
  • 网络grassland resources
  1. 三明市草场资源开发建设及其利用的研究

    Study on exploitation and utilization of grassland resources in Sanming city

  2. 青海省环湖片草场资源合理利用的探讨

    The grassland resources around Qinghai Lake and its rational utilization

  3. 香格里拉区域森林和草场资源的可持续性分析

    A Sustainable Analysis on Forest and Pasture Resources in Shangri-la Region

  4. 神木试区草场资源现状及评价

    Existing Situation and Evaluation of Grassland Resource in the Shenmu Experimental Area

  5. 湘西州山地草场资源开发与畜牧业发展战略研究

    Research on Grass Resources Development & Animal Husbandry Developing Strategy

  6. 吐鲁番盆地天然草场资源评价及其合理利用

    Evaluation and rational utilization of the natural grassland resource in Turpan Basin

  7. 草场资源综合评价的数学模型

    Mathematical model for multifactorial evaluation of natural grassland resources

  8. 同江市草场资源及其合理利用

    Grassland resource and its rational utilization in Tongjiang City

  9. 草场资源遥感调查专家系统模型

    An Expert System Model of Grass Resource Investigation by Using Remote Sensing Data

  10. 阿拉善岭南沟流域草场资源类型及评价

    The types and evaluation of Lingnan Valley grassland resources

  11. 黄土高原地区草场资源与畜牧业的发展战略初探

    An strategic approach to grassland resources and animal husbandry development in Loess Plateau

  12. 黑龙江省的草场资源及其开发利用方向研究

    Research on pasture resources and direction of exploitation and utilization of it in Heilongjiang Province

  13. 对草场资源进行了评价,总结了草场培育经验及利用方式;

    The grassland resource is evaluated , managing experience and use waye of grassland are summarized .

  14. 新疆库车县草场资源开发利用中存在的问题及其对策

    Some existed problems and their countermeasures of exploiting grassland resources in Kuqa county , Xinjiang , China

  15. 结果表明,数学模型本身具有较高的灵敏度,可以应用于评价我国北方天然草场资源。

    It is proved that the model is highly accurate and is suitable for the evaluation of the natural grassland resources of China .

  16. 然而,近年来由于牛,绵羊,山羊和马的过度使用,草场资源快速退化。

    Recent intense utilisation by cattle , sheep , goats and horses , however , has resulted in rapid deterioration of the grassland resource .

  17. 通过对不同年代草场资源调查,分析了自然和人为因素对草场退化的影响。

    Based on investigation of grassland resources in different periods , influence imposed by natural and human factors upon the ecological environment is examined in this paper .

  18. 这是一个网络数据库。它是按照1978&1985年我国统一的草场资源调查技术规程的有关规定对数据进行登记、分类、统计、计算。

    It was classified , registered , calculated and statistically analysed according to the National Unified Technical Regulations of 1978 & 1985 on the Investigation of Rangeland Resources .

  19. 通过运行和检索证实,它对草场资源的管理、开发利用、预测预报和学术研究等有着实际应用价值。

    Through the operation and retrieval it is proved useful and practical in development , management of rangeland resources as well as in forcast , predication the conditions of rangeland .

  20. 本文揭示了香格里拉区域森林草场资源可持续发展的现状及存在的主要问题,并提出了制度创新的思路。

    This article has promulgated the current situation and main questions on the sustainable development of Shangri-la 's forests and pasture resources , and proposed the measures of system innovation .

  21. 其次,在第一产业中,加大牧业、林业和渔业比重,尤其是利用草场资源,发展草食性牲畜。

    Secondly , the proportion of animal husbandry , forestry and fishery should be raised in the primary industry and the grassland should also be used to raise herbivorous animals .

  22. 上世纪90年代以来,香格里拉区域的生态环境价值高度凸显,域内丰富的森林草场资源对区域可持续发展有着突出的意义。

    Since 1990 's , the value of ecology and environment appears high in Shangri-la region , in which rich forests and pasture resources have the prominent significance to the regional sustainable development .

  23. 海拔在4300米以下的高原山区和高原坝区的沼泽、沼泽化草甸、高山亚高山草甸适宜作为发展牧业的草场资源;

    Swamp , swampy grass marshland , high and semi-high mountain grass marshland types in the plateau mountain areas and plains with altitude below 4300m , are suitable for developing into grass resources for livestock farming .

  24. 通过分析喜德县畜牧业的生产现状、畜禽品种结构和数量、草场资源、疫病防制和生态环境等,以及存在的问题。

    In this paper the author discusses the present situation of Xide animal husbandry for production actuality , breed structure of livestock and poultry , resources of grass field , prevention of epidemic diseases and environment and analyzes its existent problems .

  25. 放眼整个地球,自然资源迅速耗减甚至枯竭,如森林资源持续不足,草场资源严重退化,淡水资源日显匮乏,土地资源日益恶化,物种资源不断减少,矿产资源几近耗竭。

    Looking at the whole world , the natural resources are being the rapid depletion , such as the continuing lack of forest ; serious degradation of grassland , significant shortages of freshwater ; deteriorating land ; declining species ; depletion of mineral resources nearly .

  26. 根据该地区草本植被类型及其生态条件,将草场资源划分为4大类(草旬草场、沼泽草甸草场、沼泽草场和疏林灌丛草场)14个组。

    According to the herbaceous vegetation types and their ecological conditions , the grassland resources in San-jiang plain can be divided into four main groups : meadow grassland , marsh meadow grassland , marsh grassland and thin forest and bush-wood grassland of the fourteen types of grassland .

  27. 结果表明,建立高投入、高产出的良性生态经济循环系统,是根本解决本区环境与杜会经济之间矛盾,保持草场资源持续发展的最佳途径。

    The result shows the best way is to set up a benign ecology economy circulatory system of high investment and high yield , in order to thoroughly solve the contradiction between the environment and social economy in this region and keep the pasture resources continuously developing .

  28. 三牧问题的成因与出路&兼论中国草场的资源整合

    The Causes of Formation and the Outlets of the Three Dimensional Issues of Animal Husbandry , Herdsman and Pastoral Area : Simultaneously Discussion on the Integration of Grass Resources in China

  29. 具体措施有:保护好现有的天然草场和草资源;大规模种草种树;

    Specific measures to be taken are : Affording a good protection to the existing natural grasslands and the grass resources ;

  30. 水土流失、地质灾害,草场退化、资源过度开采、生物多样性丧失、人类经济活动产生的环境污染等深入影响着该区域的生态环境质量。

    Erosion of water and soil , geological disasters , pasture degeneration , resource exploitation , loss of biodiversity and the environment pollution from human economic activities deeply affect the ecological environment quality in this region .