人生份的标准,诸如白领蓝领,最下层的好像叫做草根阶层。

    Nowadays there are many copies of the standard classification of life , such as white-collar blue-collar , as if the lowest level is called the grass roots .

  16. 除了试图说服国会成员外,总统还再次利用竞选的方式争取草根阶层的支持,以推动经济刺激计划的通过。

    In addition to persuading members of Congress , the president went back into campaign mode to win passage of the stimulus bill , reaching out for grassroots support .

  17. 法律和政策不应由国会或参议院制订,而是应该授权草根阶层的人们管理国家。

    In my opinion , laws and policies should not be made in parliament or senate but people at grass root level should be empowered to govern the country .

  18. 伴随着互联网的勃兴,越来越多的草根阶层借助网络自由、开放的平台,展开对话语权和自我认同感的狂热追求。

    Along with the Internet development , more and more grassroots network of have the aid of free , open platform , unfolding discourse right and identity of the cult .

  19. 而在1959年创作的小说《一名长跑运动员的孤独》中,作家借主人公史密斯之口也为那些轻微犯罪的草根阶层——教养院男孩发言:

    But Mr Sillitoe spoke too , in the voice of Smith in " The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner " ( 1959 ) , for the petty-criminal underclass , Borstal boys :

  20. 文章也探讨了教育对于普通城镇和农村的草根阶层的现实成长的影响,并进一步深入到探讨人生、命运与教育的关系。

    The essay also probes into educational effects on the people from the grass-root stratum in the ordinary town and countryside and further inquiries into the relations among life , fate and education .

  21. 在共和党草根阶层她非常受欢迎,并作为可能2012的总统候选人被提及,她陷入了一系列的道德丑闻中去,使她明星效应黯然失色。

    A popular figure with the Republican grassroots and mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in2012 , she has become ensnared in a series of ethics scandals that have dimmed her star appeal .

  22. 第三为了便于研究,本章把我国消费者分为三个不同阶层:草根阶层、中产阶级、精英阶层,分析了时尚杂志与不同阶层女性消费者的关系和产生的影响。

    Third in the part the Consumers are divided into three classes : the grassroots , the middle class , and elite , and then analyzed the relations between magazines and costumers in different class .

  23. 作为艺术形象的鼠被主流社会忽视,而流行于民间草根阶层,是典型的草根艺术。

    As an artistic image of the rat has been popular in the mainstream society neglect the grassroots civil society , Is a typical grass-roots art has also become a symbol of the spirit of grassroots .

  24. 本论文正是从这些细微但真实存在之处进行探讨,开掘美华文学中草根阶层的华人在一个多种族国家的心态史。

    In this paper , all these subtle but real existence would be discussed , and the psychology changing history of Chinese in the grass-root class of the Chinese-American literature in a multi-race would also be studied .

  25. 同是政协委员的韩爱萍,每天奔走于向草根阶层推广体育运动。她说,申办冬奥会,能在这个世界上人口最多的国家,深入推广健康的生活方式。

    Han Aiping , also a CPPCC member whose daily work is promoting sports at the grassroots level , said that hosting an Winter Olympics in China can further popularize healthy life style in the world 's most populous nation .

  26. 中国电影在注重反映当代草根阶层人物生活方式的同时,开始一系列喜剧创新与转型的尝试,让观众从大荧幕上找回温情和欢乐,让人们从电影文化中找到陶冶身心的信念支撑。

    While focusing on the grassroots life , Chinese movies are beginning a series of innovation and change in comedy , providing viewers with warmth and happiness and the faith to hold themselves , through the large-screen reflecting the movie culture .

  27. 距离苏格兰全民公投是否脱离英国成为独立国家还有八个星期,双方阵营已经开始了宣传攻势&不仅面向草根阶层,也在明星中展开。

    Eight weeks before a referendum on whether Scotland should break away from Britain and become an independent country , the yes and no camps have stepped up their campaigning & not just down at the grass roots , but among the stars .

  28. 距离苏格兰全民公投是否脱离英国成为独立国家还有八个星期,双方阵营已经开始了宣传攻势——不仅面向草根阶层,也在明星中展开。

    Eight weeks before a referendum on whether Scotland should break away from Britain and become an independent country , the yes and no camps have stepped up their campaigning - not just down at the grass roots , but among the stars .

  29. 即便是在德国、西班牙和意大利等历史悠久的民主国家,社交媒体上的虚假新闻报道和仇恨言论也在煽动草根阶层的民粹主义运动。它们常将目标对准最近大量涌入的中东难民,以在选举中获得更广泛的支持。

    Even in long-established democracies like Germany , Spain and Italy , false news reports and hate speech on social media have whipped up grass-roots populist movements , which have often targeted the recent influx of Middle Eastern refugees , to garner wider electoral support .

  30. 社区记忆因素在现代经济发展中的角色&东北S镇草根性经济阶层的实证分析

    The Role of Community 's Memory Factor in Modern Economic Development & Positive Analysis to Grass-roots Economic Stratums of the Northeastern S Town